The shooting that lasted for more than half an hour in Rincn de Guayabitos was caused by a criminal group in an attack against agents of the Mexican Army, said the governor of the State, Antonio Echevarra, through his Twitter account. Up until May 2019, 130 of the latter had been found buried in 29 mass graves. There was no immediate information on a possible motive in the shootings, but such attacks in Guanajuato in the past have been related to rivalries between drug gangs or street-level drug dealing. Among other things, the cartels are battling to control the most lucrative drug: fentanyl. After 30 people were gunned down last weekend, the governor seized control of the local police, called on Calderon to send in more federal police and shut public schools statewide. Click here to receive our twice-monthly newsletter. Zacatecas 746 murders in the first half of the year, compared to 1,065 for all of 2020, give it the highest murder rate per 100,000 residents in the country through June, according to the Mexican government. #Ms: El enfrentamiento inici en el Sector Tres Ros, pero se ha extendido a otros puntos de #Culiacn. Indeed, it would appear that their collective successes were sufficient to attract the attention of Mexicos Secretary of Defense, General Cienfuegos Zepeda, who decided he wanted a share for himself. Murders occur daily in Fresnillo, a city that mixes the local offices of major mining companies with farmers working the bean fields. WebMexico: The candidate for mayor of Morolen is killed. hide caption. The day they (soldiers) leave, we know from experience that quickly the criminal groups are going to fight over territory, said Eleuterio Ramos, Valparasos worried mayor. Their activity focused on shipping cocaine from Central and South America to the United States and Europe. Nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Madre, Valparaso sits on one of those critical highways. He specializes in modern Mexican history, and is currently studying the connections between the Mexican Revolution of 1910-140, and the Drug War wracking the country today. Bernandino Hernandez/AP After the brutal murder of his family ordered by his boss Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo, Palma engaged in a string of vicious crimes to Although the drug trade in Nayarit operated with the direct involvement of government representatives at all levels, the army occasionally attacked traffickers and often arrested, tortured and/or imprisoned peasants caught cultivating poppies and marijuana. WebA commando of drug gang gunmen on Thursday stormed ashore at a beach on Mexico's resort-studded Caribbean coast in front of luxury hotels and executed two drug dealers On 9 February, Patrn Snchez and seven of his men were killed in a joint operation in suburban Tepic. "There was a lot of panic. Mexico cartel shootout leaves 18 dead. 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In 2020 Mexico had the highest number of homicides in the countrys history, there were 17,439 murders, a 1.7% increase but most of the deaths in Mexico are due to fighting between cartels and if you are not part of the cartel then you are probably safe. Montes de Oca said one of the men targeted in the attack fled into one of the hotels before dying. Rather, it was an organization that not only controlled drug trafficking in Nayarit between 2011 and 2017, but also established close ties with much of the states political elite. WebIt was one of the highest-profile political killings in Mexico in recent memory. Prosecutors said Friday they have arrested a suspect in that killing. A 2014 photo of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn being escorted to a helicopter in Mexico City following his capture. He was the very image of a Mexican lawman, with a round, jowly face and thick mustache, a pistol shoved into his belt. See state summaries and advisory levels below for information on your specific travel destination. Nayarit rarely makes the headlines in Mexico, far less in the rest of the world. Rarely seen in public without a sombrero and an embroidered Wixrika shoulder bag, Sandovals self-proclaimed peoples government undertook numerous eye-catching projects, such as building a public sports and concert arena (which soon flooded), huge water-capture tanks in the poor outskirts of Tepic (which were never connected to the local water supply), and a sports center shaped like a giant cowboy hat. They stayed only because there wasnt any way to go, nor any place.. ET Heavily armed gunmen went on a shooting rampage through the city of Culiacn, the capital of Sinaloa state on Mexico's Pacific coast, battling security Resuelve los ltimos Crucigramas de Mambrino, Juega a nuestros Sudoku para Expertos y mejora da a da tu nivel, Juega a las nuevas Sopas de letras clsicas y temticas de EL PAS. Subsequently, in early 2019, the, Then, in February 2020, and apparently on the basis of, But it now appears that Sandovals was not the only name Veytia shared with U.S. authorities. The bullet-ridden bodies of the cartel members were discovered in the north-central state of Zacatecas. This Tuesday, a series of clashes between presumed hitmen and agents of different security corporations in Tepic, in the He says everyone dropped to the floor for cover, and eventually the staff herded all the customers into the kitchen. the victims were just trying to make a living, working in what was available. Finally, Mexicos largest mountain range, the Sierra Madre Occidental, completely dominates the western third of the state. However mutually beneficial the relationships had been, in 2017 the alliance between Patrn Snchez, Veytia, Sandoval and Cienfuegos fell apart in truly spectacular fashion. After a two-year trial, Judge Carol Amon found him guilty on these charges on 26 September 2019 and sentenced him to 20 years prison. He says people heard the shots and started running. Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas. Veytias arrest led the Mexican Federal prosecutors office and lawmakers in Nayarit to open a joint investigation into Sandoval in mid-2017. She continues working here, but recently moved her belongings to Fresnillo where her daughter and mother live in case she has to quickly leave one day for good. Some 200 armed men had just looted a gas station, according to a witness, and the shooting would continue for hours as an equal number from an opposing group confronted them. Its a reminder that residents remain in the line of fire even as the army and National Guard patrol the area. Government forces guard the entrance of hotel after an armed confrontation on Thursday near Puerto Morelos, Mexico. Staff hustled us into hidden rooms behind the kitchens. Indeed, Nayarit is Mexicos second biggest exporter of mangoes, and primary producer of tobacco. In the third mass homicide to jolt Mexico in less than one week at least 15 people were killed in With dozens of other people, Garcia took refuge in a low-end clothing store where people can buy $10 soccer jerseys on credit. Residents abandoning cars and burning vehicles are seen on multiple roads. Through the project Touring the Southeast. Since then, H-2 and his men had fought hard against El Chapos group to maintain control of Nayarit and found a vital ally in Veytia, who from 2011 helped them to locate and assassinate their rivals. Obtendr un diploma con estadsticas de nivel, progresin y participacin. And at the same time, Patrn Snchez rose up within the ranks of the Beltrn Leyva organization, taking full command of the group after Hctor Beltrn Leyva was arrested in 2014, thus expanding his personal influence beyond Nayarit into parts of Sinaloa, Jalisco, Colima and Guerrero. When they did, they found 18 bodies in San Juan Capistrano, a small community in Valparaso, Zacatecas. In Nayarit, he declared, there was no room for organized crime. Homicides fell 75 percent in four years. Public shoot-outs between rival cartel gunmen grew rarer, and by 2016, Nayarit ranked at No 2 on the Mexico Peace Index, and was lauded by President Pea Nieto as an example of PRIista policy success. The legacy of this political history and the facts of geography together define Nayarits place in the modern Mexican drug trade. Days after the June 24 shootout, authorities found two more corpses, raising the death count to 20. [47] Karim Torres/AP Calderon said this week that the bloody offensive against the drug cartels isn't just his war but is an effort to make Mexico safe for all law-abiding citizens. Known to many in Nayarit as El Diablo or La Bestia, Veytia was described by witnesses to his abuses as the military arm of Sandovals governorship, using the Polica Nayaritthe black-uniformed, balaclava-clad paramilitary police he set up as the states main anti-cartel forceas his own personal army. When the shootouts rumble across the plains dotted with ranches, farmers often cant go out to feed their livestock. The strategies that the Mexican government has implemented over the last 15 years have not worked, he said. Ten people have been killed by drug cartel gunmen in a Mexican pool hall. Plaza Cigarrera looks like a boring strip mall in Tepic, capital of Mexico's Pacific coast state of Nayarit. Smoke from burning cars rises in Culiacn, Mexico, on Thursday, after an intense gunfight between security forces and gunmen linked to the Sinaloa drug cartel. There were 15 days that we didnt go out for anything, said Claudina Betancourt, a nurse born in San Juan Capistrano. They were members of the police force of the neighboring state of San Luis Potosi who had been reported missing hours earlier. WebUpdated at 10 a.m. This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. In 2020, some 93,000 people died of fentanyl overdoses in the U.S., a record high. The Tulum gunfight also apparently broke out between two groups that operate street-level drug sales in the area, according to prosecutors. Crime "has gone up a little with extortion, with drug sales to foreigners and Mexicans," the prosecutors office said about the raid. He became municipal president of Tepic in 2008, and succeeded Gonzlez to the state governorship in 2011, using the PRIs impressive local political machine, together with a carefully cultivated cowboy image, and assurances that only he could put a stop to the violence then wracking the state, to appeal to Nayarits beleaguered and predominantly rural electorate. Drug-related violence is happening all across Mexico. The Beltrn Leyva organization were Sinaloans who had once controlled trafficking in Nayarit and several other areas of western Mexico as part of the wider Sinaloa cartel, until a violent break with El Chapo Guzmn and his allies in 2008the same year that Sandoval and Veytia assumed positions in Tepics municipal government. This allowed them, together, to institutionalize corruption, embezzlement, land-grabs and violence, as well as drug production and trafficking, in the area under their joint control. As frustration with the drug war grows, Calderon this week tried to rally the Mexican people behind the effort. 06/26/2021. Web15 Murdered in Tepic Carwash. With the army the bad guys dont move in, said a 74-year-old farmer in San Juan Capistrano, who teared up talking about the situation in his community. To order Country Summary: Violent crime such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery is widespread and common in Mexico. Nathaniel Morris is researcher at University College London and holds a Ph.D. in history from Oxford University. The following years were even bloodier, and not just for civilians: numerous police officers were also murdered, including a municipal police chief in the Sierra, and two active members of Nayarits Preventative Police Force and one-time close associates of Edgar Veytia. That same year, the Beltrn Leyvas reached a deal with Los Zetas, El Chapos chief rivals and lords of the Gulf drug routes. MEXICO CITY (AP) Authorities in northern Mexico said Wednesday they found the bodies of two abducted police officers hanging from an overpass, and the bodies of seven people shot to death in a neighboring city. Since 1970, eighty percent of Mexican tobacco has been grown in the vast plantations of the Nayarit coast, pulling in migrant workers from across central and western Mexico. In less than eight years, he went from self-proclaimed rags to being one of Nayarits richest men, or, to use a measure more in keeping with his cowboy image, from having two horses, [to] 800 pure-bred Andalusians, which he kept on a luxurious 17-hectare ranch complete with an artificial, palm-tree lined lake. By 2010, Tepic had a murder rate of 229 for every 100,000 inhabitants, and was ranked the thirteenth most dangerous city in the world. On The Trail Of Mexico's Vicious Sinaloa Cartel. Mexicos federal government defends its policy of targeting the root causes of violence poverty, corruption, impunity with social programs while deploying the National Guard and soldiers. Jose Garcia works at the taxi stand out front, hailing cabs and helping people with their shopping bags. The difference between a state being a venue for drug production, trafficking, and conflicts between rival cartels, and one in which the cartels have actually taken control of the local authorities (or in which the authorities have in fact become narcos themselves), is an inherently political one. Hctor was arrested in 2014. One might also conjecture that Cienfuegos protection extended to Patrn Snchezs political partners in crime, too. Nuevo curso 'online', Maestra en Ciencias Ambientales presencial en Benito Jurez, Licenciatura en Administracin de Empresas presencial en Benito Jurez, Maestra a distancia en Lingstica Aplicada a la Enseanza del Espaol como Lengua Extranjera, Licenciatura Ejecutiva en Psicologa Semipresencial. Newspapers Limited, 8 Spadina Avenue, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0S8. Nayarits coast is a tropical zone fringed by mangrove swamps, where fishing and commercial agriculture are the lifeblood of the local economy. WebJuly 25, 2021 VALPARASO, Mexico (AP) When they heard gunfire in the valley, residents locked their doors and cowered inside their homes. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; After the chemical precursors enter the Pacific ports, they are finished into fentanyl pills in labs in Nayarit, Jalisco and Sinaloa to the west of Zacatecas, said Oscar Santiago Quintos, head of the analysis and intelligence department of Mexicos Attorney Generals Office. Check this for more updates, there's something almost everyday - El CORITA. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); All Rights Reserved The Yucatan Times 2020, Merida number one in the preference for Easter vacations, US Ambassador Ken Salazar says the USMCA achieved Teslas investment in Mexico, Lpez Obrador accuses opponents of exaggerating minister Yasmn Esquivels case, German circus replaces wild animals with holograms, Maya indigenous tourist guide speaks 4 languages fluidly, Battle for water in Yucatan: there are big challenges to ensure the supply, Rhythmic gymnastics team will compete in Yucatan Cup, Worlds second-largest blue hole found off the Yucatan Peninsula shores, Cine Mvil ToTo: dates and locations in Yucatn. The strength of the PRI political machine in a small, provincial but strategic agricultural state enabled an openly corrupt political clique to cut lucrative deals with local drug traffickers. Seems that Sinaloa is battling The Beltran Leyva there and the plaza started to get heated up when they killed EL PEPINO earlier this year. Montes de Oca's office said earlier in a statement that "there was a clash between rival groups of drug dealers on a beach" near the hotels. We can imagine that if Cienfuegos may well have backed Sandoval, making his pleas that much more persuasive. presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution How did people fight for their rights back in the 20s? The heavily indigenous highlands that were the backbone of 19th-century rebellion, are today one of Mexicos primary opium-growing zones, thanks to a combination of widespread and severe poverty, rugged, mountainous topography, and the limited, ineffective and often corrupt presence of state and federal authorities. Both sides gained from this partnership: Sandoval grew extremely rich, as did Veytia, who earned money from embezzlement, kidnapping, murder-for-hire, extorsion, and the seizure of peasants lands. Although the drug trade in Nayarit operated with the direct involvement of government representatives at all levels, the army occasionally attacked traffickers and often arrested, tortured and/or imprisoned peasants caught cultivating poppies and marijuana. permissions/licensing, please go to: In Nayarit, he declared, there was no room for organized crime.. Indeed, it is in some ways unsurprising that Cienfuegos would be connected with an organization based in Nayarit, where the unique dynamics of local politics, combined with the states low profile as a hub for trafficking, have long permitted a particular brand of what Benjamin Smith has termed narco-populism to flourish. And he said to give up in the drug war would be to abandon Mexico and leave it in the hands of organized criminals. The battle for Zacatecas is part of the larger war to dominate the fentanyl market, which is the largest source of money for the cartels in the United States, said Mike Vigil, former head of international operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Star Newspapers Limited and/or its licensors. The gunfight took place at a crossroads near Ruiz in the Pacific coast state of Nayarit, some Several police officers surrendered and were arrested by the marines, but unsurprisingly all were released from a Tepic jail shortly afterwards. Several cartels are fighting for the area's lucrative retail drug trade, including the Jalisco cartel and the a gang allied with the Gulf cartel. According to Mexicos naval secretariat, Juan Francisco Patrn, also known as H2, was a key figure in the Beltrn Leyva cartels operations in the states of Nayarit and Jalisco. And all this he accomplished, it is alleged, through embezzlement of state funds, extorsion of businesses, overseeing kidnapping for ransom and seizures of land and property, and, of course, close collaboration with drug traffickers. Web(Video) Suspected Members of Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) Carried Out a Shooting Attack on a Tourist Police Patrol, Guayabitos, Nayarit, Mexico 04 January In October 2013, Veytia even provided security at a wedding at Santa Mara del Oro lake, where Juan Francisco Patrn Snchez and Hctor Beltrn Leyva, were entertained by famous norteo singer Remmy Valenzuela. Alleged drug dealers of the Sinaloa cartel are escorted by policemen in Mexico City following their arrests earlier this year. Patrn assumed a leading role in the organization following the arrests and deaths of the four Beltrn Leyva brothers. Instead, they changed form, as murders, disappearances, abduction, extorsion and land thefts were carried out, may be investigated and, if appropriate, charged, President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador accused. For the first time in years, the drug trade in Nayarit received global media attention.