Jack continues to complain about it but Ty suggests giving it a chance. At the party, Ty and Caleb sit and have a drink together talking about the buckle Caleb won and Ty's decision to ride the bull. Ty convinces her to watch and sees Amy drop the reins and Daisy runs freely around the barrels. Ty pushes through his nerves of operating on a friend and successfully removes the metal and stitches up his leg. Tim see's Ty at the racetrack and asks Ty to sit with Lightning Dexter for the night to make sure nothing happens to him before the big race. At the end of season 1 he decides to leave Heartland to visit his dad. When they spend time together training racehorses for the Derby, they become closer again and almost kissing. So, this episode we saw just that. And at the end of the episode, we saw J. D. Werth asking a shady guy to take care of the wildlife problem. Amy and Ty go to another auction he tells her that maybe it's time to stop but Amy's adamant he'll be back. She tells him about how angry Daisy has been lately, being mean to the other mares and trying to steal one's foal, Ty suggests letting Amy help. Amy tells him that she's heard nothing from him but Ashley has. After their break up, Ty and Kit remain friends, sometimes to the annoyance of Amy. Mitch want his own ranch and Lou will never leave Heartland. I agree. Ty tells her he'll fix it when Mallory tells them dinner is ready. He guesses it's Wade and tells her she can go and be with him if she wants but she tells him she's choosing Ty. On the way tot he dance the truck breaks down and instead they dance in the back of Ty's truck and Ty gives Amy a promise ring. Ty and Amy go to the Dude Ranch and are surprised to see a chair on fire. Songs She's Everything Brad Paisley Then Brad Paisley Safest place to hide Backstreet Boys Drowning Backstreet Boys (The Haunting of Hanley Barn), Ty goes to work with Scott, he tells him he's been accepted to two colleges and hasn't told Amy yet, although receives teasing about one of his choices. . Amy doesn't want him to leave, as she doesn't want everything to change. They stumble upon Amy and Ashley's crash and he and Kit help them out. Along with J. D. thanks to the poacher spilling the beans on who hired him to take care of the wild animal problem. After the accident, Amy's upset when Ty becomes distant, until Mallory tells her he's earned it after what he's been through. They go to help her and distract the rustler telling her to run. Last Appearance A hooded figure enters the Diner and they all watch in fear as Caleb removes his hood and tells them about the bad weather blowing in. When jack is looking for Caleb, Ty tells him about Ghost and Jack explains that it was a bad idea to let him go because ranchers will shoot him, he'll have to get far before he's safe. She cries in Ty's arms as he comforts her. Ty has problems with Jeremy. Ty continues working on his bike, when he hears on the radio about the accident involving a school bus. That evening, when Amy sees Wade and Lily go into a bar together into she goes straight to the track to tell Ty. The series is based on the Heartland book series by Lauren Brooke and follows Amy Fleming and her older sister Louise "Lou" Fleming on their Alberta-based family ranch, 'Heartland', where they live with their widowed grandfather Jack Bartlett, their father Tim Fleming and hired . So the two shared a beautiful moment and Ty left to clean up their new home a bit so the contractor could finish building it. But if Ty hadnt seen the wolf and hadnt tackled Amy down when he did the bullet would have hit Amy straight on. This brings them back together. He also tries to help her when he learns that her dad is nearby. When Ty arrives back at Heartland he goes to see Amy but tells her he has to go out again and leaves. Did Amy and Ty Date in Real Life? Caleb OdellMallory WellsScott CardinalMrs. The next morning, Scott checks Spartan out and tells them they did the right thing and Spartan should be OK. Ty sits silently with Kit, she tries talking to him since he sounded upset when he called her. With the introduction of Mitch, the family drama aspect started going down hill. Ty too, followed by Lisa (maybe shocker but she brings out best in others) and root for Georgie (and hope she + Quinn gel). He then goads him telling Ty he's going to go and see Amy, leading to another fight between the pair accidentally letting the cows out. It's a turning point for their relationship, which has been slowly building since they first met. As for Tim I love Tim but sometimes he just needs to learn how to respect himself AND them others. They overhear Wes and Dutch saying that he's late to meet him, as they leave to load the other horses Amy and Ty jump up to get Spartan. She promises to keep an eye on Lily while he's at work. Ty later tells her that she can catch up with Caleb if she wants, inadvertently making her feel bad for spending time with Caleb when he left for 4 months and didn't call, she goes off ahead. Jack tells him that he knows about the job offer and tells him that when Lyndy went on tour they would miss each other but when she returned they would love each other even more. Ty gets back and finds Badger waiting for him in the barn, he asks if Clint knows he's here and realises he ran away. Tim, out of loop as usual, invites Ahmed to Heartland for dinner that ends in a fight between Ty and Ahmed after Georgie reveals that the Prince is in love with Amy. When he notices a cough he also puts Pegasus in the Quonset Hut with Daisy. Tim and Ty spot that Pegasus isn't in a good way and move him into the Quonset Hut. She likens them to the cow and horse, they need to just be with each other to get to know each other not talk about it. Jack invites Ty on the round-up he's going on. Clint arrives and asks Ty if he's seen Badger, as he's figuring out what to say Mallory arrives and tells him that he was there but talked about hiking to the bus station, Ty and Clint leave to try and find him. Ty tells him that he has it under control. When Amy goes to check on Melody in the middle of the night, Ty is already there. He also performs a procedure on another horse to help relieve a pustule from it's windpipe, which Scott tells him he did a good job with. Creator of HEARTLAND Michael Weinberg on Heartland season 15, and what really happened with Graham Keep Heartland Strong 10K views 8 months ago Graham Wardle Explains Why He Left Heartland. He tries to cheer up Amy and tells her not to listen to Ashley. Don't bully Cass and stay focused on the work from home dream. At dinner, Scott invites Jack to help with the mustangs and he brings Ty along to help. Lou and Ty practice dancing down at the Dude Ranch, he tells her he can't do it and doesn't want to embarrass Amy. They hear the rain start pouring so rush outside to enjoy it, they kiss and Ty tells her he's not willing to hurt her. The trio head over and manage to cut the arrow out successfully and fix him up. When mark comes to pick up Venture Amy gets him to do join up, when he refuses Ty goads him into doing it, which proves successful. Summary: Ty and Amy spend some time together after they help Lou give birth to Katie. He gets nervous and shows it to Amy who tries to calm him down. Ty then drives her there and onto the stage on his motorcycle so she can get her diploma. The next morning, Jack tells them about the Cougar reported nearby so to bring the animals in at night leaving Ty concerned about Merlin. When they're looking intimate, Ashley arrives. When she gets upset that he left she tells him to stay and he returns to Heartland. After Blair and her boyfriend Grant leaves, Ty starts all over with Amy. J. D. Werth is that threat. Ty finishes up at Maggie's and Brad is determined to stay and order a drink with Ty. He is forced to reconsider his future when faced with an offer that is difficult to refuse, but may jeopardize his work with Amy. Ty is determined to go over but Amy stops him after the showdown with the ranchers. Ty gives him advice on what to say to Clint, which goes smoothly receiving minimal punishment. Tim was accusing Jack of going behind his back by reaching out to Mitch. Things are a bit awkward at first but Kit soon gets telling Ty about Daisy and how she hasn't been the same since she lost her foal. "Are you hurt?" Amy asked looking at the . Tyler "Ty" Borden was Amy's husband, father of Lyndy and son of Lily Borden and Brad Borden. On his way back to Heartland he finds Red and rides him back. And he gets her. He does well and Amy is impressed, they start to get close and Caleb gets jealous so interrupts and asks Amy to join him for roping practice. Mallory teases them that they're like new parents. After all, it was the episode in which we finally found out whether she became the new Mayor of Hudson or not. Amy apologizes to Ty and he admits that he would do it again and he'd do anything for her. Sheryl. Ty finds Badger smoking by the barn and tells him to stop, when he flicks the butt at him Ty grabs him up against the door Amy has to break them up. They begin talking and become friends quickly, spending more and more time together. Amy, later, asks to see Ty's suit but he tells her not now as he needs to go out. The next morning, they watch as Scott takes back Merlin and "Tuffy". Everyone congratulates him except Amy who is still concerned. The next morning, Ty sees Mindy coming out of the outhouse. Ty (By All) He lifts her into the back of his truck and surprises her with his dancing. Jack then kicks Wade off the property. Ty comes clean and tells him that he and Amy were just trying to get him out of the Loft and apologises. He tells Amy how excited he is for them to have the house to themselves tomorrow when they leave for the trail ride, he offers to make dinner for them both when Caleb interrupts them. Ty studies with Kit at Maggie's, she tries to get him to stop since it's Saturday and asks him why he never finished High School the first time. Ty and Caleb bond over their mutual appreciation of Mindy's work. He brings Spartan home and Amy and Ty are thrilled. (Ghost from the Past) Amy and Ty are out looking for the mustangs when they stumble across Wes at Big River, who kicks them off the property. He becomes more terrified by the wolf coming close to them by the fire growling ferociously. Thanks everyone for your sweet show! He's trying to get to sleep at night at Carl's being noisy saying he's on vacation, annoying Ty more. Ty finds him in a nearby lake, having fallen off his horse. Amy and Ty find the ranch of their dreams, while Peter attempts to mediate when Georgie and Olivia come to blows. He starts a project in a nearby field, he gets frustrated when Mallory shows up and consistently talks. She explains that when Brad left everything was a mess, when Wade came along she thought he would help her but actually made things worse and she didn't want him around that. She tells him that as Betty is sticking with Slick if they keep them together they'll be fine. At Maggie's they talk about Diva Girl the Divorce Horse and Caleb brags about being the one to fix her as turning her out was his suggestion, when he gets a call from Ashley and leaves the group. "Well physically you are in tip top shape kiddo. I dont like Mitchs character at all. Ty sets off the flare and are both left devastated when it passes them by without spotting them. He talks to Scott when working with Ghost and he explains that Ghost doesn't like Amy because mustangs don't like mares being in charge. Ty's heater and water pipe in the trailer break so he temporarily moves back into the loft. He picks up Jack's shotgun in a panic and points it at the noise, he's stunned when Jack emerges. In the morning, Amy and Ty watch over Merlin as he gets used to other horses, Ty tells her that he's accepted the job at the racetrack so he has more money for school and gives them a bit of time apart, Amy's supportive but looks disappointed. When they get there Amy is in danger so Ty and Jack starts a fight, it's only broken up when Lou fires a shot into the air. Amy comes over and finds the glycogen loader he was using, a sugar bomb used to energise racehorses. When he puts Pegasus in with the infected horse, as they've already spent time together, Tim blames him when he too becomes ill. They find a spot and wait for Jack's conformation before they all hurry around setting up camp. Occupation(s) Which in return made that scene my favorite one from the episode and maybe even from the whole season. On the Cattle drive, they finally have a chance to sit and talk about everything. Which came with some major consequences. Amy tells Ty that she doesn't pity him, she cares about him. Amy gets excited about her school formal and is happy about attending with Ty, who appears not to share the same enthusiasm. After trying to get her to change her mind, he finally offers to go with her and they agree to leave at 9:30pm.