Additional elements, aside from the #passages element, may include either the data-init-passage or data-passage content attribute, whose value is the name of the passage used to populate the elementthe passage will be processed as normal, meaning that markup and macros will work as expected. Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. May be called with either the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup. Alternatively, if you simply want the UI bar gone completely and permanently, either using UIBar.destroy() or the StoryInterface special passage may be a better choice. Note: Returns whether playback of the track has been paused. Returns the bundled metadata, if any, or null if the given save could not be deserialized and loaded. For example: There's also a macro-type-done class that is added to text that has finished typing, which may be used to style it differently from actively typing text. Note: See Also: Returns a reference to the dialog's content area. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. When used to set the shuffle state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. The built-in Restart button, along with the methods UI.restart() and Engine.restart() are provided so that the story can be restarted without restoring a session. Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. Note: Removes the audio group with the given ID. Note: Deprecated: There are three forms: a conditional-only form, a 3-part conditional form, and a range form. Note: June 2017 in Help! Deletes the specified on-load handler, returning true if the handler existed or false if not. See the Save.onLoad.add() method for its replacement. Returns the number of times that the given member was found within the array, starting the search at position. See Also: The SimpleAudio APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. . A list definition object should have some of the following properties: Adds the named property to the settings object and a range control for it to the Settings dialog. A save operation details object will have the following properties: Deletes all currently registered on-save handlers. You can have it hold numbers, text, and even other arrays! In case you needed to do more than simply load the save, you may do something like the following: Returns a save as a serialized string, or null if saving is not allowed within the current context. Before beginning, make sure that your Twine game is set up for the SugarCube format. See the Save.onSave.add() method for its replacement. Used to populate the story's caption area in the UI bar (element ID: story-caption). The function will be called just before the built-in no-break passage processing if you're also using thatsee the Config.passages.nobr setting and nobr special tag. Valid values are the name of the property being animated, which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once that transition animation is complete, or an integer delay (in milliseconds), which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once the delay has expired. Returns whether there are any filled slots. Deprecated: Does not affect script or stylesheet tagged passages, for Twine1/Twee. Determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent). The DOM ID of the passage, created from the slugified passage title. Instead, the macro is passed a receiver variable which is set to the value input by the user. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements. This is only really useful when you want to invoke a macro for its side-effects and aren't interested in its output. Returns whether an audio group with the given group ID exists. Terminates the execution of the current <>. Note: SimpleAudio API, AudioTrack API, and AudioRunner API. In SugarCube, the passage is not terminated, and anything in the code below the <> macro will have side effects. Note: See Also: They are defined via the Template API. That will only toggles the views, test mode must still be enabled first. Instead, use Navigation Events or Tasks. Appends one or more unique members to the end of the base array and returns its new length. Note: The discrete argument type of macros are also fairly straightforward, most of the time, as you simply supply the requisite arguments separated by whitespace, which may include variablesas SugarCube automatically yields their values to the macro. See the Save API docs for more information. Instances of the Passage object are returned by the Story.get() static method. Returns the number of currently registered on-save handlers. Warning: See UI API for more information. Removes the specified key, and its associated value, from the story metadata store. is not a synonym for Note: See: Note: IDs and classes automatically generated from passage names and tags are normalized to kebab case with all lowercase letterswhich entails: removing characters that are not alphanumerics, underscores, hyphens, en-/em-dashes, or whitespace, then replacing any remaining non-alphanumeric characters with hyphens, one per group, and finally converting the result to lowercase. Passage navigation terminates all pending timed executions. In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the $var variable will be saved in the state as 1, as you would expect. Note: Its return value should be the post-processed text. Gets or sets the track's volume mute state (default: false). Click the Formats button in the right sidebar of Twine. In addition to the history, there is also the active momenti.e., presentand expired momentsi.e., moments that had been played, but have expired from the history, thus cannot be navigated to. Does not modify the original. To simply add a delay to the dismissal of the loading screen to hide initial flashes of unstyled content (FOUC)e.g., style changes and page reflowsyou do not need to use this API. See the State.prng.init() method for its replacement. Using <> to automatically forward players from one passage to another with no input from them will both create junk moments within the story history and make it extremely difficult for players to navigate the history. Use the Edit Story Stylesheet story editor menu item for styles. If you simply want to empty the selected element(s), not remove them outright, you should use an empty <> macro instead. Several UI API methods have moved to the new Dialog API. Closes the dialog. If you should chose to use an explicit seed, however, it is strongly recommended that you also enable additional entropy, otherwise all playthroughs for all players will be exactly the same. See: Testing is strongly advised. For example, if you wanted to ask the user to enter a name, your code may look like this in Harlowe: In SugarCube, you would likely want to use the <> macro instead, and pass $name in as the receiving variable: Harlowe's newer input macros, like (dropdown:) and (cycling-link:) use "bound" variables, which are similar in concept to SugarCube's receiver variables. Returns the size of the story metadata storei.e., the number of stored pairs. See Also: Warning: Property attributes, including getters/setters, and symbol properties. Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a group via its <> children. If you've removed/hidden the UI bar, a construct like the following will allow you to toggle the views on and off: Note: Thus, any groups or playlists containing the deleted track should be rebuilt. The DOM ID of the story, created from the slugified story title. See Also: You should see one line, press the arrow on the side to see all of it. Warning: May be called either with a list of passages, with a list of link markup, or with a list of image markup. In the above, the second (set:) macro is never run, and the $count variable remains at 0. When a new moment is created, SugarCube stores the playthrough state to session storage. It can be loaded manually by the player or automatically by the autoload feature, which can be configured to, upon start up, either load the autosave automatically or prompt the player about loading it. The State.display() methodformerly state.display()is no longer overridable, meaning it cannot be wrappede.g., the "StoryRegions" 3rd-party add-ons do this. See Guide: Media Passages for more information. May be called either with the passage name and link text as separate arguments, with a link markup, or with a image markup. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Replacement patterns have the format {NAME}e.g., {identity}where NAME is the name of a property within either the l10nStrings object or, in a few cases, an object supplied locally where the string is usedthese instances will be commented. blazing fast internet with unlimited dataespecially true for mobile users. Twine1/Twee: Registers the passage as a CSS stylesheet, which is loaded during startup. Once the code has been fully executed, the contents of the buffer, if any, will be output. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. Each moment contains data regarding the active passage and the state of all story variablesthat is, the ones you use the $ sigil to interact withas they exist when the moment is created. Pauses playback of the selected tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces them to drop any existing data and begin loading. Warning: classes) guide for more information. The majority of newer SugarCube versions do not have any changes that would require an update. Returns whether fullscreen is both supported and enabled. Hides the UI bar. Returns whether the given substring was found within the string, starting the search at position. Those that bundle SugarCube v2: Any series of Twine2 with a version 2.1. Adds an audio track with the given track ID. Warning: Happens after the rendering of the incoming passage. Returns a new array consisting of the source array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the given depth. Determines whether the <> macro returns an error when the = assignment operator is used within its conditionale.g., <>. See Also: It should be plain text, containing no code, markup, or macros of any kind. The UISystem API object has been split into two APIs Dialog and UI, and some of its methods have also changed. Requires tracks to be set up via <>. Used for pre-passage-display tasks, like redoing dynamic changes (happens before the rendering of each passage). Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. The best example of an array is a pill container. Returns whether the engine is rendering the incoming passage. Note: Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts. To ensure backwards compatibility of existing strings objects, if one exists within a project's scripts, the older object is mapped to the new l10nStrings object. Interactive macros are both asynchronous and require interaction from the player. It consists of one or more right angle brackets, each additional one beyond the first signifying a level of nested blockquote. The function is invoked each time the .processText() method is called. All widgets may access arguments passed to them via the _args special variable. By default, it uses Math.random() as its source of (non-deterministic) randomness, however, when the seedable PRNG has been enabled, via State.prng.init(), it uses that (deterministic) seeded PRNG instead. Gets or sets the track's current time in seconds. Furthermore, it is no longer instantiated into the legacy state objectwhich still exists, so legacy code will continue to work. Deprecated: Used to populate the story's banner area in the UI bar (element ID: story-banner). For example, if some story passages were tagged with forest, then styles for those forest passages might look like this: These are SugarCube's built-in stylesheets, in order of load/cascade. Sometimes there are breaking changes, however, and these must be addressed immediately. Returns the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. Returns the current pull counti.e., how many requests have been madefrom the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, NaN. It is strongly recommended that you look into other methods to achieve your goals insteade.g., Config.navigation.override. The autosave is, for the most part, a normal save slot, but with a few special features built in. Circular references. Macros fall into two broad categories based on the kind of arguments they accept: those that want an expressione.g., <> and <>and those that want discrete arguments separated by whitespacee.g., <> and <