On a physical level, Lepidolite is believed to possess soothing energy for those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. BENEFITS OF LEPIDOLITE STONE: Clears electromagnetic pollution. The health of any of these bodies contributes toward the overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of a person. It can be used in many ways to heal the body, mind and spirit. Usually found intermingled with the pink tourmaline, the lepidolite crystal is sometimes shot through with other crystals. Lepidolite can be very helpful in meditations where balance is required, such as past-life work or spiritual journeying. This is a wonderful stone for promoting joy, gratitude, and self-love, yet all in an extremely calm and serene way. It can be daunting to face up to the parts of ourselves that are less than perfect. It ensures that you reach a place both here on earth and in the cosmic realm where you can thrive. It is used in the production of rubber, paint, plastic, as well as cosmetics. Adios to mood swings and PMS! Mica is a stone that helps us focus on the important things in life. Lepidolite is the name of a rare lithium-rich mica mineral that is usually pink, red, or purple in color. Tamashii Stores. It is said to be helpful in purifying the aura and removing negative energy blocks. Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz. They are also believed to symbolize growth, transformation, and new beginnings. While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. It works with the heart and third-eye chakras. Mica glass appears to be thin sheets of plexiglass. This crystal resonates with the energy of the heart chakra and helps you to keep yourself protected from the outside world. Grey Moonstone is a stone of perceiving beyond the veil, useful to the clairvoyant and shaman, and in moving one into unseen realms. Mica occurs semi-translucent crystals, either flat angular blades, or rosettes or even hexagonal thin columns. Lepidolite will act to balance out any extreme emotions that you may experience, keeping you grounded and centered during your journeys. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. Opening the heart chakra can help you connect with your heart and feel more compassion for others. Focus on removing the negativity from the stone, allowing it to be cleansed and recharged with purpose. Healing Crystals was founded in 2003 with the goal of providing affordable and quality crystals worldwide. The lepidolite crystal was first discovered by Gustav Kirchoff and Robert Bunse in the year 1861. Mica grows by building up see-through paper-thin layers upon layers, which appear opaque but are in fact transparent. Using mica facilitates self-confidence and acceptance. It emits a gentle and healing energy that balances your mood, feelings and emotions. It opens the Crown Chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. They have a lovely soft purple color that is both calming and uplifting. Mica is said to have soothing properties that may help in treating insomnia. Use Fuchsite to enhance the positive qualities of Aquarius, Use Fuchsite to enhance the positive qualities of Cancer, Use Muscovite to enhance the positive qualities of Leo, Use Fuchsite to enhance the positive qualities of Libra, Use Fuchsite to reduce the negative qualities of Aquarius, Use Fuchsite to reduce the negative qualities of Cancer, Use Muscovite to reduce the negative qualities of Leo, Use Fuchsite to reduce the negative qualities of Libra, Aquarius likes the following but by using Fuchsite in your daily lives, you are encouraged to be aware of when something becomes an obsession, Cancer likes the following but by using Fuchsite in your daily lives. Explore natural Fluorite Crystals on Amazon. The stone gives the wearer security and comfort, healing, and strength, among other impressive properties. This includes energy healing, chakra balancing, grounding, meditation, stress relief and more. After that, you should cleanse them every 2-4 weeks depending on how often you use them to keep negative energies at bay. shop now. The shadow side is embraced without a foundation to keep us strong and stable. Abundance bracelets encourage you to make decisions that lead you to wealth. . Let go of your hurt and anger, wipe away your tears, and show the rest of the world just what youre truly made of. If you are interested in using Mica for healing, be sure to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly. Lepidolite can be used for promoting dreaming and healing on both the physical level and spiritual level through creative visualization. It can help to cleanse the aura and protect against negative energy. They have a vibrant color, and the shine makes them look like little stars. These purple crystals have been seen as symbols of royalty. Lepidolite is a stone that is known for its healing properties. It is said to help you soothe and relax. Purple mica is also known as lepidolite. Mica has meaning and properties that can make you achieve goals easier. They alleviate migraines and create a balance of energy in the brain. Lepidolite is a relatively soft stone, so it may be best to clean it with a damp cloth rather than soaking it. Keeping a Lepidolite stone by your bed or other places where you frequently find yourself lost in thought is the ideal way to infuse your mind with its powers. This crystal encourages receptivity in women who are ready to conceive a child or relaxes men during meditation. Mica flakes are added to the epoxy that is then spread on the marble counter and blow-torched. Lepidolite is a stone that makes it easier to connect with your higher self. We try to research each crystal thoroughly, but if you find errors in our posts, please reach out to us and let us know so that we can continue to provide high-quality content. When we are suffering, this is challenging to keep in mind. Close your eyes and hold the mica in your hand. When impregnated with quartz, lepidolite is used as a minor gemstone. The soothing vibrations of this lavender crystal will awaken sensations of optimism and balance. Lepidolite helps the positive vibrations in your mind and body to stay with you for a lifetime! Mica powders work great in soaps. Take time to center your energy and ground yourself, then pick up the sone in your hands. Micas are a group of over 30 minerals. It acts as a mild abrasive in toothpaste and is added to cosmetics such as eye shadow, lipstick, and blushes to provide shimmer. But what many people dont know is that purple has some amazing properties that can benefit your life on a spiritual level. Those who wish to connect with this angel should surround themselves with Lepidolite, placing three stones in a triangle around their bed before sleeping. Mica flakes are ground and turned into a powder that has a white or off-white color. Muscovite is known as white mica. It is the most common lithium-bearing mineral and serves as a minor ore of lithium metal, with rubidium and cesium sometimes being byproducts. Do you want to learn how to make better decisions? Kunzite crystals can help you heal and restore your natural sense of love and peace. Ultra BC8. 2023 crystalsandjewelry.com | We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. If you are feeling blocked creatively, Mica can help to open up your creativity and encourage new ideas. If you are buying your Lepidolite from a local shop or dealer, be sure to ask if you can test the stone for magnetism before making your purchase. We believe that everyone can benefit from the properties of purple mica, and we encourage you to explore its power for yourself. . Due to Lepidolite's high lithium content, we suggest placing a piece directly over your third eye or crown chakra during a meditative session. Mica and muscovite both are stones of self-reflection and self-acceptance. The micas are an important group of minerals. The purple colors of Lepidolite are related to the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, and this crystal's significance is linked with them. It has a wide range of applications in electronics, cosmetics, and even construction. Purple Sapphire. Agate Quartz Quartz (silicon dioxide) is an important rock-forming mineral and is a prominent constituent of sand, gravel, sandstone, and several types of metamorphic and igneous rocks. The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Pyrite Shop Pyrite Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Pyrite Pyrite is often called "Fool's Gold," though there is nothing foolish about this mineral. It can aid in meditation and prayer, and can help one to connect with the spiritual realm. It has a strong relaxing, balancing and calming effect. The Lepidolite crystal meaning is connected to the lavender hues of this stone, which are associated with the third eye and crown chakras. Purple Diamonds bring their wearers serenity, honor, and courage. Micas are significant rock forming minerals being found in all three rock types: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. When any one of the auric bodies is not working properly, it affects the other bodies and the physical body, as each body relies on the others to gather and distribute energy. Focus on filling your hands with a radiant light through visualization for a minute or two. The yellow color in mica occurs due to oxidized iron. It can help you come to answers for questions about spirituality, divinity, and your own emotions. It has a balancing and restorative element. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. shop now. Especially if you are dealing with grief, mourning, or loss, this is a wonderful stone to bring into your life. 7 Best Indigo Crystals: Meaning, Properties and Benefits, Enhance Your Beauty with the Magic of Crystals, The Magic of Crystal Healing: How Do Crystals Work -, Discover Your Aquarius Birthstone: Unleash Your Inner, What are the Most Powerful Purple Crystals, Stone of spirituality, contentment & meditation, protective stone that can help ward off negative energy, Amethyst used to be as valuable as Rubies, natural Amethyst clusters, stones and jewelry, A+ Natural Raw Ametrine Gemstone Pendant, stimulate Kundalini awakening and aid in meditation, 1 Strand Adabele Natural Purple Sugilite, 925 Sterling Silver Natural Lepidolite Heart, The Magic Is In You LEPIDOLITE 8mm Round, AAA++ Rare Quality 10mm Genuine Lepidolite, Sunshinegems Natural Iolite Gemstone Beads, Real Iolite Raw Pendant Necklace, Purple, Buying Real Crystals on Amazon: Tips, Tricks, & Trusted Sellers 2023, The Magical Power of Blue Sapphire: Manifest Your Dreams in 2023, The Magic of Jasper Stone: Meaning, Properties & Uses, 12 Best Crystals For EMF Protection: A Comprehensive Guide, Crystal Home Decor: Bring Positive Energy Into Your Home in 2023.