As a result of this experiment, Ive at least learned how to make a yogurt. Thanks for the report, and thanks also for bringing up, re: but a blood test showed my red blood cells a bit out of whack. And, if you join the discussions in our Undoctored Inner Circle website, you can add a number of other interesting fermentation projects that achieve effects such as shrinking your waist, deepening sleep, heightening your immune response, accelerating recovery after strenuous exercise, and reducing arthritis pain. As you can see from that article, my personal process varies a bit. Then refrigerated. There are many reasons that the modern microbiome has been disrupted in the majority, perhaps all of us. All I get is a liquid. I wanted to practice first time without the Biogaia Gastrus tablets as they are expensive. Every week Dr. William Davis meets online LIVE through a video chat to educate, support, and empower you to achieve your health goals, answer questions, share experiences and new lessons. I havent run into starter exhaustion, but have been adding one crushed tablet to every 5th batch made from starter (just as a precautionary measure we really dont yet know what the generational limit is, nor precisely what might threatenit). re: I needed to stop yogurt after 30 hours. Ayogurt maker is apt to have the same myopic tunnel-vision temp range design as most of the not-so-smart-pots do. I made it in a Crockpot and woke a 4AM to put the finished product into the fridge. He gave them a list of foods low on the glycemic index. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). To what temperature and for how long? I considered using sugar, but ended up adding inulin and unmodified potato starch as extra substrate (2tbsp. William Davis: People think of human bodies as being nothing more than human. Some claim that 24 hour yogurt can contain ~700 billion CFUs per cup. Effectively, if true, what is being ultimately suggested here is that a home made yogurt can fix a great deal of the obesity in the entire world! Perfect yogurt. Fermenting coconut milk is much fussier and a continual precise control over temperature will be required, e.g., one of the other devices. Remove from the stove5. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Enjoy a daily serving of probiotic-rich kefir, yogurt, or vinegar-free sauerkraut. Measured temp after 1 boil; it was steaming, but my meat thermometer read only about 140. Also wondering if I put a particular strain of bacteria into my gut in a high count could that perhaps have consequences on the other bacteria in my gut since they have a relationship? Any thoughts on what Im doing wrong? That is generally guessed to be a fungus, which would be some opportunistic organism from the local environment. Dont worry: The end-product should have little remaining sugar, as it is fermented to lactic acid. This person is encountering the same problem: When you try the L.reuteri yogurt, the goal is to have only the strains found in the Gastrus tablets. Place the saucepan on the stove top and heat the milk to 82 C (180 F) Use a thermometer for an accurate reading.3. Pour the remainingmilk into the yogurt making glass jar.8. this would be a traditional 100W incandescent (Edison) bulb, which are getting hard to find. We have experimented using fewer tablets and are pleased to say that we had significant results with only 3 tablets. John M wrote: I used full fat 4% whole fat Chobani Greek yogurt as my starter.. Can I get an unflavored tablet/capsule? Any information in this regards would be helpfulThanks Kelly, kelly wrote: When a company patents a product doesnt that mean they had to change its original structure in some way in order to get the patent?. re: would be better choices than inulin or FOS.. Its an essential step with raw milk (like the goat milk in the batch brewing here now), and Id recommend it for non-dairy yogurt base as well, just to eliminate any stray microbes. re: I will order through the US distributor and report back!, If you arent in the US, I dont actually know if they export. re: Is it possible to be allergic to yogurt but not other dairy?, I doubt anyone can guess usefully on that without more info. Dr. Davis mentioned in his post that people eating the yogurt have reported a number of benefits: smoother skin (including fewer wrinkles), increased muscle mass, a rise in testosterone, weight loss, etc. Not sure whether those matter, but I have suspicion the UHT might raise incubation time. Yet Im in the process of straining it now. And still do 14 hours. Thanks for your wonderful help. The Biogaia Gastrus tablets arent exactly given away at $27-$30/ box. You might be the first person to ask on any of the blogs, or in the subscription forum. Gently stirred that into rest of milk. Do clean your utensils and jars/bowls with hot soapy water to minimize contaminants. It is also possible to freeze a portion of yogurt or whey and use at a later time. Both samples were otherwise treated identically; they were heated and held for 20 minutes, had the same amount of prebiotic powder and were incubated for the same length of time. They do not need to be considered permanent guests. Should I try 1 qt whole milk + cup HWC + cup starter from previous batch + 1 Tbsp Inulin + 1 tab Gastrus? ________ Blog Associate (click for details). Gather all your. What is causing this? by directly consuming 100tablets per day, then yes indeed, these other ingredients might be a concern. And is all that runny liquid normal? Today's wheat is different from the wheat of 1960, thanks to extensive genetic manipulations introduced to increase yield-per-acre. So I guess Im coming at this from a different direction! I stir in several drops of stevia at serving time anyway, which breaks up the curds. Sorry for the rant I used way too many words here, it is much simpler to just say DONT INGEST ANY GRAINS,. The easiest way to keep it at 110F is to put a lit 100watt bulb in the oven. I was just curious to see if you knew anything about that. Turn off the oven; repeat every 4-6 hoursnot precise, but it works fine when using dairy for fermentation. On the other hand, inulin has been trouble-free. Dr. Davis and the Inner Circle team help people like YOU lose weight, improve health, increase energy and even turn the clock back on appearance. Ive been using between 24 and 36 hours, with some pulled off at 12 for use as future starter. Related questions are: how many generations can be fermented from an initial batch? Thanks for getting back to me! Ill probably put together an FAQ on it in a couple of weeks. Also, why do you incubate for 24 or more hours? re: I dissolved the Gaia tabs and sugar in the goat milk after warmed to 110.. Jan 22, 2022 - If you wish to avoid dairy products yet obtain all the magnificent benefits of our L reuteri yogurt, here is how to make the yogurt with coconut milk. Here is one of them. Thanks again for your response. Since these Ingredients are listed in by-weight order, the bulk of the product (so to speak) is the isomalt, which is very likely metabolized entirely during the first ferment. The effects could be due to that, and/or the fact that yogurt making also results in exogenous production of strain metabolites. Okay. Greek yogurt because the whey contains the good bacteria., Could you post a link for that? If you choose a pasteurized dairy product, there is no need for pre-heating. In any case a reaction, to the yogurt under discussion above, probably wouldnt be a yogurt allergy per se. TranscendingMS 131 subscribers Subscribe 8.3K views 7 months ago In this video we will make Dr William Davis yogurt in real time. For any IP lawyers who care to opine, heres the patent for ATCC PTA-6475: US7344867B2, and here are the broad claims: 1. The jar on the left was heated and held for 20 minutes and produced consistent, firm, thick set yogurt. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details), It is the case that in making this recipe (with a dairy base), the resulting product (in my households experience so far) stratifies into about 50% yogurt and 50% whey (and the whey has the consistency of cream). I made a batch and since Im the only one who is eating it, it might last several days. Ive made maybe 12 batches of the stuff with varying degrees of success. James White wrote: Ive been looking through the ingredients and it. Temperatures above 43 C will kill the L. reuteri strains. re: Both my wife and I have noticed our hair getting thicker, Neat. Or that methods such as prolonged fermentation are unnecessary. Tasty, too. It appears that even a modest portion of saved starter has a massive number of CFUs. Do cover your yogurt lightly during fermentation to minimize fungal contamination, e.g., plastic wrap or a loosely-fitting lid. Or perhaps you took a courseor 5of antibiotics for ear infections as a kid. I use the whey, either stirring in some when I pull out a serving of yogurt, or putting some in icecube trays to use as starter later. I have made many batches that turned out great, so I am really disappointed. That got me thinking more about fermentation substrate and I found the above research this morning. If your experience is based on commercial yogurts, thats one thing. what yogurt machine, nominal temp, temp regulation? They of course can also contain all sorts of other junk preservatives, colorants, flavorants, artificial sweeteners, any of which would be suspect in a reaction. John M stated, Thank you for your 2 cents worth. My sister and I have been making reuteri yougurt for a month now, eating a little more than half a cup a day. Ive tried to make this twice using a new yogurt maker. Did you happen to run a water-only test batch and check the actual temp with a probe thermometer? Apparently there are several variations on how to make this yogurt. * 1T of inulin * 10 crushed BioGaia Gastrus tablets. If a pasteurization cycle is run, its important to do that before adding the culture, and indeed, to make sure that the temperature of the liquid back back down to 110F before adding the culture (or you will kill the culture). Do make sure the coconut milk contains only coconut (and perhaps water). In the particular case of the two strains of Lactobacillus reuteri in Biogaia Gastrus, it appears that they do not colonize the human gut on an extended basis, which is why Biogaia has a product suitable for repeat sales, and why we are making yogurt from it on a regular basis. I recommend you fill it up with water, let it sit for 1/2 an hour, and measure the temp of the water. We used unhomogenised organic milk. It does not produce lumpy yogurt. Add the crushed probiotic powder to the milk & inulinslurry and mix in. per day. Making our Lactobacillus reuteri yogurt should be easy and require very little effort. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). I dont if there are any rules for this, but I have made a few batches that were a little over a gallon. I just tasted it, it is fabulous. How long was the ferment, and for extra credit, what temperature? [not UHT], Also, does that OV milk have anything in it other than milk? Our research into developing the, 2 tablespoons pure organic inulin powder (or prebiotic powder of your choice), , crushed or 1/3 cup of L.reuteri yogurt or whey from a previous batch, Before you begin it is important to sterilise the, Click here for our delicious, step by step. I have not observed any substantial health benefits by ingesting the tablets. I used my Instant Pot Ultra, with the custom setting. I looked at the user manual PDF for that, and cant tell: . Just as ingesting prebiotic fibers increases bacterial counts in your intestines, so it goes in making yogurt, as well. Its yogurt of any kind, in any combination. I presume thats their Whole Goat Milk, and not the powdered or evaporated. I don't know what accomplished what. Because I used a quart of half and half and ended up with about 1.5 cups og greek style yogurt. I am going to attempt making the yogurt today, I want to use my stove light the way you do it. After 24 hours the timer will go off.13. Do you have any suggestions? PM me on FB if you want to discuss this more. Recall that we ferment for an extended period of time: 36 hours, not the 4 hours of conventional yogurt making. Im about to try a coconut milk based run, and guess that it will take a full 36 hours. The low temp just slows growth (but invites contamination). I used 1 tablespoon of sugar also. 15 30 1xJan 23, 2022. Its not to sweeten the product, as the sugar is expected to be gone at the conclusion of the fermentation. The first batch works okay, then the next couple of batches work okay, but then apparently pulling out a 1/2 cup of a batch for the starter doesnt work anymore, and I have to start over. Based on the traffic Ive seen so far, not everyone gets the anorexigenic effect, but in those that do, its unmistakable. Hair and skin effects are reported anecdotally. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). The product was about 10% yogurt and 90% liquid. One more question Bob, so if one uses the Gastrus tablets then 10 crushed into a powder now becomes the starter culture for this special type of yogurt? This yields a thicker Greek-style yogurt. Ive also been reinoculating with one crushed tablet every 5th batch done from starter, which may prove to not be necessary. The expiry date on commercial yogurts is typically a month (but thats unopened). batches to 48h, and accidentally to 54h, so the recipe is tolerant of over-time. Is it possible to be allergic to yogurt but not other dairy? We empathise with your failed attempts because weve had plenty along the way too. That amount has never concerned me personally, and may be less than naturally-occurring TF in things like eggs. It takes a bit of stirring/mixing to get it all dissolved. I tried to make a quart following directions on this site and after 24 hours it separated into a LOT of whey with a little not-great-looking yogurt on top. The results speak for themselves. The inulin will cause an inconsistent texture in the slurry. This is just based on actual results from people trying this, and reporting on both blogs and in the subscription forum. Is that the goal? It initially stayed in the container when inverted, so I had to break it up and scoop it out. And thats part of why I asked about the dietary context. re: I poured the slurry into the rest of the liquid, measured the temp, and it had gone down to about 90, so I put it on the Instant Pot yogurt Boil setting again until the temp raised up to 110.. It averages 10-12% fat, which is more than regular milk but less than regular cream (and it cant be whipped). But the truth is we are crawling every nook and cranny with trillions of microbes. as amended: 2018-11: I was wrong: Young people SHOULD obtain L. reuteri, re: Can someone clarify if the yogurt is recommended for a BC survivor?, Was it ER+ BC? Im also a bit unclear on the exact role of inulin here, but can speculate that because its a fructose polymer, and fructose is not a substrate preferred by L.reuteri, that would also be expected to extend fermentation time. Anyway, we arent quite sure where well end up with incubation time and amendments in the L.reuteri project, but chances are its going to need more than 8hours. I use an extra large coffee filter and drain it for 5-8 hours, depending on how thick you want it, reserving the whey which I add back if I want it more creamy. Did the initial hearing to 180 and then waited until milk settled at 105. Ive made 3 subsequent batches; the first subsequent batch I used 2 tbs of the whey to culture, the next I again tried 2 tbs, the last I used 1 tbs. 1) The Goal Setting Guide: Learn how to set goals and actually accomplish them within 90 days! Anyway, it probably wont surprise you that yours is the first such report thats come to my attention, and without a clear picture of the overall dietary context, I probably cant speculate usefully. then bring it down to 110, stir in the The Biogaia Gastrus tablets and inuline then put the pot in the oven with the light turn on an just let it go for 24h? The recipe posted does not include a lot of lore that first time yogurt makers might need. The end-result should be thick and delicious, better than store-bought yogurt. Do not submerge equipmentin boilingwater. The flavor, to me, is reminiscent of cream cheese. I read about the whey and bacteria on a Making Yougurt at Home website, and it was contained in a readers comment, so there is no real link. can the 43C yogurt cycle be set to run for 18 to 48 hours? I added 2 tablespoons of inulin and 1 tsp of XOS, but then I decided on a whim to add a tablespoon of dextrose (glucose). An do you leave the lid on?. My machine cant handle the quantities youve had success with. It also yields a thicker, richer end-product. Ive been making this 1/2 gallon at a time. Its mere serendipity that they do, as many unit-dose probiotics make less than ideal yogurt cultures. He is Medical Director and founder of the Undoctored program including the Undoctored Inner Circle. Linda S. wrote: Ive made this with coconut milk (full fat in the can).. 24-36. Making yogurt with the L Reuteri strain is unquestionably trying to get the tablets to do something they were never designed to do. L. reuteri doubles (1 microbe becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, etc.) ________ Blog Associate (click for details). I hope this helps you! Thank you dr. Davis for clarifying that confusion for me. For consumption: implying that you wouldnt use arbitrary blends as starter for future batches, for a number of reasons. If not, the Undoctored Inner Circle site has a protocol for identifying and dealing with SIBO, as well as reducing the risk of recurrence. re: Its just the yogurt. Including this step before adding the probiotic bacteria and prebiotic powder made a profound difference to the structure and texture of our L. reuteri yogurt.