
How to Get More Help When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

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How to Get More Help When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed


If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to seek out more help. This may involve talking to a parent, reaching out to a grown-up, or joining a community group. But if you’re not ready to talk to anyone, you can start by looking for solutions in small steps. Once you’ve identified the problem and what you want to change, it’ll be much easier to take the next steps.

You’re not ready to ask for help

It can be difficult to ask for help, especially if you’re struggling with mental illness. Some people are afraid of being hospitalized or forced to get treatment. Others are afraid of the pain it may cause. Whatever the reason, you should stay strong and try to find someone who can help you. One way to do that is to write down your feelings so that others can see what’s going on.

You’re not ready to talk to a parent

It can be difficult to break bad news to your parents or discuss personal matters with them. You might not know how they’ll react or how to find the right words to say. It may be helpful to sit down and think about what you want your parents to know. Maybe you need their advice or permission to do something, or you simply need to talk about a problem.

When talking with a parent, try to find a time when you’re both free and comfortable. If you can’t get away from distractions or other people, try meeting with one parent at a time. You might also want to prepare for the conversation by researching the subject online or taking a mental health screening. Or you could even write a script of what you’d like to say.

You’re not ready to join a community group

If you’ve been wondering why you can’t join a community group, it’s probably because you’re not ready. Some people are just never ready to join a group; however, most people can become a member if they are willing to put in the effort. In addition, most people don’t want to invite everyone in their community to join; instead, they want to keep the group size manageable.