African Proverb, There is no beauty but the beauty of action. Ethiopian proverb, When the baby grows, the crying changes. African proverb, You cannot tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. African proverb ~ African Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=Rising early makes the road short. African proverb, To lead is not to run roughshod over people Kenyan Proverb, To neglect ones ancestors would bring ill-fortune and failure in life. Ashanti proverb, It is mysterious if a baboon falls from a tree. what is too little for him and African proverb, Several repeated visits to the mud pit enable the wasp to build its house. Malagasy Proverb, By crawling a child learns to stand. Congolese Proverb, A pretty face and fine clothes do not make character. African proverb, A quarrelsome chief does not hold a village together. Zimbabwean Proverb, You can outdistance that which is running after you, but not what is running inside you. Fipa proverb, One who eats a guinea fowl does not start to look like a guinea fowl. African Proverbs The wise create proverbs for fools to learn not to repeat. A small house will hold a hundred friends., 134. When a great leader passes away, many people lose their way in life if they do not find a successor. Ghana, You must act as if it is impossible to fail. Xhosa Proverb, The sun will shine on those who stand before its shines and on those who kneel after under them. African Proverbs About Life 1. Kenyan proverb, The mice eat the misers goods. Ethiopian proverb, He who earns calamity, eats it with his family. If someone upsets you, forgive him or her because what goes around, comes around. Great proverbs, please do more research on Nigerian proverbs, specifically Yoruba proverbs. Like the air, the water, and everything else in 5the world, the heart too rises the higher the warmer it becomes. When the right hand washed the left hand and the left hand washes the right, both hands become clean. Ashanti proverb, When a man is stung, he doesnt destroy all beehives. Algerian Proverb, When one would climb a tree, one begins from the bottom and not from the top. Rwandan proverb, You can tell a ripe corn by its look. Zinza Proverb of Tanzania, A wanderer with a mouth will not get lost. African proverb, When you are rich, relation exists; if you are poor, relations desist. African Proverb, A talkative bird will not build a nest. Bondei proverb, Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper. 3. African Proverb, They ate our food, and forgot our names. A child can play with its mother's breasts, but not its father's testicles. Akan, You become wise when you begin to run out of money. Botswana Proverb, A beautiful one hurts the heart. Ugandan proverb, The blame of the antelope is on the hunter. Nigerian people use this proverb in case they want to caution somebody about his approach to planning. ~ Euripides My dear father! Yoruba proverb, Women are part of the origin of lifes big mystery on earth; they know the secret of a good life. A family is like a forest when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place. ~ South African Proverb, It is the grass that suffers when elephants fight. Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it., 79. Zimbabwean Proverb, A large chair does not make a king. ~ Kikuyu Proverb, Baboons do not go far from the place of their birth. ~ Malawian Proverb, When a thing becomes perfect, it soon fades. 239 likes All Members Who Liked This Quote. Tanzanian proverb, If two wise men always agree, then there is no need for one of them. African Proverb, No matter how big a child is, he cannot deny that he was once carried on the back of a woman. Nigerian Proverb, The rich are always complaining. African Proverb 2. Mozambican Proverb, News is interesting from the mouth of him who tells it first. Meaning:What goes around, comes around so whatever you sow, you shall reap. ~ Egyptian proverb. African Proverb, To run is not necessarily to arrive. Nigerian Proverb, Beautiful discourse is rarer than emerald yet it can be found among the servant girls at the grindstones. A restless feet may walk into a snake pit. A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted the very day it hatches. Never marry a woman who has a bigger feet than u.please I want to know the implications.!!!! ~Ghanaian Proverb, The antics of a market buffoon provide laughter, but nobody prays that his child becomes the market buffoon. African Proverb, The man who has bread to eat does not appreciate the severity of a famine. African proverb, Everybody has been young before, but not everybody has been old before. Proverbs are food to the soul of a wise man. Zulu proverb, Hope nourishes the living. South African Proverb, Even if you bewitch in the night, you will be known. Rwandan proverb, Worms that live on mahogany do not know that dates are sweet. African proverb, Do not tell the man who is carrying you that he stinks. Ethiopian proverb, Examine what is said, not him who speaks. He who earns calamity, eats it with his family., 143. African proverb, When a man says yes, hischi(personal god) says yes also. If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them?, 142. African proverb, Silence itself is eloquent. South Africa, Money is not the medicine against death. ~ African Proverb, One arrow can knock down an elephant. Cameroonian Proverb, A market is not held for the sake of one person. She "wore" you around and you are far more beautiful than crowned jewels. One who loves the vase, loves also what is inside., 55. Meaning:This is one of the most known African proverbs on leadership. In the African Yoruba language among the Yoruba people whose culture is as old as time, Ashe or Ase means may it be so. Agege bread was created by Alhaji Ayokunnu How to m. Chic African Culture and The African Gourmet are dedicated to discovering, collecting and sharing African history and heritage celebrating 14 years of service in 2021. ~ Congolese Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=A tree cannot stand without roots. A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning., 90. Some are known to come from specific tribes, ethnic groups or countries. Meaning:You will always be who you are regardless of how long you fake your character. Uganda Proverb, Beautiful words dont put porridge in the pot. Ovambo proverb, A warrior fights with courage, not with anger. African Proverbs About Life 1. Hema (DRC) proverb, Wisdom is not in the eye, but in the head. Akamba Proverb, The impotent man does not eat spicy foods. 3. Hausa proverb, If you eat all your harvest, you wont have seed for tomorrow. African proverb Mali Proverb, The influence of the fountain makes the brook flow. Zulu proverb, God does not hide a liar. Madagascar Proverb, A mad dog bites anything except itself. Senegalese proverb, When a king has good counselors, his reign is peaceful. Technical achievements for instance do help greater mobility for good for people all over the world, but they raise the perilous task to protect our entire planet. African Proverb, Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. African proverb Rwandan Proverb, If your only tool is a hammer, you will see every problem as a nail. ~South African Proverb, Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones. African proverb, Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet. The man who belittled the sickness a monkey suffered, must ask to see the eyes which his nurse got from blowing his sick fire. Sudanese proverb, Patience is the mother of a beautiful child. African Proverb, If you are building a house and a nail breaks, do you stop building or do you change the nail? (African Proverb) - More African Proverbs. Malawian Proverb, Who ever suggested that rats should become chiefs? When an old man dies, a library is burned with him., 40. African proverb, He who cannot dance will say, The drum is bad! Moroccan Proverb, Learning expands great souls. African proverb, When spider webs unite, they tie up a lion. African Proverb, You cannot build a house for last years summer. Akan, Greed loses what it has gained. Zambian Proverb, The mouth is the shield to protect oneself. African proverb, Many hands make light work. (African Proverb) African Proverb, One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights. Ghanaian Proverb, A child is a child of everyone. Zambian Proverb, If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. ~ Ekonda People of the Congo, A crowd can easily overpower a bull. West African proverb, There can be no peace without understanding. Liberian proverb, Greatness and beauty do not belong to the Gods alone. - Swahili proverb A beautiful things is never perfect. You overcame the rain, but what about the dew? Meaning:This proverb means that your mind will judge you when you are guilty in some crime, and it is being said now. Yoruba Proverb, What you learn is what you die with. African proverb, When a man thinks he is too big or great to fall, it only takes a little thing to bring him down. African proverb, War among grasshoppers delights the crow. If you want to go fast, go alone. Yoruba, Make some money but dont let money make you. Ovambo proverb, Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully. Proverbs 13:1. Hausa proverb, He whom a serpent has bitten dreads a slow-worm. ~ Kikuyu Proverb, He who refuses to obey cannot command. Ghanaian Proverb, The butterfly that flies among the thorns will tear its wings. ~ Bantu Proverb, Suppression of hunger leads to death. African proverb Congolese Proverb, To love the king is not bad, but a king who loves you is better. African Proverb, A bad cook also has his/her share of the bad food. Fatherly love African proverbs teach us love holds a child tight, supports the soul and teaches how to love the world in return. African Proverb, The best of mankind is a farmer; the best food is fruit. ~ South African Proverb, Do not call to a dog with a whip in your hand. ~ Malagasy Proverb, If you think you have someone eating out of your hands, it is a good idea to count your fingers. He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. Hausa proverb, However much it rains on you, no wild banana tree will grow on your head. Wolof proverb, One does not cross a river with a fool. Swahili proverb, Two cocks do not crow from the same roof. tags: colonialism, eloquence, history-of-mankind, proverb. African Proverbs Translated From Zulu to English. Will be added to this article shortly! Swahili proverb, The house of a person we love is never far. Kenyan proverb, A warning to the wise is a blessing, to the fool an insult. Egypt proverb, Our love is like the misty rain that falls softly, but floods the river. ~ Nigerian Proverb, Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand. Ethiopian Proverb, Where water is boss, the land must obey. South African Proverb, Hope does not kill; I shall live and get what I want one day. African proverb, You wont last long, so leave a legacy. African proverb, The wise create proverbs for fools to learn not to repeat. African Proverbs on Mothers (21 Proverbs) Your mother is the bodyguard of your father. African proverb African proverb African proverb, He who talks continuously, talks nonsense. African Proverb, Food you will not eat you do not boil. Ibo proverb, At the bottom of patience one finds heaven. Akan (Ghana, Ivory Coast) proverb, There is no fool who is disowned by his family. Morocco proverb, The way to the beloved isnt thorny. For Nina, people are the essence of travel and she makes sure she makes local friends everywhere she goes. Safari Junkie. What is the difference between ugali and, Pronounced ah-gay-gay agege bread is century old sweet tasting bread very popular with Hausa people in the West African country of Nigeria. Ephesians 6:4: "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.". ~ Swahili Proverb], If you do not have patience you cannot make beer. ~ African Proverb, An empty pot makes the loudest noise. African Proverb, Children are the reward of life. Meaning:You will fall into a trap if you do not have good advice or refuse to take one. My son, hear the instruction of your father and forsake not the law of your mother, for they shall be an ornament of grace to your head and chains around your neck (Proverbs 1:8 - 9). Kuria Proverb, One shares food not words. (Ibibo) meaning, The father . The earth is a beehive, we all enter by the same door., 33. People throw stones only at trees that have fruit on them. Niger Proverbs, Every living thing has a story to tell. African proverb, If you run after two hares you will catch neither. 2. Ibo proverb, You cannot tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. African Proverb, A pretty basket does not prevent worries. African proverb, A chickens prayer doesnt affect a hawk. Tshi proverb, If a stranger comes to stay with you, do not forget when you lay aside his weapons that he is hungry. Ghanian Proverb, When you have bad thoughts about your life then it will come to pass. NASB 1977 Grandchildren are the crown of old men, And the glory of sons is their fathers. . Another great African Proverb, thanks for sharing! People take it from others., 83. Ganda Proverb, The skin of the leopard is beautiful, but not his heart. Shona proverb, A dog which steals leaves its puppies a bad name. Congolese Proverb, Little by little the bird builds its nest. African Proverb quote, Tradition / African Guinea C hildren are the reward of life. - African Proverb Learning expands great souls. Bayombe, Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can. African Proverb, Birds of all kinds will end up landing. Yoruba is as old as time, Ashe refers to the life force within all living things, the spark that animates life. He who will swallow udala seed must consider the size of his stomach. ~ Congolese Proverb, God has created lands with lakes and rivers for man to live. ~ Ghanaian Proverb, When I think of the otherss misfortunes, I forget mine. Malawian Proverb, Even the lion, the king of the forest, protects himself against flies. Swahili proverb, A person is not his words. African proverb, He who loves, love you with your dirt. Judith from Zambian DECEMBER 4, 2020. It means that a person must always stay happy about his or her achievements even if nobody cares. Zambian Proverb, Wine, women and food give gladness to the heart. ~ Ethiopian Proverb, When your neighbour is wrong you point a finger, but when you are wrong you hide. If you educate a man, you educate one person. Somali Proverbs, A broken clay pot or plate does not become whole again. (African Proverb) You cannot hear a baby cry in the mother's womb. "To love someone who does not love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall."- Congolese Proverb. Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand., 95. The young one looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth. We have collected and put the best African Proverbs. African Proverb, When elephants fight, its the grass that suffers. Maasai Proverb, He who eats another mans food will have his own food eaten by others. West African Proverb, By his deeds we know a man. Yoruba proverb, Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones. ~ Nigerian Proverb, Numbers can achieve anything. ~ South African Proverb, He has rubbed shoulders against a baobab tree. Congolese Proverb, The food eaten first lasts longest in the stomach. Madagascar proverb, Dont try to make someone hate the person he loves. Pictured is Walter M. Schirra Jr. NASA/Wikipedia. When a man makes a fence, you will know his level of wisdom. ~ Kenyan Proverb, Every fame has a foundation. African Proverb, It is only a male elephant that can save another one from a pit. Gandan proverb, One whose seeds have not sprouted does not give up planting. African proverb, Everything the house gets is by favor of the door. Ethiopian Proverb, Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime. 6. ~ Congolese Proverb, Pretend you are dead and you will see who really loves you. African proverb, Whatever accomplishment you boast of in the world, there is someone better than you. ~ Congolese Proverb, Birds of all kinds will end up landing. Malagasy Proverb, Happiness is as good as food. ~ Ewe Proverb, It is the belly which daily gives thanks. Having a good discussion is like having riches., 28. Book Details. Mossi proverb, You are given some stew and you add water, you must be wiser than the cook. Oromo proverb, Wisdom does not come overnight. ~ Swahili Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=He who tells the truth is never wrong. Maize bears fruits once and dies because it is not rooted into the ground. ~ African Proverb, A weaning baby that does not cry aloud will die on its mothers back. Jabo proverb, It is not the cooks fault when the cassava turns out to be hard and tasteless. Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped. am from Uganda but this proverb is inspiring. Ethiopian Proverb, The enemy you know is better than the one you do not know. Lizard that ruined its mothers burial, what did it expect others to do? African proverb, Make some money but dont let money make you. African Proverb, However long the night, the dawn will always break. African Proverb, You dont need a light to see someone you know intimately at night. ~ Kenyan Proverb, The rain does not recognize anyone as a friend it drenches all equally. ~ Cameroonian Proverb[clickToTweet tweet=Rain does not fall on one roof alone. Congolese Proverb, He who does not seize opportunity today, will be unable to seize tomorrows opportunity. Moroccan Proverb, Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face. Ethiopia proverb, Where there is love there is no darkness. Read more quotes from Chinua Achebe. Guinean proverb, No matter how many house chores you complete, there are always more to be done. African proverb, The teeth of a dog do not lock together. For he will go on loving but he will hate you. African proverb, Hope does not disappoint.