I dont get it, little pigeon.. It didnt have to end that way. What has made me a loyal costumer for the past 4 years is how organized, and knowledgable the Popeyes staff really are. "I've changed my mind. His first glance of seeing other SeaWings was atop a huge earth that sat enormously ahead once they rested on an island from the flight. Woah, this is one dark cave, pretty creepy to live in, dont you all think? Jambu said casually, glancing upwards to stare at the stalactites that hung above the dark cave. The war ended a long time ago.. She says she'd like to fill in for you again, to add a bit of excitment to her life.". Our website is updated live! As the dragon currently in charge of the NightWings, I officially pronounce you Queen Fatespeaker and, should he chose to accept it, King Starflight." He killed to make a living, killed to help the NightWings get rid of their dangerous enemies. Well, Turtle can. Nope, just me, Deathbringer replied, glancing back directly to the neatly lined up scrolls. Suppose Glory says all about how shed turn me inside out. This isnt the way of life anymore, in Pyrrhia, said Clay. Dim, yellow-orange light spilled from one of the rooms. His blindfold moved up from his closed reddish eyelids while Starflight rubbed it. Deathbringer unfurled his wings too slowly as he fell, and though his front talons caught onto rough stone before he could fall into the bubbling liquid fire below, his back legs dangled without a claw-hold, and his weight was too much for the thin ledge of stone he was gripping. 1 who does peril marry in wings of fire? She punched Deathbringer with it in full force, scratching him. Price $ $$ $$$ $$$$ Categories. Business website. Tightening his wings as he climbed up, peeking inside the gray stoned corridor with a single torch lighting up the far end of the hallway. What would a SeaWing want with him? Queen Glorys colors grew as if she started to become a plum of redberryhe remembered many RainWings calling them that. Its like a whole new Pyrrhia right in front of his eyes, as if he was just discovering it all. "This is all my fault!" It just felt so surreal to have accomplished something that inspired her to do more. Now youre caught up, Deathbringer said once she faced him with gaping eyes. I swear to the moons Deathbringer if you dont Theyre just a distraction for Deathbringer to make it easier for him to infiltrate, knowing multiple tribed dragons are visiting at such a weird time would bring attention.. ! Deathbringer only had the chance to glance around in confusion before Glory embraced him fully. Clay! Not even scavengers.. Proteins, fat burners, weight gainers, creatine, vitamins and more. You know us dragons can get a little sharp.. The air felt heavy because he knew he was holding something back. Tsunami didn't buy the dodge. Deathbringer locked his eyes through the scatter of the trees he was hiding under, a group of SkyWings, then on their approach, a few SandWings. Your Supplements Store Online. She is the first known NightWing to have powers, mind reading and precognition, since Darkstalker fell into an eternal sleep. It's only Deathbringer that's not with us. Ill handle this myself. Moons, Im in BIG trouble, and if I dont find a replacement now, Glory will, Oh, youre trying to learn the dance? The yellow dragonet spoke instead. "I'm going to get some fresh air," Deathbringer blurted. See all . No, shed be asleep, definitely. She kept her scales a calm pale blue. "I thought you were at the party," Deathbringer said, annoyed that his crush had caught him being so sentimental. Glory stumbled into the air, snatching Deathbringer's arm and hoisting him behind her as she aimed for one of the sky holes. You are not getting AWAY!. "So, where is this Palace?" Deathbringer swerved his head, looking at the incline of rocks ahead and many trees on the right, while the storm only aggravated the condition of visibility. What? Deathbringer scattered to his feet. insightful, kind and judgement-free process a Holistic Nutritionist in Victoria, BC . "Who else have you kidnapped?!" Thats the flower we came here for, Sunny told Glory, who was flabbergasted when she lifted the scroll to see the Gloryflower fall to the floor. I wont allow it.. Until it stopped, and a heaving breath just above, muffled to his ear. But you rejected it, even if I was favored over all other SkyWings by your mother, your Queen. Clay talked about everything. (Kee Tonight, we rise K You look disappointed., Deathbringer forced a cheery smile as if the rain would come if he talked a little downcasted towards her, No, no, no, its alright. Well, its not like you have any other choice, Deathbringer replied with a smirk, unless you want to ruin your SkyWing reputation if you do the typical torture method you always do.. Well, just after were allowed out since the war, Parificial placed the map back and swung his pouch back to his neck. Moons, from pillaging to assassinating! Are you kidding me? No, its fine, Starflight.. She narrowly missed a passing SkyWing guard that flew right above her while the group stayed quiet and disguised. She knew, deep down inside, that Clay would never love her that way, but Glory savored this midnight's simple moment. I always aim to improve. t. (250) 474-3883 f. (250) 483-1991. A blast emitting to their center pushed them back. He was probably Glorys only hope of finding a more suitable solution. Glory turned to him. He found his interest where to fool around and get attention, that being berated was okay because he felt like he mattered. Beautiful Creatures. What are you doing? Hes alright. Shame, I wanted to see the magic unfold in my eyes. Can he understand us if hes like that? Clay asked Turtle. They were this close. Glory was the only RainWing not sleeping at suntime. Sunny was calling out their name, while Deathbringers eyes widened to see his other talon empty. He couldnt accept this new reality as he stared down at his bloody talons. Im sorry, Deathbringer, Clay said as he charged forward, lifting his head to knock Deathbringer down. Best Match. A what?. Seeing them be reunited in front of her eyes brought back some memories of their adventures together, but now they were doing their part, and she knew she had to eventually return to fulfill her part to ensure peace and tranquility. Deathbringer moved through the dark, watching. How do you know my name?, Well, Deathbringer quickly replied, I was at Possibility, where you got it from Mayfly., Oh, Parficial nodded, Well, I paid pretty hefty for this flower. Deathbringer shot back. She asked. The other NightWing in the cave seemed to be following Deathbringer's train of thought, even though Deathbringer had barely spoken a word besides, "Do you mind if I sit here?". Deathbringer looked closer. Orchid and Mangrove's Egg15. "And they're going to have a lot of important SeaWings there to greet Moorhen and Glory and Mother. Thats pretty specific, she muttered, and I dont think Ive had one like that ever., But quickly, her sadness switched to a startled gaze. Deathbringer knew hell return. Restaurants. Perhaps this Shark was probably single. Glory picked it up with ease, returning upstairs towards one of the winglets rooms. Deathbringer said in a slightly quieter tone. I don't know if I'll come back," Deathbringer opened his wings and glanced around the rainforest. Im well aware of that, Parficial hissed, climbing over the log to continue, looking around more often. I cant wait to see your home again, Tsunami. Sunny spoke, her voice as excited that only radiated a warm feeling for Deathbringer. You know where Parficials quarters is that, right?, Peril nodded. Glory's scales were sliver and white-blue for the occasion. We won! A small stream nearby gushed gently, flowing through the forest floor. Watched as finally, the nightmare seemed to be over. It was already too much for Glory. That voice. Is that Northstar? (Hes been to Possibility by crossing the desert at night.). You dont know how much I had to fly around to look for you two, he said, looking at Turtle and Tsunami. turtleyamazing. Since the palace is all too quiet, he thought. Search Products. !, Turtle intervened. She asked Kinkajou before they parted if there was anything that can help and she mentioned a large circular pond connecting to the stream. I love those Before you question anything, Queen Ruby, Glory exchanged sights with the SkyWing Queen as her face contorted into many different expressions like she had a hard time on which to react first. Were they going to be there for a long time? When they broke apart, Glory offered a confused look and opened her jaw to speak. They flew silently throughout the short flight to what Parficial thought was a flower of magic, like how he told him earlier when they left the Sky Palace. Dark wings of stars appeared and flapped. Deathbringer leaned to nudge his elbow next to another RainWing, part of their kingdom's weekly checkup. Open Now. A flower. Deathbringer returned to where Kinkajou and Turtle were huddled. He may be the only NightWing seen here since. She called to him. Even if that oaf was this determined to bring something back. How will you see it in the dark?. "You're here partly because I want what I was supposed to get. Starflight is like an echo that I hear and always listen to, when other voices are like whispers to me, and come and comfort him whenever his voice weakens. Fatespeaker closed her scroll slowly and gently, her smile growing, Sooo, maybe its true to say that Starflight is everything to me, she ended with a chuckle. Enough to satisfy my fiancee". I mean, I did, but it really was an accident. Tanning Beds Available | 1st Month $30/Unlimited | No Appointment Necessary About; Coaches; Events; Blog; Contact; Shopping Cart; Shop Products; Shop . It felt, then, that the time froze, and after a matter of seconds. It wasnt long after their small pit stop that the river gradually widened, and dragons of different tribes filled the skies. Wasn't she important to him? Deathbringer chuckled, Ive been risking so much, maybe its hard for me to settle with it.. Clay and Peril had put on the act, trying to let Glory and Deathbringer save each other along the way, but also showing them that there was more to their relationship than they had thought. Phone Number. Ill stay with you, Clay said to Peril, a contented smile on his face. Well, not really, of course." Indigo and Fathom's Eggs12. Of course, he hadnt taken them too seriously like in the past, but now, why was he concerned. A figurine from this particular region is the symbol of the Medical Association of Lasithi. He galloped inside in desperation to find anyone that could help. At least there was someone here that probably showed promise to plant knowledge. I put you all with the responsibility of finding Parficial sound and safe, the queen declared when she turned back to formally glare at them. Not enough to present anger as a weakness, but enough to show how mad he was. "And enough to pay me for my services," Whirlpool cut in in his thick, oily voice. Do I need to sign a declaration for every SeaWing to look for him? Opens at 10 am. "Yessss," Morrowseer hissed back, anger seeping into his voice. You found the gem you were looking for? Jambu asked. She and Deathbringer were out of the council chamber, hovering over the smoky scene from a safe distance, but Glory dove back toward the fortress, yelling as she plummeted toward the smoky cavern, "They're still in there! Deathbringer spent his time wandering the palace. A few ways away from where the mountain range sat on their right after the vast emptiness of dirt hills was the sight of a large river flowing through the sandy terrain. Vitamins and Supplements. Yes, I was TRYING to dance, but, right now I think the NightWings need me so, He didnt take his time to pack up the pot that he hid behind and hurriedly pushed Kinkajou away towards the exit. He stepped down from the higher steps to join them after Kinkajou traversed back next to Turtle, gathering their thoughts into their next steps. I see, she either doesnt trust me still, or she misses me. Uh this was to help with writer's block idk. dont you agree, Glory? Glory managed to catch those words from Kinkajou when she tapped her. Glory felt a talon poke on her side. 37. "What? Queen Snowfall's Eggs13. Vitamins. We can try convincing him. "Two of the prophecy dragonets, an infamous assassin, and Scarlet's champion should earn me a nice reward. At least it was a change, now, but she wasnt sure she liked it. She wrapped the string around the rerolled scroll, sealed it with a twist before returning it to the self, and then reached out for another scroll to read. When Deathbringer asked her why he didn't remember anything from the night on Jade Mountain, Peril answered with a simple, "Not true. It was the least that she expected when they reached the main hall of the Palace. What hurts remembering was the odd bits of jointed, smaller stems and looked as if it was freshly cut. 11h in Creativity. Glory and her group stood by, hovering from a safe distance while they helplessly watched Deathbringer growling and baring his teeth at them. She nodded upon his request. She'd known that it would come back to bite her, but she'd trusted him anyway. AND we dont even know if that flower is still there, she added vehemently. Accepts Apple Pay. Glory stalled, giving herself a moment to think. Tsunami returned outside the room, while Sunny, Jambu, and Kinkajou were in awe and cheerily conversating about Parficials drawings, to which Glory would agree along with them. Closing her eyes, she took it in joyful wonder. Hed been quite used to something that he didnt remember the last time it was this quiet since living in the Rainforest Kingdom. You had this crazy-weird look in your eye and I wasn't going to take any chances.". Clay does have a point. Turtle added, raising his talons, its not like we have our gems to make up for how much he paid it for., Deathbringer could only think of one more solution, but hes sure to know they wouldnt let him, so he kept that underneath his head. Warm and heavy and soothing. Running towards where that piece of wood was thrown, only to be met with Glorys wing talon. Beside her, Tsunami was examining her reflection in a small pool of water with a scowl. You wouldnt listen., My adventures are dangerous, he perked up, Its why I was the assassin.. Starflight was part of my destiny, and Im sure as long as the three moons stay up there, he will continue to be because, unlike having to be with other friends. Theres so much more to learn., Deathbringer stood silent at the sight of the flower. In the corner of Queen Glory's hut, scroll and quill in hand, Thorn was eagerly taking notes. Nebula, Kinkajou, Holding back a laugh, she got up and glided down to a fruit tree. He held the flower pot tightly, something that probably was precious to Glory, and with minutes on end, he could feel the guilt of his carelessness pulling him down. Thats like telling her his love for her was just as affected. Peril divebombed in an attempt to stand in the way of Clay and Sunny as Deathbringer looked at them. Don't tell Tsunami, but I've had a bit of a craving for squid ever since we left the Sea Kingdom.". He wanted to be more than just a bodyguard for the Queen. I needtime, its too soon, thinking ugh. She shook her head, pacing around the wooden floors. Which one?, Then before one of them could reply, a much more demeaning SeaWing flew right over them, hovering them as if he commanded the entire SeaWing guards. WebChapter One. But he liked to think it was Glory, calling to his departing figure to tell him she loved him. Wings of Fire, Tui T. Sutherland Chapters 6 Characters Clay, Glory, Tsunami, Starflight Favourites 34 Follows 34 Genre Humor Id 10528181 Identifier savefanfiction-10528181-Wings_Of_Fire__Truth_Or_Dare_-FanFictionConnection Show More savefanfiction The sounds of cries near a seashore that appeared in front of his eyes. I know animus magic is something hard to understand. more See more text. I havent been in another tribe at all.. The SkyWing fell to his fours, holding the flower in his talon up. It seemed right after all when they came all the way here for nothing. Oh, right he mumbled in response to his thoughts, confusing Sunny. The MudWing quickly turned her face to smile. Dont apologize, she scoffed, but whats with the sudden visit?, Just asking another favor for you to run the Rainforest Kingdom for a few more days while I run some quick needed errands. No, hes also dead. But Glory was wrong. She died protecting him, leaving him a void of emptiness that would never be regained. Deathbringer Glory cleared her throat before continuing. Eeeaugh! Deathbringer hissed. Deathbringer settled next to where the sandy horizon faced him, and a familiar sense of quietness filled the atmosphere. Theyre sleeping in one of the rooms, he said. "So How are things with Deathbringer?" Phone Number. Im fine Clay said, coughing. Im guessing theyre resting for the night.. The other dragonets just sat there blinking. . Deathbringer swished his tail through the crumbling rocks of the cave. . It sounded so complicated, yet all of what she said made sense. ", Clay bit back a laugh. Glory knows she can, but on days like this, the burden of urging an entire tribe to turn their back on their old ways and ushering them into not being as lazy as the history scrolls depicted them to be for moons how long She did not expect it all to ram at her head-on when she volunteered to be queen. WebWings of Fire couples Chapter 2 continued, a wings of fire, tui t. sutherland fanfic | FanFiction. Glory hated how she sounded like it was their fault. "One day, my dragonets will spring from their eggs, leap and romp over these rocks, drag animals home from the woods for dinner," Deathbringer imagined his children having the one thing he could never seem to get. She flew ahead to where the world existed, flying forward until she met up with Kinkajou, and a familiar SeaWing, playing happily together that Glory couldnt help but giggle at the glance of Kinkajou's dream. It had very nice, rounded petals, Deathbringer reminisced, taking one intricate detail at a time. Reflex Supplements Victoria. What would you expect a dragon to do without its head? Of course, theyve done so much during the MUCH MORE WORSE times in Pyrrhia. I'm not sure if you can feel it, but I can.". After snuffing them out, he opened the scrolls, filled with many detailed drawings of every flower that he couldnt even imagine possible. How long has it been? Glory saw her three friends, Tsunami, Clay, and Sunny, gathered in a conversation with the Queen and some other SkyWings. He can sense in his mind that this goes against everything with wanting to make a good change. They probably never met me, Deathbringers mind concluded. He may not have the smartest mind when planning, but he could feel that this was the only way to complete this mission. Glory's POV. This was it, seeing animus power in action. Then the world collapsed into himself, shrinking, the sky turning black. Was it the end when he told himself that once he found someone to care about, hed stop? Lynx and Winter's Eggs11. Deathbringer had just asked me out! You dont have to, Deathbringer reminded her. Moonlight caught on Glory's shifting scales, revealing several delicate shades of calm, pale blues and whites. Although what other choice did he have? Phew! Deathbringer moved toward what looked like a tower as tall as some of the trees made of very smooth crystals, or pure glass, fully stacked with more unique flowers laid in pots with their respective seeds on the side. They both gave their goodbyes, then suddenly, Glory faced a stone wall. Sunny added casually, though with an odd, faraway look in her eye. I was going to burn that flower to smithereens!. You promised me a long reign. I mean, Im not scared to assume you had fun with Starflights friends, right?, Speaking of Starflight, a sudden tumble reverberated throughout the corridor outside, and Fatespeaker quickly trudged her way, with Deathbringer following right behind. Glory felt her heart rise from her chest. "Stop talking nonsense," commanded Glory, "And stop mumbling.". Little Steps more See more text. My Queen, are you sure were safe being with the NightWings?. Glory landed to look closer. Huh?, He took glances, his eyes darting in all directions until he noticed the small yellow dragon, Sunny. "I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT YOUR PETTY MORAL DEFECTS! . "I accept with all gratitude, your Majesty.". Youll never know when some fruit becomes poison, right?. Theres only one explanation for this. Turtle looked to Deathbringer, and as if the world stopped for a minute. "Well? I've heard of what my daughter's friend has done for our tribe. ", "You're in my dreams too? Glory grabbed Kinkajou's shoulders. Glory! Tsunami was the first to stop her while the colors of her scales fluctuated, grasping her talon with her own. Nothing, nothing, just smelling, you know, His eye quickly caught another flower and put his head forward to smell it, Mmm, these wonderful flowers., You know Glory told me to always keep an eye on you., She did? Really? Yes, I think you shouldnt.. He was just looking out into the blissful evening sky. I can help you! About Parficial, Glory hummed for a little before continuing. I want to thank you so much, Kinkajou. Glory blossomed her appreciation into a gentle embrace. A color like no other. Glory didnt waste any more time. If he could see her, look her right in her eyes. I was about to ask you all the same thing., Im sorry? One of the SkyWing guards intervened, speaking directly to his Queen. Deathbringer growled. So you want me to not touch it until you finish your drawing of the flower? Deathbringer summarized, getting back a nod in response. Jambu stayed relatively nearby the entrance glancing out into the bright and hilly landscape, returning to tell them, Theres a lot of SkyWings heading back to their palace in the distance.. Now he knew why about Tsunami staying for their benefit when Shark spoke to them. I don't appreciate that it's the truth.". "One day, Twilight Sparkle will rule Equestria, as a just, kind, smart, brave, loyal pony. So, a MudWing, RainWing, two SeaWings, and a NightWing, she listed, glancing at them in the order she spoke, and here I thought seeing a SandWing with snake venom injury today was weird enough., Oh, well, were here to find a flower, Sunny started, taking a few steps forward, a rare one, with a green stalk and blue petals with an orange center., Mayfly trudged forward to place the pot she carried of more purple flowers back to an empty shelf in the tower. Out into the opening, space was distinctively brighter from the apparent lack of forestry. I still dont want to go on with this, she reappeared, levitating next to Turtle while he placed the stick in his pouch. She looked around for him in the academy until she found him just out into an open space, silent and alone like his old self, but she didnt find him reading the scrolls or playing around with his weapons. Reflex Supplements Victoria. With careful convincing and reasoning that went from there, they eventually split up, Kinkajou waving goodbye to the three while he was sure Tsunami muttered something as they flew away. 235 Favourites. Parficials drawings, this one looks so real! Sunny pointed at a reddish flower drawn in the scroll she was holding. They agreed on a distant observation when they get there. Im sorry, Kinkajou, Deathbringers tone was sullen, understanding her point. I bet he'll be there, thought Glory.