taken, most of them involving pulling from other vampire media. Not the most impressive powers, granted, but powers none the less. So Taylor with AOE music powers that include rapid full regeneration type healing. No shadows; the sinks and toilet paper rolls almost looked two-dimensional due to that lack. Weld nodded wordlessly, he focused on the rush of the river below. Anything not directly observed by a sapient being appears to be perfectly evenly lit, regardless of real-world lighting conditions. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. So far, Taylor's augments seem to work best if she's been applying her percussive skills beforehand, they need to test the limits of that. "To be perfectly honest, Weld. They are not affected in any way other than being pushed; the smear effect is likely just Taylors subjective experience of her power, or at most an effect confined to her Breaker-state world. Taylor said. Nice to meet you, Weld. 1315 west grand parkway s 101b katy tx 77494 amazon t shirt design custom ink smartthings hub change wifi password. Its function is awkward and inconsistent enough that she still needs day-to-day professional assistance to go out in public. The whole world seemed to have stilled. Last chance for Weld to back out. It's interesting to see an alt Taylor who doesn't have major league powers. We understand better than anyone else their thoughts and feelings.". It would have been so much easier to do that. Really enjoyed this. ", Piggot closed her eyes and she relaxed all at once, practically sagging in the seat as she sighed. Remaining in the ghost world rapidly causes Taylor to feel fatigued, becoming exhausted after only a few minutes. She was probably feeling the pressure from the higher-ups. ", "Good." The whole 'fic so far is on par with early canon as far as we can tell (feeling wise not literally). Taylor has a Dungeon It's a clean Dungeon Everyone Has Issues they're working on it except Lisa She's watching the world burn Amy makes kettle noises Nobody can prove Danny Hebert exists Have I mentioned it's gay? It was hard to make that connection seeing a dozen of the girls working to repair a building. LORD DOOM IS MERCIFUL. to see how many boys still checked me out. Lots of tiny drones. So much more straightforward. Intercession, after Golden Morning, Contessa takes Taylor another world and hands her a baby Harry Potter to raise. ", "I haven't forgotten." Whereas Taylor had an actual chair you might expect in an office, Weld only had a solid plastic block, even then the chair groaned as he rested his weight against it. If she's persistently missing functionality, she'll pretty much always have some Daredevil-esque powers-related way of at least partially compensating for it. Chapter 1 When all the gangs are invited to Somer's Rock to discuss the ongoing gang war, "For the record, we did invite the ABB. He looked up and he saw Taylor watching him, her brow knitted together. No handshake then. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/taylor-and-the-unseelie-court-worm-au.498094/, https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/unreality-worm.625972/. . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Taylor's going to love that power soon enough. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Which, as anyone keeping up with the trigger mechanics explained in Glowworm and expounded upon in Ward knows, implies she was part of a multi-trigger. Watched. When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. For someone that's disabled, it's a gigantic part of your life every day. For y'all trying to think of fics, remember disability isn't just amputees, paralysis, or being HoH/blind. She was smiling again. Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. SupCom altpower. Flames, where she uses illusionist powers to get around missing an eye. Ltd. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram. Not generic the way people in magazine ads looked, but the sort of ordinary youd see on the bus. You are using an out of date browser. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Floating through him once didnt seem thorough enough, so I passed through him twice more, circling around for each smear to keep them all going in the same direction; backwards and down, towards the ground. She looked over her shoulder, clearly annoyed. Lord Doom is a Worm fanfiction posted on Spacebattles Dot Com, here. "Yeah. Set in the center of one the bridges leading into Brockton Bay - one of the few still standing. "Right." Not as crazy broken as blanket but seriously op. She can float at a maximum speed of about 25 miles per hour; as Taylor noted, a decent frame of reference would be Olympic-sprinting fast, but slower than most flying capes. Taylor tinkers up drones, pushing New Wave back into the fray. He proceeds to ride Hookwolf like a bronco, humiliating him and making him completely miss the fact that the Undersiders are looting everything not nailed down. "Why what? Queen of Owls reminds me of the Drukhari from 40K. Thoughts on solutions? Taylor vs Hookwolf. "I haven't, I swear. Taylor put a hand to her chest. Mauling Snarks technically has her with a Trump power, but I feel like she uses it to function more as a Thinker 75% of the time. "I told you this this secret of mine because I want you to understand. Taylor discovers that she can also smear the smear (e.g., smearing something up, then smearing the smear itself to the right), resulting in the object following the path of the smear (up then right), if the object is light enough. What happens when, for the first time in the history of the universe, there's a shard that is actually trying to help? If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). In 1-2 more chapters the S9 arc will push over 100,000 words and almost 1/4 of the story. A brief history prior to trigger event, combat logs for the first encounter, medical records, and almost inexplicably a school report card. "An older model, communicator only?" "Yeah." Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. Going to sleep now. Ah I spoke too soon. I was blind. Blind due to injury and complications with being sent back. None of them have, not really.". The writing is flickery, like a florescent bulb with an iffy ballast. When Weld didn't get an answer, he looked up to see Piggot tired as she was, glaring at him, the muscles in her neck tensed. Her friends, her charges, her very city. the restrictions that the Entity Eden put on Contessa's Path to Victory power made her completely unable to model or plan for the Entities, the Endbringers or their plan, but. Well, maybe it is more to the tune of a Slaanesh Horde of Chaos Marines. Not only is picking on a blind girl too petty even for the Trio, not only has having to learn to care for a blind daughter helped her dad fight through the worst of his depression at losing his wife, but she even got superpowers out of the whole ordeal! Alt-power Taylor in the Worm verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Still the folder seemed remarkably thin for what the media was calling "the next Nilbog. Nobody remembers them better than me. Privacy Policy. Taylor was in much the same way; her mom had died in a car accident because she had been texting and driving about a year before I met her. Here's a list of Worm isekais . Coil gets dealt with in such a way that, ultimately, he's curled up into a fetal position, sobbing into a box of muffins on Director Piggot's floor, mind totally snapped. Mulberry, Fl. I haven't read Hindsight Bias, but Taylor has the ability to frequently precog a few seconds into the future. ", Weld glanced up at Piggot, "Is this everything?". Is it crack? Shes just as broken as blanket but in a completely different way. Anyways, thinking on how a society of totally like-minded individuals would work was pretty fun, though I didn't go into as much detail about it as I could have. The fic ends with Taylor asking Contessa if her plans were worth it, while Contessa answers she does not know. BDSM Soft Dom for the most part Trauma Language: English Words: 23,335 Chapters: 2 /? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Coil manages to kidnap Dinah and plots how to use her to finally defeat Lord Doom not knowing that Lord Doom is about to capture him in both timelines. Taylor would prefer to work alongside the Protectorate, not against them.". Oh Good Hunter looks like it might be headed that way. I'm only sleeping.". A Cauldron fic. If today has proven anything, it's that I'm working to help. IF YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW, NO HARM WILL COME TO YOU. Taylor had spent a lot of time and effort grilling her parents about it, and had come to the conclusion that villains operated exactlyas an outlaw did. When determining whether Taylor is or will be 'observed' for the purposes of allowing/disallowing her to transform to and from her Breaker state, Taylor's Breaker power is much more lenient regarding what 'counts' as 'looking at Taylor', compared to her Thinker power. Two o'clock in the morning was not the 'happening' time to commit a crime, apparently. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Unfortunately for Armsmaster, he was caught on camera and becomes a PHO meme. Taylor nodded as she took Weld's phone inspecting it. ", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. Also I propose the cape name Glow Sticks for the Lols. But don't play games with my affection, 5.9 Rondo Welcome to new Brocktonites, have a look around. She held a palm out. Weld noticed one of the Taylors at the assembly line slowing down, the miniscule pause noticeable from how much it deviated and the effect rippled down the line. 4. Nice! Chapter 3 Just thinking about that made me cringe inside. Taylor's mouth stretched into a thin, wide line. Is it different from my other fics? She can float and pass through objects. Taylor can be insane as well. Since both of them were close to each other, both shard buds pinged off each other to communicate and modify each other, and the recursive modification caused a feedback loop that eventually caused Path to Victory to reset itself without any restrictions, She would deny until her dying day that she cried, almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. Again, she does not have access to her other two abilities while in Breaker form, but she does get several double-edged perks. It was a beautiful day and Weld was surrounded by girls. Sure enough the Taylors at the assembly line worked like clockwork. LORD DOOM WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT HIS NAME IS SPELLED WITH ALL CAPS.. Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. Taylor spoke overly formal, but there was a tension there. but it focuses heavily on the mental aspect of her powers. The name is Weld, nice to meet you.. Taylor can repeatedly move through objects in the same direction to smear them more and more for greater push force when time resumes. On screens (e.g., computer, TV, etc.) By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "Alright, fine." Taylor's consciousness disperses into her swarm, and actions from the Protectorate push her away from the Wards. Since Taylor and Contessa triggered simultaneously and nearby, Taylor's bud tried to ping off Contessa and Contessa's shard tried to ping off Taylor, causing the Shard to think it was somehow pinging itself and go into a feedback loop until it disabled the restrictions in order to figure out what had happened and fix it. The door to Brockton Bay. "We carry the memories of our old selves. Might edit some others in later, or links. That's why I don't want this to end in fire. "What are you aiming to produce?" She realizes that she can use it to get into shape, and determines that she can use it as a personal trainer so she doesn't get fat eating all the things her power says she should eat. before?". He had been given a disturbing amount of leeway as far as this meeting went. And if I have to read "Then I went ghost" one more time I swear to GoD someone's getting hurt. Now she must learn to be independent, both as a blind person in her civilian life and as an 'independent hero' in her cape life. Things had been surreal before, now it felt like madness. Please inform your superiors of our proposal. You are using an out of date browser. She leaned forward, her hand to her chest again, "But he's here. her powers get stronger the greater the number of people who fear her and the deeper fear they feel, An umbrella and a bowling ball in a sling bag, looking directly into the cameras she is being watched through. Looking for Taylor meets Hookwolf at the gym. Truth or Dare by Discreet (1 chapter, 1.2k words, one-shot) Alec/Taylor Hebert. Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. I suppose youre the Protectorates representative? She said more than she asked. For more information, please see our this is accompanied by static noise. Hebert: Wind of Death (Taylor gets a Book of Nagash from Arkhan the Black of Warhammer Fantasy, maybe dead?). Thin as she was the only reason to remember she was a girl at all was her curly brown hair which rolled off her shoulders. Hmm I'm interested to see where you're going with this lot of different things you could do. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". I can't think of any story where it's just 'Taylor in a wheelchair, living normally'. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Lord Doom is a Worm fanfiction posted on Spacebattles Dot Com, here. Thirty feet away and six and a half straight down, cicada larvae slowly crawled underground, most of their 17 year span lived completely out of human view. And a disabled unpowered Taylor cannot really hold a fic bigger than a one-shot. I mean throughout the whole fic not like she had it and got panacea'd. After everything else had gone so well, he had ruined it at the end. I don't know where to begin. "Makes it seem like you come here expecting a fight. Camera Shy is a Worm alt-power fic by TheGreatGimmick. Taylor (presumably) haunts them, someone dies I think. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. There was no foreman to speak of, no one to admonish or criticize her. I would hate to be surprised." Harvey gives her an odd look, but answers her, "Well we're in Stardew Valley, which is at the south-east end of the Ferngill Republic." "Ah got it, thanks." Harvey fixed her with a serious look and then warned, "I don't need to know about what you were doing until now, but Pelican Town is away from all the fighting . I flew around to his front, ignoring the time-frozen explosion I passed through to do so. Has a feeling of the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who. "What do you mean by 'working order'? Special Edition - Taylor is a powerful precog. She stood and turned to look at the sunset, her back to him. He asked. The band kids will get Brute ratings just from their training. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. The Protectorate hadn't mentioned that in the file. ), Chapter 2.10's Among Us meme was just a joke, stop reading so much into it lol, Alert: Stop talking about whether you feel the new HP should be bought or not, Clarification made in a comment after 1.5, Thinker power activation conditions discussion, decent-sized spoiler revealed later (probably 1.8 or such), Implied in 1.1, but still a decent-sized spoiler for later, Not a spoiler, a visualization aid for the Miss Militia scene. There had been something more in the locker than just bugs and the horrific collection Sophia, Emma and Madison put together. She looked decidedly normal. After that, she deliberately put Taylor into a situation where she would trigger, which simultaneously caused Contessa herself to second-trigger from deliberately forcing someone she had grown to care for into a trigger event. Weld asked. Ooo, definitely a fun start. And just like her, I'll work the assembly line when I'm needed to.". I'll pass your proposal to the Protectorate. It's well, a Peggy Sue story, with pre-cannon (by a few months) Taylor having memories up to Leviathon (I think that's where it was, can't 100% remember), smol Skitter is just as scary but makes up for her lost height with misunderstandings everywhere. I've read most of the other fics recommended so far, and they are all great. While your feet are stompin'. He's so distinctly not human, it's interesting to see how normal things that we take for granted fail to apply to him. There was surprisingly little difference between a drone and a missile; her power seemed to have zero issues with expendable use-once drones controlled from miles away. liberties . But I have to agree that is was great. and Samara from the Ring got together in Silent Hill and decided to mix and match powers to grant Taylor. The Taylors didn't just replace their hosts, they subsumed them. If he stood in it long enough, he might even feel warm. I want things like Alma Wade!Taylor or Grudge or The Ring!Taylor or Dominion!Taylor. A pair hefted a bundle of steel pipes in silent unison and maneuvered past their fellows without even a word of warning. 40 This seems like it's going to be a real good story. She's a bitter little coffee bean of a tinker as a result. The way the lines of sight were described was really good, I could constantly vision what was happening with them, so massive props for that. When are you gonna update the rewrite version of that. Taylor is a dragon wyvern. "I know we all look identical to you, but each and every Taylor is unique in their own way." This work could have adult content. That's amazing! I slowly slooooowly turned around, cowl obscuring my head and robe obscuring my shuffling feet as I appeared to rotate in place to face the heroines direction. Her dad had taken the incredibly intelligent and rational route of coping with this by denying his teenage daughter in Brockton Bay a cell phone for her safety. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Centipede (Tokyo Ghoul alt!power, dead), maybe. It makes sense, since shards want their hosts to be active out and about, getting into conflict and such. Never seen stranger things but this is pretty horrifying. Taylor says that if she pushes herself very hard, she can actually blow out bulbs, but that is the strongest feat she has accomplished. She doesn't officially join the group, but she works with them extensively and exclusively. But the stakes were too high to do anything else. Par for this fic. ], Triumph's First Encounter [could be canon? Just read through the first chapter and damn, this is something I completely new for me and hooked me pretty hard just for the power. Taylor frowned. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. Using this ability rapidly tires her. Doing factory work while others", His guide cut him off. However, due to being somewhat high on painkillers when she figures it out, she believes she has a strange limit all plans she makes must in some way involve food. Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more explicitly labeled disabled protagonists in worm fanfic because all the stress and bullshit ableism disabled people go through is prime conditions for trigger events. Taylor can be insane as well. Revenant. Now this is a lovely day already. My name is Taylor. She gestured for him to sit. "All of them." The new Empire cape is obviously part of her multi trigger, wonder how many others there are and how they all triggered. He was fairly sure she was the same one that he had met at the hut, but the reality was she could have easily swapped places with any of her doppelgangers when he hadn't been looking. Weld stepped inside the hut and found her already there. Taylor is aptly named Monster. Leviathan rises from the bays depthsNi, 6.3 Crescendo Pump up the jam, pump it up. Splinters - Taylor has a Thinker power that lets her create more copies of her own mind. She spent several months mentoring and bonding with Taylor, until the emotional connection caused Taylor to develop a "bud" of her PTV Shard. #1. But before she can make enough to be a serious hero, she'll need some starting . Weld filled in. Weld said, not looking away from the hut. Abstract representations of Taylor (for example, a dot on a movement radar) don't activate her Thinker power, and neither do simulations of her (for example, if Coil is looking at her in universe A, universe B Taylor is not considered observed). Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. "And they're" Weld coughed, "You're all fine with this? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now she must learn to be independent, both as a blind person in her civilian life and as an 'independent hero' in her cape life. Im looking forward to how this one goes. ". Dad was standing over me. Fics where Tinker!Taylor builds and fights with interstellar warships (and possibly ends up pioneering a space industry)? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Cutting Ties - Taylor uses Jack Slash's Thinker power to make friends. She would have to leave the armor behind, however, and similarly could not exit her Breaker state in full view just because she herself is obscured; objects affected by her Breaker power are beholden to the same rules she is. I noticed that Stormtigers defensive blast earlier had knocked some of my hair loose, and it hung down out of the thick hood. While in her Breaker state, time is stopped for everything but herself. And if so, is there a difference in the power draw between active and passive participants? After the locker she ends up sharing a recovery room with one Colin Wallis, injured in his CID, and is one of my favourite Armsmasters. Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. In fact, they all looked identical. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/CameraShy. 6.1 Crescendo Wake me up inside. Scion and Eden were not mates, as much as they were a drug dealer and her bodyguard/best client - so she gets Blasto to make some weed and hands it to Scion. Taylor goes to Harry Potter, and solves the saga in two years. That," Piggot pointed at the folder, "is all the information we could gather on her with certainty that it wasn't tampered with.". Last edited: Nov 17, 2018. Well maam, we know he said a curse word and weve documented several different effects associated with the ones hes tested on., She checked her area for eavesdroppers, He can light things on fire with the F bomb and powder stone with Ass. El Ahrairah - Power anaylsis. The Breaker power is pickier, and though this sounds overly verbose I think the best way to describe it is: If whatever medium either a human or human-analogue is using to perceive visual input has directly bounced off an object, that object cannot be taken into the ghost world. Taylor's other two powers do not function in this state. It's true that Danny Hebert can't sit here and admire this sunset with us." He hasn't gone. "I suppose that's true." Awww, thank you. "We're working to rebuild some of the more important buildings damaged during the initial fighting." The second part is explained in a bit more detail in the relevant collapsible. Contessa unlocked her Path To Victory Shard. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. Combat Ready Piggot I want to see how this plays out. Will give some more commentary when I get through the other chapters. They wore comically over-sized hard hats and were all as thin as the girl leading Weld, but they worked together in perfect unison. 6.2 Crescendo Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outerspace. Taylor sees through the eyes of anyone that has any part of her in their field of vision. She cannot reenter the normal world in any location which is being directly observed by a sapient being, though she can move. "I'll trust that holds true. Taylor would never have imagined that going blind would have improved her life so dramatically, yet so it happened to be. I never would have thought that nearly all of my problems could have been solved by suddenly going blind, but here we are. "Right." Cannot overstate how good Hunter is. Work Search: and crudest form of cataract surgery. "Is that really what you believe?" Is it different from my other fics? Based it around the idea that observing a thing changes the thing. Confirmed, power that seems tailored to disrupting cameras so that she can use her main power actually needed. Taylor handed the phone back to Weld and he pocketed it. Weld stared at the hut. This force is not usually strong enough to move heavy or anchored objects, but can send light objects flying. Life just didn't ever seem to turn out how she'd imagined it would. Contessa says she does not know, and decides to fully confess all her. I. left kudos on this work! Taylor scowled. "Honestly, this is pretty surreal right now. The therapist had encouraged him to focus on his breathing before belatedly realizing he couldn't - Weld didn't breathe. Taylor can see through her own eyes when in the ghost world. Weld added quickly, "Amazed, even. Her attempt to use her power to get in shape backfires slightly, as it puppets her body. Time lapsed: 30 seconds. Piggot handed the file to Weld and he took it. It looked like a shipping container, although he was told the furnishing on the inside was a little nicer than that. Weld leaned back, setting the file down. There are also Acid where she loses her face, her sight and a leg (or "What happens when BeaconHill's usually one-shot gorefest ideas become serialized") and Exiled where she loses an arm but gets a prosthetic built for her by Commander Shepard (because it's that kind of fic). Within this realm, Taylor is intangible, able to move freely in any direction at about the equivalent of a brisk jog and phase through solid objects. Still, her advice had been sound and Weld used the ambient white noise to clear his thoughts. Grant us eyes. If he was any other man, he might have been excited. The April Fools update ends with Amy, Tattletale and Contessa sharing a bottle of alcohol over how, set off the plan to destroy Ellisburg and Nilbog, now that she and Taylor had both Triggered with the result of jailbreaking Path to Victory, Contessa's role at Winslow is done. Hopefully, but not necessarily. 3. When she finished, the process resumed effortlessly. Weld asked. A much better version in my opinion, this one actually has things happening in it! Im happy to follow thi for as long as you want to write it. Weaver Nine - This technically doesn't count since Taylor and Jack Slash switch places so it's a story from Jack's perspective if she was born in Taylor's place but naming this anyway since it has some Thinker power stuff going on. Weld stood, though he made no motion to leave. "There are entrepreneurs out there who understand the practicality of a workforce that can perfectly coordinate.". Even though the bullying didn't escalate to the locker incident, Taylor Hebert still triggered with powers. To use the same suit of armor example (see the Thinker power's description), Taylor would be able to enter her Breaker state because she is concealed within the armor.