That, they claim in here that some brethren up there that said that I sent them up there, and they're preaching that men should leave their wives and hunt for their spiritual mate, and. Original Life Magazine from May 17, 1963 - Governor Nelson and Happy Rockefeller, Mystery cloud issue. That day they took pictures all across southern United States and Mexico. It'll slice and cut. Photogrammetric analysis of the four photographs known to have been taken in the Tucson area have yielded elevation angles of the near point ranging from 5.9 to 6.2 degrees. And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. these four, at different times and from widely scattered locations in the state. Brother Branham had to be on earth at the time that the mysteries came down. on February 28 1963 which was the day before the hunting season opened on March 1. says, Your email address will not be published. a book written within (The writing was with inside.) Revelation Chapter 5 comes after Revelation 4 in time sequence. With the power of God, the Word of God, they just condemn nature. That's the reason, under our seventh mystery, when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence. This specific Cloud was photographed abouta week before brother Branham even went hunting in the Sunset Peak area near Rattlesnake mesa. But we find out then that in the Book of the Revelation at the seventh angel's message, the mysteries, all the mysteries of it, should already be revealed by that time (Now that's Revelations 10:1-7. And it's here now. And he said, Here am I. Moses had a sign that was a mixture of the natural and the supernatural. I do believe as described, Glory to God Almighty for choosing us His own, E un grande privilegio fratelli che Dio ci rivelato i suoi misteri averci inviato il Suo Profeta che vi benedica fratelli. There's your Seal. Watchers struck by the cloud's odd shape and huge size, took pictures, like The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. And then AFTERthese Seven Seals are completed. Weather Bureau radiosonde station at Winslow, Arizona, and a high-altitude sounding had been completed there only an hour before the appearance of the cloud. These seven angels came from the presence of God revealing to him the hidden mysteries that were sealed in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. The Rapture 65-12-04 Volume 5 Number 14. Where was brother Branham on 28 February 1963? Shalom 64-01-19 Volume 22 Number 1. :16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: :17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. It gets red. I Corinthians 15:50. Yet, at the end, we have to walk up into the air to meet Him. The Seventh Seal was preached on 24 March 1963. enter that dark chamber among those who are dead, listening then for His. Three things happens. Church has done gone up when this happens. True Stories is a 1986 American film that spans the genres of musical, art, and comedy, directed by and starring David Byrne of the band Talking Heads. Is the minist--the mystery all finished? this combination was just a sign to attract attention that God was going to speak to His prophet. Thus this Cloud does not fit the description of Revelation 10:1. Also, this Cloud was calculated to be about 200 miles north of Sunset Peak. Watchers struck by the cloud's odd shape and huge size, took pictures, like these four, at different times and from widely scattered locations in the state. See what Lucifer is doing? But the Cloud appeared 19 days before this, in the past. But they never form before mid-May. No, no, no, no. It sounds so good to me; I like to read it. As Michael, God is the number one Angel. We need to get baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is about 1000 miles away from Tucson. If he says something that is different from Scripture, leave it alone. If you want to put a face into the Cloud, using the Cloud as a wig, then the face in the Cloud is parallel to the horizon. We're breaking them now;but this, the thing's opened.). From Tucson, 190 miles to the south, its angular elevation appeared to be about 6 degrees. he saw another Angel coming down, not the earthly angel that had been given the Message here, but the (another) mighty Angel came from Heaven with a rainbow over Him, and set His foot on the land and sea, and swore by Him that lives forever and ever, "Time shall be no more." The final ride only happens after the church is caught up to Heaven. Thus the Cloud, which was seen a month before the Seventh Seal was preached, cannot be the coming of the Lord. You can find the latest update of this study at This is His triumph over Death, the last enemy. Interesting questions about the source of the requisite water vapor are posed by its unprecedented altitude. Many Message believers claim this Cloud was caused by 7 angels on the day that they came down to Brother Branham, caught him up into their midst and commissioned him to go and preach a series of sermons now known as the Revelation of the Seven Seals ( the title of the book in whichthose sermons were printed ). It'll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return. The Cloud only forms the head, not the body of a person. It's been many years since I've had the privilege of being here. And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. Books, Paper & Magazines The angel said, "Time will be no more," in the days of this great thing to happen. That's why I canceled out something else, and got in here. And I looked up, there was that white Circle above me there, circling around. The main Cloud was photographed and had left the scene before brother Branham went hunting. MATTHEW 11:2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples. ", You remember? There is no face in the original photograph. As children, we might have curiously watched the process of the caterpillar turning into a chrysalis and then bursting into a beautiful Monarch butterfly. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. As Jesus, God is the number one Man. While you are in the churches, you cannot imagine what life will be like outside the churches. Everything is in order. Cause, all the mysteries of the entire Bible lays in the Seven Seals. After it's all done completed. He is only the end-time prophet if he restores us back to Scripture, irrespective of any mistakes he makes. From initial computations based on four photos taken in Tucson, 190 miles south of the cloud, its altitude was approximately 35 kilometers. Son of God shall break the skies, and scream with the Voice of the Archangel. On February 28, 1963, over in Arizona, U.S.A., a constellation of seven angels appeared to a man named William Marrion Branham in the form of a ring shaped-Cloud. It fooled Johns disciples because they continued to follow him instead of following the Jesus whom he had pointed out as a Man walking amongst men. Remember, the Angel only comes down when the Seals are broke or revealed. Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that He's gathered together will receive a rapturing faith to go in the rapture when He comes; as quick as those Angels come: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with those that is asleep, Sirs is this the Sign of the End ? 62-12-30. There's something we've got to step farther; we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly. Now, I'd better stop right here. Notice now, for the end-of-time message, this Seal. So the Cloud is not the Angel. I am not aware that a cloud of such form and size has been observed at any level within the atmosphere before. A GOOD SIGN OF CHRISTIANITY IS when you Love those who dont love you. I certainly deem this a great privilege, of being here again tonight in Houston. even though he has left the scene. The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals 63-03-17. Thus the supernatural Cloud cannot be the Coming of the Lord, because it never came down anywhere near to the ground. Many message people are desperate to deny the smoke cloud as they are unaware that there were two clouds. And here He returns back in the 10th chapter. Dr. James McDonald, a meteorologist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Tucson, has been accumulating the pictures. Why, when Mary asked for wine, did He say Woman, My hour has not yet come? It's the end of struggling nature. -The Observatory magazine Life Everywhere "This remarkable book exemplifies the best of today's popular science writing: it is lucid, informative, and thoroughly enjoyable." . then the mysteries should be finished and time for the Angel to appear. The Catholic church (as we noticed last night) charging for novenas, charging them for prayers, and charging them for everything. Did you notice when the Jews asked Him that? Were they revealed in the seven Seals, but are yet not known to us as the thunders yet? And the ministerial association got a hold of it, and they're writing me a letter about it, and that I sent them up there and. What the seven Thunders said. The hydrodynamics of the field of vertical motion that produced such a toroidal cloud form are very puzzling. We are not too sure who the quarter of the world are that get killed. The resurrection is an event that is still to occur in the future. How it happened, we dont know. John the Baptist revealed Christ as a man walking amongst men. LIFE MAGAZINE MAY 17 1963 Mystery Cloud in AZ, Rockefeller,As tronauts (Cooper) Condition: Acceptable "Acceptable or better. ), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea, rainbow over His head, eyes and, like--and feet like fire and so forth, raises up His hand and swears by Him that lives forever and ever on the throne, that time shall be no more.