Netgalley makes a big deal about the fact that having a good bio will make publishers more likely to accept your requests, however, they don't really give you a lot of support in terms of what publishers would like to see there, so you're left to your own devices to make something up. Join Reedsy Discovery and help us find great new books . Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. Those are all things that should be included in your Netgalley profile, and which will encourage publishers to think, THIS is the kind of person I want to have reading our advance digital galleys.. (I believe its only a matter of time though. Is there any reason you don't leave reviews on GR for those less than 4 stars? This here is her NetGalley profile: I hope Heena does not mind me borrowing her profile for a bit, but also, go check out her quite extensive list about what to tweak on your NetGalley profile, which includes putting your email on it (although Id make sure to remove @ so you dont get spam botted! document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { Thousands of authors and publishers use NetGalley, and hundreds of thousands of reviewers. Everyone has influence. While youre in the About You section of your Profile, make sure to check out the options under Topics! With Discovery, unlike on NetGalley, you dont have to wait for your requests to be dealt with; once your reviewer application is approved, you can pick up whichever books youd like. Gather Information and Inspiration. Book Blogger Etiquette: How To Get Comments? So as a reviewer, you might be a blogger, consumer reviewer, book trade professional (like an agent), or traditional reviewer who works for a publication. I currently have XXXfollowers. A picture of yourself on your NetGalley Profile can help show your vibrant personality to publishers. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. Set a calendar reminder to revisit your Profile every few months. Independent authors can choose between two six-month promotional packages, priced at $450 and $849 respectively. Librarians and booksellers order and recommend books to their patrons, media professionals interview authors, reviewers and bloggers write about books online and leave reviews on retail sites, and more. Are you an OwnVoices reviewer? And even when your NetGalley status starts ascending the ranks, that doesnt guarantee youll be approved for all the books you want. And when selecting your preferred Categories, its helpful to stick to the genres you cover in your role as a professional reader. Are you an OwnVoices reviewer? Its where a lot of book bloggers get good as early as a half a year before they come out! Now you can request books. Think about your Profile like a resume, and keep your Bio professional and succinct. Try to stick to 3-5 authors to keep things simple. This is very helpful! ), Thanks and yes, thats something I need to do too , This is great! Relevant Bookish Facts Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Thank you so much for this advice! Here are a few tips to help you optimize your NetGalley reviewer experience. Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishersas long as youre comfortable, of course! Now, Im back to not having anything to read. You can read. Demonstrate your reach through your Profile and your feedback. Welcome! what makes this blogger special? Looking forward to finding some great books. When youre ready to request a title, click the green Request button next to the book in question. I have kids so I reviewed a lot of kids books to quickly get my stats up. }); Welcome to part 2 of the #NewBloggers 101 post series! And when selecting your preferred Categories, its helpful to stick to the genres you cover in your role as a professional reader. Look through which Categories youve selected, check that your links are working, and reread your Bio. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. Now, I have heard that a lot of people do not get approved on Edelweiss! You can either Review or Give Feedback. But before that,if you want to find the other #NewBloggers 101 posts, just expand this list: NetGalley and Edelweiss are platforms where you can request advance reader copies of books in exchange to your honest review technically for free (you pay for it with blood, sweat and tears!) Time to go to work on MY profile. Thank you so much. Use NetGalley for free to request, read, and recommend digital review copies before they are published. Thanks for the insight! You can withdraw your consent at any time. Your reviews and feedback are essential to publishers, authors, and other readers! NetGalley is fairly simple to navigate, and you shouldnt have any problems. Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? You can read this interview with a book publicist to learn more about the stats theyre looking for. Keep requesting - once you get a few approvals and leave reviews on the site, you'll establish yourself and more publishers will approve you. Your suggestions are very helpful. Ive set this section of my Netgalley bio up by separating all the different sites I use to review. On the note of scrambling, another separate-but-related point for reviewers is to not request too many books at once. Did you know that there are over 130 Stephen King short stories in existence? You will find your profile at the top of the dashboard: And then you just fill it out, copy pasting the text into the text box: The rest you will do when requesting the book for the first time, and it will save your preferences for the next time! I agree with everything you mentioned here I remember when I started an account last year I was left confused by what exactly to write down in my bio. Lots of numbers and where I publish and promote the books, and I also had to add that my blog was exclusively English (but thats probably just for those who dont live in an English-speaking country in the first place). These are our Netgalley watchwords. So, what does a top-notch professional bio look like? So there is a little bit of guidance on how to write a Netgalley bio! Once you start picking up books, you have to provide feedback for most of the titles you read. Plus sub-genre preferences. Glad its fixed though. I have a huge passion for reading. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2010-2023 NetGalley LLC. As with your preferred categories, it might seem like you should hedge your bets by going big, but its actually better to be selective yes, even as a new reviewer. Do you run a book club? Will you be writing any reviews (even just a few sentences?) Finding Your Beauty Queen Dumplin by Julie Murphy, 5 Feel Good Books For When You Have The Lonelies, but you still want to see how many followers the blog has. I am starting to post my book reviews on Netgalley, but Im noticing that they arent separating into paragraphs and are just combining all togetherwhich looks ugly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here's how I've gotten the books: Author's Patreons/Facebook groups - this was how I first heard of NetGalley, an author's Patreon had a link to read an advance copy of her latest book. Going to work on my Profiled this weekend. You don't have to if you don't enjoy the extra effort. Lets start at the bottom and make it fun! As you go, make any necessary updates. This bio is sent alongside every single request you make on NetGalley, so it needs to make a very good impression! That 80% figure is no joke; authors and publishers rarely approve reviewers with spotty feedback histories. I love using ReadNow to find books I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, I don't mind not getting advance copies of the huge buzzy books because I know my library will buy them anyway, but ReadNow has helped me find some indie or small press authors I've really taken to. Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media following, is very helpful for publishers. And even if youre not a member of the American Library Association (or something similarly official), there are lots of things you could already be doing that signal to a publisher that you are the kind of person who has the power to convince others to buy copies of a book. A little bit of everything! Publishers can see which genres you prefer to read and review, and by also sharing your favorite authors, you can help provide an even better understanding of the types of books within those genres you most enjoy. If you want to join the #NewBloggers support chat group, just drop me a comment here or a DM on Twitter. You can also search by title, author, or ISBN to find a particular book. While throwing glitter is always awesome, Im not sure theyve implemented that the Edelweiss or NetGalley profile systems yet. Not a Member? This pays off if you track it daily, I snagged ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED by Kerrigan Byrne on a 1-day ReadNow and I tried to alert a FB group I used to be in but it was already gone, I gave ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED a sincere 5-star review and St Martin's apparently decided it likes me because now publishers have reached out and given me widgets (pre-approved links) to read other historicals. I like many genres scifi, speculative fiction, kidlit, literary, nonfiction. Below youll find tips sure to help whether youre a NetGalley newbie or a long-time member whose Profile needs a fresh look. (LogOut/ When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can see the list of Categories that youve chosen, which means you dont need to worry about listing them in your Bio. Based on that, they can decide you're a juvenile delinquent a person who struggles with their responsibilities, and not grant your request! In general, getting approved for a book via NetGalley is much more likely than getting a physical ARC of that same book. All Rights Reserved. NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. We want to help NetGalley members craft the best reviews possible. When you go to fill out your Profile, you can select the Categories you cover in your role as a professional reader. Do you run a book club? So Im happy with my results so far!! NetGalley members are always curious about how they can get publishers to approve more of their requests. Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. I Give Feedback on everything else. TBR Spreadsheets, [NewBloggers 101] A Quick Guide To Bloglovin, [#NewBloggers 101] General Intro To Bookstagram, [NewBloggers] A (Mostly?) ), I had no idea there was an age thing?! NetGalley recommends a feedback ratio of 80% or above, meaning that for every 10 proofs you receive, you should give feedback on at least 8 of them. If youve ever wondered how to snag an ARC of a much-anticipated book, or enviously browsed Goodreads reviews of as-yet-unreleased titles, then you may already be familiar with NetGalley. Netgalley is a site which is primarily used to get advance copies of books to industry figures so that they can take some action that will sell copies of a book when it comes out (like, writing a review that encourages people to buy books! While your Bio should be professional and succinct, your linked blog and social media channels are the best way to stand out and show off your vibrant personality. We feel that everyone should love to read, and that that would make the world a better place. I don't have hardly any social media presence but I do post reviews on goodreads. Cause Im going to cover the ways you can make your profile reflect that youre awesomesauce an amazing and responsible blogger who will surely fulfil the publishers needs! Editing to add: I completely forgot that they ask about a company - I just checked my profile, and I just put my website link. I enjoyed mangas and graphic humor books (I got a lot of books from comic artists I follow on IG). And I just requested stuff and eventually got my first approval. Im in no way saying its perfect, but its worked pretty well for me with 158 books approved so far Hopefully, you can craft your own bio based on these recommendations! So if you click request (more about that in Lucys post), this is what comes up: The two important parts here arethe strength of your profileandwhy you are requesting this title. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. (I note that this is a really, really specific set of instructions that will definitely help you out with requesting any First Second requests; possibly not so much with other publishers, depending on their own policies.). I fixed mine so its all good! Based on that, they can decide youre ajuvenile delinquent a person who struggles with their responsibilities, and not grant your request! When a valid ALA, ALIA, ABA or BA member number is added to a NetGalley account, you will see the relevant logo next to their name when they request a title or when you view their Profile. Yes! [1] [2] Publishers that offer e-galleys include Hachette , HarperCollins Publishers , Penguin Random House , Simon & Schuster , and many others in the US , the UK , Australia . Make your reviews thoughtful and honest. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. If your bio makes your head swim with the numbers, 99% says its going to make the publicists head swim too! I don't want to be seen as negative against another author. Nicole @ FYFA To The Rescue! Do you run a book club? This may be frustrating to hear when youre eager to pick up tons of books, but believe this: authors and publishers care way less about the numbers than they do about the reviews themselves. If you dont have one handy, snap a quick shot of yourself and a favorite book! Good luck with all your Netgalley requesting . I do not work in any facet of the publishing world. Just add any social media/sites where you discuss books (even if it's just Goodreads!) . Thank you for this useful post My NG profile was long overdue and update ! If youre a new reviewer whos apprehensive about the scale and competitiveness of NetGalley, wed recommend starting a bit smaller. Most authors and publishers who put books on NetGalley are after one thing (well, two things): reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, where other readers actually spend their time. However, if you sign up for NetGalley with no reviewing experience whatsoever, its going to take a LOT of work to acquire the books you really want. you can select the Categories you cover in your role as a professional reader. Social Media And Networking, What Tools Can Help Me Be An Organized Blogger? Edit: putting Self or N/A under company is totally fine. Edelweiss can be a challenge for some, cause its not simply a requesting platform its also a platform where book sellers get books and publishers release their upcoming books catalog! Im so glad this blog came in handy! I will also be redirecting you to content where this is talked about at the end of this post, dont worry! (I read too many books and I forget what they are haha). I don't know about Netgalley but there have been several threads of people asking for Goodreads friends. I am 90 years old and love reading mysteries and reviewing them. It doesnt even have to be book reviews! Were going to talk about how to start doing it. Hi everyone! And you have to handle all of these book requests, that, honesly, probably just drain the life out of you, cause honestly, there are just so many bloggers, you sometimes just feel the publishing industry is sitting on a huge anthill. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. I need to do some updating on my profile (I am staying away from NG right now, gotta catch up on arcs and their e-arcs! Another wonderful post, Zuky And so helpful! However, if this is your goal, know that it will take some time (months or even years) to establish yourself as a reliable, auto-approval-worthy reviewer. Do you host any online reading events? This helps to ensure youre sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences. Do: Talk about your member type Check out our list of 17 sites where you can get paid to read and review. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Consider making it visible so that if publishers ever have a question or want to work with you on a specific campaign, they can reach out. Bookstagram Myth: Props Are Expensive? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I use NetGalley and have gotten 85 books (not all romance) but I think I've been rejected for every direct request I've made. Maintaining the 80% feedback ratio can also get pretty tiring, especially if you already have a busy schedule. . Dont you?). A lot of the time, this is a really easy decision! Thanks so much for sharing with us. NetGalley proudly works with publishers and authors, large and small, throughout the world. This was super helpful thank you so much for posting this!! Here are a few dos and donts for making your Profile stand out. This is really helpful. And if you find yourself craving indie books and a little less pressure, Discovery will be waiting right here. I havent done much with my bio since I first joined, and its not very good. To become a NetGalley member, all you have to do is sign up. I blog about all sorts of topics in books , The Greatest Book Blogging Myths Ive Encountered, Real Publicist Advice On How To Get Review Copies Approved, #NewBloggers 101 comes back! if you are, I would maybe make a pledge to post reviews on Amazon as this may entice publishers to accept you more hope this helps! Pamela @ Reverie Society Educates! Thank you fo sharing. Also does having a profile pic help? Ive revamped my most popular blog post slightly! Typos and links that arent working can be a sign of a lack of attention to detail, so be sure to give your Bio a final proofread every time you update it. Do I still need to include it in the bio? But, I would like to believe that the authors and publishers would be interested in reviews by people that buy or borrow their books and just read for enjoyment. This site uses cookies. Im Evelina and I blog about books that made an impression on me. Simply click Find Titles at the top of the page and youll be taken to a dashboard of recently added titles, as well as dozens of categories to choose from. Youll then be expected to read the book and provide feedback before the publication date so take note of this deadline when requesting. Thats why we recommend that any Netgalley profiles should be constructed around the thesis that theres something you can bring to the book that can potentially help its sales. One of the top complaints from NetGalley authors is that giving away tons of free copies often only results in NetGalley feedback which may be useful to authors on a personal level, but not so much on a promotional level. Thank you so much for writing this! While youre in the About You section of your Profile, make sure to check out the options under Topics! Your reviews can help an unknown author find their audience. the internet is wild, the book you rep is most likely just for one region, so seeing some follower regions couldnt hurt, it would be nice to see what books they typically review. . As a reviewer, if you have a logo for your blog or social media profiles, you can use that as well. This can mean the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. The registration form is pretty standard: username, password, email, etc. Be part of the movement that shines a light on them. I am new to Netgalley, this helps a lot! . Fill out your profile completely Netgalley asks specific questions for your profile, and it's of the utmost importance that you review and answer all of them. Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media reach, is helpful for publishers. You can find a specific publishers Approval Preferences on their Publisher page, and the information there can help to shape what you share in your Profile. This isnt the best statement to lead with if youre trying to convince a publisher to give you a digital galley. with a book publicist to learn more about the stats theyre looking for. Sign up for the the First Second newsletter to receive updates and other information about Macmillan Publishers books, products, and services that may be of interest to you. I use NetGalley. The two templates above serve only as a framework, so feel free to add or delete some sentences as you see fit. does this blogger run some groups, participate in some street teams? Congratulations to :01s New Associate Art Director, Andrew Arnold! Do you belong to an organization like SCBWI or PEN? Im getting my MLS now! or Im on the teen selection group at my local bookstore! or I have a blog that has 2,5000 followers!. elem.remove(); I bet you could add several from those! Are you a member of an authors street team? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for book recs, interviews, and favorites from our editor. You can find a specific publishers Approval Preferences on their. Which is fine, I don't have a blog or even Twitter, and I have less than 100 GR friends, it makes sense. When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can see the list of Categories that youve chosen, which means you dont need to worry about listing them in your Bio.