Aquarius Ruling Planets and Their Significance? Even though the Aquarius personalitymight revert to an unemotional, detached persona when going through a breakup, they're actually really hurt inside. Some may be genuine and some not so genuine. Why Would An Aquarius Want To Breakup With You? But when it comes to commitment, you like to take your sweet time, weighing every option and feeling people out for as long as you damn well please. Categories Astrology, Aquarius Articles, Aquarius Women Articles, Do Leo Men Come Back? How do Aquarius women Handle after break up? How an Aquarius breaks up with someone is just as complex and hard to understand as they are at times. Alongside that she will defy any conventional aspects or tropes that might be associated with a relationship, she will be a free-thinker and will hesitate to be chained upon, she might be submissive in terms of pleasuring her partner in and out of the bedroom but she will not be constrained from her own personality. When you finally give your heart away, you have no plans on going anywhere, much like signmate Snoop Dogg who is still married to his high school sweetheart after 22 years. Or, as the sign of the critic, you can pivot to the offense, shredding your ex for all their flawseven if you defended the very same traits to your friends just days ago. Aries. Their non-expressing behavior may seem cold and ignorant to you and you may feel as if they are not genuinely interested in you anymore, even if that is not the case. And even then, there's not too much emotion there. (Well talk about Brad again later). Any intolerance or close-mindedness about that and we're done for good. Moving on is not easy for a sign that values history like yours. She is a great humanitarian who sees the world as it is, she is intelligent, calculating, and knows when to speak up when needed to, she is free-spirited and as such requires her partner to be the same as her. This will also translate into her dating style, an Aquarius womans way of dating is an entire paradox, your entire conversation with her might be platonic but sensual at the same time, you will feel her sense of faithfulness and at the same time detachment. If youre not involved in a breakup, youre usually supporting someone else who is. She might even ignore or act like you even existed, she will be cold and aloof, incredibly silent about the relationship as if it never existed in the past, in all ways the breakup with Aquarius woman will leave her emotionally drained and battered and she will cope by shutting down and detaching herself from the emotions shes experiencing. Moon in Aquarius: You come off as detached, independent, and a bit of a loner. You always bounce back and try again. This may make you question their feelings for you !! They may also suggest friendship if they feel you can still be a good friend to them. Otherwise, you can spiral down into a melancholy hole, and become numb and pessimistic about everything in life. The factor influencing your mind and emotions. With your flair for the theatrical, your love life can get downright Shakespearean. She can be introverted but might be good at talking, more good at talking to the people she is naturally attracted to, this means its a relatively good sign if she opens up her interests or passion to you. Who Is Venus in Aquarius Compatible With? They mysteriously show up once they have had their hearts broken. 3) Will An Aquarius Cry If I Break Up With Them? A year later, she was stressed out from supporting this lost soul while he found the courage to paint again. Another Aquarian accepted a marriage proposal after two weeks of dating a foreign grad student looking to extend his Visabut no, it was truly love! We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. Ultimately, you emerge, often sharing your heartbreak in a cathartic way that helps others heal from similar situations. Air sign Aquarius lives in the clouds when it comes to love. When an Aquarius woman is seeming cold and detached or when they're having problems being intimate, they may be thinking of a breakup. If a relationship ends unceremoniously, some Cancers put up a fierce front, excoriating your ex to anyone in earshot. They get over it rapidly and attempt to discover any reason they can to abhor their ex, regardless of whether it implies they must take a genuine hit to their pride. Relationships that felt like magic last spring might be leaving you gasping for air. Leo. Nothing screams "getting over my ex" like a night out on the town with our ten closest BFFs. But many have different ways to overcome the pain it gives and actually moves on. Breakup is an entirely widespread encounter for most people. ), That said, lets see what it look likes when an Aquarius woman is in love. If it makes sense to break up, then we'll send you off with a "see ya!" In some cases, they may also refrain from gathering and isolate themselves from their friends and family. Once you find that special someone, you pour yourself fully into the relationship, and you want it to last forever. But when youre in, youre inat least for a while. Once the initial sting is gone, you throw yourself back into doing you, which can be a double-edged sword. Does Aquariuswant to fight for the relationship? Before you do anything rash, read on and find out how your zodiac sign bounces back from a breakup. "While this doesn't have to mean doom and gloom for their . Aquarius is known for hiding their emotions well. The information that Ive given you here works, but if you really want to have your ex back and get her on your page 100%, then check out Brad Brownings EX-Factor Guide. By that time on, she has or might have moved on or still might have lingering thoughts about you but she will certainly not feel any pain regarding the breaking up, this can be incredibly hurtful on your part as she ghosted you without dealing with the problem. Transits to some of these points can last years, especially if we accept orbs as wide as three degrees for Pluto's influence. I really like Brads method, because he shows you how to subconsciously tap into her emotions Her feelings of attraction and love will be stimulated without her realizing what youre doing. Worst case scenario: you can spiral down into self-destructive behavior, a la Virgos Amy Winehouse and fashion writer Cat Marnell. Aquarius, sure, on the outside you appear to be emotionally detached, and even somewhat cool and collected. By the time you're "ready," your boo may have tired of the power struggles, and head games, and moved on. Deal with the pain and youll have an easier time leaving it behind. It would be rare to see them shedding tears over something in front of someone. Take a deep breath after an Aquarius breakup. The signals show through your body language. Some attempt to stay away from sorrow out and out by imagining the relationship never at any point occurred like Aquarius. While other signs might mope around the house, you stay on the move. You cant expect them to sacrifice their choices and freedom for you. If its truly over, nothing heals the Leo heart faster than diving into a creative project. The water bearer likes to dominate any relationship, as a . You may also check how to make an Aquarius man stop ignoring you. If you dont, the unfinished business will come out sideways with snarky comments, Twitter battles and baggage that you drag into your next relationship. You feel as if you are flying in the sky of hearts. What is the Aquarius breakup style, according to astrology? (See @arianagrande). Or, panic-stricken at the idea of being alone, you put on your thirst trap bandage dress and head to the bar, only to attract the shadiest character you could meet. There are also a few Aquarians, who will try to distract themselves just like one of the categories mentioned above. The Aquarius breakup rattles you no matter how cool you are. By now you should know that she will not be the romantic type and will have more tendency to overwork herself prior to what her passion is, this is why you must appeal to her by offering her loyal friendship, then you can begin from thereon. RELATED: They will make it known that this is the end of your relationship, friendship,. My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. As a sign that plays well without anyone else's input, they may even appreciate reconnecting with their isolation in the wake of being so tangled up in another person. They may also prefer being left alone to think about all the moments they spent with their partners. But should a relationship end, the first step is to find something new to obsess over (instead of your ex). Yet, this does not mean they never cared. Staying involved in healthy activities and social circles is another key to your healing. Dont pretend you dont care! Proceeding onward for Aquarius is not as simple as their cool mien would recommend, yet for the zodiac's visionary, it is essential to remain concentrated on what is to come. They neither try nor want to pry into emotional aspects. Aquarius (January 20 February 18) Aquarius is an interesting case as Saturn will be moving into their sign over the holidays. Making a difference for others will remind you of how privileged you actually are, and lend you some needed perspective. Even though they may genuinely have some feelings for you, they may not showcase it and be cold regarding the decision of ending the relationship. On the other hand if they feel that the burden of having a commitment is hurting them, they will manipulate their partners into doing the split-up for them. They may start hanging out with new people and make new acquaintances. You may also check if he is a typical Aquarius man. It doesnt have to be that way! Notice if she suddenly doesn't want to spend as much time together. If you want to take your efforts to the next level, then, in addition to, these 7 ways, you need to tap into a bit of human psychology. As the zodiacs perfectionist, you can waste far too much time guarding against heartbreak happening again. These people lie more towards logical sides and practically believe in handling themselves and moving on. Instead of socializing, they may actually begin to isolate themselves from people and spend some time alone. He won't break up with you in public, he's got more honor than that. Can you make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you again? However, they may not be able to pinpoint the emotion they are searching for and would rather stick to their cool attitudes. If you're a fixed sign (AKA Taurus, Leo,. Top 5 things to know about the breakup with an Aquarius man: He will go if the relationship doesn't make sense for him anymore. There are a lot of reasons why we would break up with you, but the main ones are that you're too clingy, you're intolerant, or you don't treat us with respect. Hope springs eternal for Sagittarians, so you'll always move on. There are high chances of them breaking up with you if you dont provide them with enough space for themselves. 14 Secrets of Aquarius Girl Personality You Didnt Know, Best Suited Career Options for Aquarius in 2022, Everything You Wanted to Know About Aquarius Lucky Numbers, is aquarius a air sign -, The Secret Truth About Aquarius And Aquarius Compatibility. They do not have to hear anyones encouraging statements. Paint your bedroom a new color; heck, get a new mattress. Getting into relationships with the person you love can be dreamy but losing that person to a breakup can be the worst nightmare. If you are granted a second chance with your ex (and you want one), choose bae wholeheartedlyfor all the flaws and strengthsand stop looking around every corner for a better fit. They do not have to hear anyone's encouraging statements. On one hand, they really like being in a relationship; they enjoy being that one person you can love with all your heart. (Google Leos Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Demi Lovato, if you dont believe us.). But while you're going through the process, remove all visual cues of your ex-bae, which can be triggering for your aesthetically oriented sign. Your fiercely independent sign doesnt commit easily. Sagittarius rules the higher mind, so stay in yours by meditating, reading inspirational books, or signing up for a class. Do not derail the possible reconnection by creating or spurring anything that might create possible scenarios of confrontation or drama, instead be the cool guy who knows how to handle things calmly.