It would seem likely that at some point in the near future the conservative US Supreme court knocks down all or most state laws regulating gun ownership. The word \"Moor\" has its origin in 46 B.C. Nick Named, Moorish Guide, September 28, 1928, Moorish Science Temple Papers, 19261967 (box 1, folder 5), Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, New York City. The De Jure Moorish American Nationals declare and command all cases for the said Moorish American Nationals are hereby removed from the OCCUPYING EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN UNITED STATES / U.S. 31 Chris, March 12, 2013 (4:14 a.m.), comment on Azeem Hopkins-Bey, Subject of Exposition: Free National Name?, Operation Proclamation, March 11, 2013, Also quoted by Nance (2002, p. 659, note 84) with a reference to "Cult Leader Dies; Was in Murder Case". Then a 'Sovereign Citizen' Changed the Locks", "LA Man Arrested for Allegedly Taking Possession of Woman's Vacant New Jersey Home", "Black nationalists declare 'legal residency' in Newark woman's home, police disagree", "Flecktone, once part of 'Empire Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah,' guilty of tax fraud - Nashville Post", "Take a tax protester position on your return: are you out of your mind? In the 1930s membership was estimated at 30,000, with one third in Chicago. See Edward E. Curtis IV, Debating the Origins of the Moorish Science Temple: Toward a New Cultural History, in The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of African American Religions, ed. If you like what we're up to and want to help out, please consider a (completely non-deductible) contribution. 1.) Brother Edward Mealy El stated that he had been declared Drew Ali's successor by Drew Ali himself. Or are those of us who are ultimately defrauded just now more susceptible to the guiles and brilliance of successful frauds? The ten men and one teenager were charged with various violations of Massachusetts guns laws as they drove from Rhode Island to armed "training" in Maine. [A]lthough Bey argues that removal [from state to federal court] is proper because he is a Moor-American National, such arguments have been consistently rejected by federal courts, and this Court finds Bey's argument without merit. Abdat, Fathie Ali, Before the Fez: The Life and Times of Drew Ali, 18861924, Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion 5, no. Drew Ali, A Warning from the Prophet in 1928.. Drew Ali was out of town at the time, as he was dealing with former Supreme Grand Governor Lomax Bey (professor Ezaldine Muhammad), who had supported Green-Bey's attempted coup. One of the many African American new religious movements to emerge from the Great Migration to northern cities, the Moorish Science Temple of America was founded as "a divine and national movement" by Timothy (or perhaps Thomas) Drew, who adopted the title Prophet Noble Drew Ali (1886-1929). Such sovereign Moorish legal discourse is best understood, following Catherine Wessinger's work on the Montana Freemen, as magical, and understanding the magical role played by legal texts and discourse within these communities can help scholars and legal professionals in their approach to and interactions with sovereign Moors. 92 Queen Valahra Renita El Harre-Bey: MOORISH LAW (Full Lessons), YouTube video, 0:41, posted by Keishon T. Kessee l-Bey, June 6, 2013, has personam jurisdiction, nor terratorial jurisdiction, nor subject matter jurisdiction over me nor over any moors. [53], On July 15, 2019, Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney, as part of a diversity program, proclaimed July 15 to be "Morocco Day". To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Moorish Americans, also known as Moorish sovereign citizens, believe themselves to be the inheritors of a fictitious empire that they say stretched from the presentday kingdom of Morocco to. Brann notes that even today the figure is \"employed regularly in academic circles and in popular culture without much question or reflection\" and \"without clarification of who precisely the Moors are\". They typically believe that there are two types of citizens: natural citizens and Fourteenth Amendment citizens. Hamm (p. 25) states otherwise: "Fort tried to join the Moorish Science Temple in Milwaukee but Temple elders refused to have him. After the . In the end, a policeman as well as a member were killed in the gun battle, and a second policeman later died of his wounds. The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. Trump proved that it is not difficult today - at that level of money, power and pulpit - to wrap around himself massive illusion. Some also believe that Black Americans are indigenous to the United States. sumus de sanktam unum. (p. 335) says that "The Moorish Science Temple of America has always denied such a connection. ARTICLE VII The Moorish Americans Freedom and legal rights in the Christian union Court Room [67][68], In 2005, musician Roy "Future Man" Wooten pleaded guilty to income tax evasion, after having been indicted on charges in 2001 that he had not filed or paid taxes between 1995 and 1998. In Ross Brann's article \"The Moors?\" he considers the meaning and significance of Moorish identity in literary works, film, and scholarship. Moorish Americans, also known as Moorish sovereign citizens, believe themselves to be the inheritors of a fictitious empire that they say stretched from the present-day kingdom of Morocco to. He alleged his arrest was unlawful and filed a federal lawsuit against the police, which was dismissed after he tried to pay the court fees with a silver coin, saying U.S. currency was unconstitutional because it was "not backed by anything of value".[75]. 33 Bandele El Amin, Nationality, Birthrights, and Jurisprudence: New Social & Cultural Blueprint for Melaninated Indigenous People (n.p. The movement expanded rapidly during the late 1920s. affidavit of fact cause of action complaint, affidavit of fact authentication of service, moors / muurs the ab original and indigenous natural peoplesand true inheritors of the lands (territories), north america,central america, south america, and the adjoining islandsal moroc / ameru / americana, south east amexem & uk territories and dominions, moorish national republic federal government, north east amexem territories and dominions, north west amexem territories and dominions. (Doc. Not having these things can result in arrest and confiscation of your vehicle which causes confusion. [55][59] In reality, the 1786 treaty was primarily a trade agreement. You know why? The word "Moor" has its origin in 46 B.C. Choose My Signature. They seem to claim that some non-existent treaty from 1787 exempts them from US laws. Corporation Act (805 ILCS 110/); Conveyances Act (765 ILCS 5/); Notice by Publication Act. 73 Taj Tariq Bey on the Battlefield, 11:26 and 13:47. Merriam Webster Dictionary 1828, moors / muurs the ab original and indigenous natural peoples, and true inheritors of the lands (territories), central america, south america, and the adjoining islands. please see the instructions on the grid page to make sure you have completed the process to have your notice of removals accepted and the writ of execution processed and serviced on the CORPORATION attempting to adjudicate when jurisdiction was not validated for the record. Click allow to get notifications on every article we post. I 'm old enough to remember when college loan recipients expected to repay their student loan balance. In others, he says that the priest considered him a reincarnation of Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad and other religious prophets. Now, the pair, who say they're "aboriginal indigenous Moorish Americans" immune to government authority, are on trial in a Palm Beach federal courtroom accused of tax fraud. Copyright by Adam Gaffin and by content posters.Advertise | About Universal Hub | Contact | Privacy, Bey's filing to move case to federal court. "A Sudanese Missionary to the United States". all rise and stand and remain standing so you can hear and obey the commands from the living sovereign justices of the moorish american consulate of the moorish national republic federal government, as this is the sovereign living article iii moorish american (al moroccan) consular court action. 36 El Amin, Nationality, 45 (In this and following citations to El Amin, italics are original unless otherwise noted.). 15 Drew Ali, Political Slavery, Moorish Guide, February 15, 1929, Moorish Science Temple Papers, 19261967 (box 1, folder 5), Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, New York City. 10 The vision of vine and fig tree is from Drew Ali's Holy Koran. The Southern Poverty Law Center says the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, a larger collection of independent organizations and individuals, is "an offshoot of the anti-government sovereign. Recounting a history of the uses of the term Moor, he explains that \"Andalusi Arabic sourcesas opposed to later mudjar and morisco sources in Aljamiadoneither refer to individuals as Moors nor recognize any such group, community or culture\". Perkins, p. 186, as well as other less reputable sources. Fellow travelers follow similar tactics, like Randy Stroud of 76 Taj Tariq Bey on the Battlefield, 6:44. In the early 2000s, the temples in Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Washington, D.C., had about 200 members each, and many were older people. During the 1930s and 1940s, continued surveillance by police (and later the FBI) caused the Moors to become more withdrawn and critical of the government.[46]. Moors are not a distinct orself-definedpeople. the senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the united states and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the united states. 128 in Wakefield after an armed standoff with State Police. 26 T. King Connally-Bey, The Moorish Perpetual Union, in Enter NationalNomics (The King-Dom of Divine Free-Dom): The Moorish Code; Enter NationalNomicsThe Moorish Zodiac Constitution, The Great Seal (Bloomington: Trafford Publishing, 2014), 19. Moorish Americans, also known as Moorish sovereign citizens, believe themselves to be the inheritors of a fictitious empire that they say stretched from the present-day kingdom of Morocco to North America, with Mexico and Atlantis thrown in for good measure. The file that the FBI created on the temple grew to 3,117 pages during its lifetime. The Moorish nation of 150,000,000 of the U.S.A., shall not be destroyed for lack of truth and knowledge of the law and constitution of the MOORS. [56] Moorish sovereign citizens, who consider that black people constitute an elite class within American society,[56] are in the paradoxical situation of using an ideology which originated in a white supremacist environment.[57]. 1 Bandele El-Amin, Moors, Moabite and Man: Reflection and Redemption (Middletown: Indigenous Peoples, 2011), 72. 131; 3 Steph. After some difficulties, Ali moved to Chicago, establishing a center there, as well as temples in other major cities. % Ahlstrom (p. 1067), Abu Shouk (p. 147), Hamm (p. 14), and Lippy (p. 214) all state that Fard claimed to be, or was considered by many Moors to be, the reincarnation of Drew Ali. Do you drive? That's a pretty common theme in their legal rantings - like the supposed Congressional repeal of the 14th amendment on a specific day (which was, in fact, just one good ol' boy from Louisiana whining about Loving v. Virginia in a speech preserved by the Congressional Record). The leader of a particular temple was known as a Grand Sheik, or Governor. His approach appealed to thousands of African Americans who had left severely oppressive conditions in the South through the Great Migration and faced struggles in new urban environments. For example he defines consent as [v]oluntary compliance with government. It's worth noting that a treaty does exist between the US and Morocco, the MoroccanAmerican Treaty of Friendship, ratified by Congress in 1787, but it definitely does not do what they are claiming such a treaty does. [60] The Moorish sovereign citizen movement has also expanded to include a few whites. 30 Elijah N. Pleasant-Bey, The Divine Constitution of Moorish America (defined), n.d., They often append El or Bey to their last names. 70 Pictures of Our Moorish Supreme Court of Equity and Truth, Moor News (blog), Moorish Science Temple, November 9, 2012, Such work of words can produce shocking results: Let's look up what a monster is, he says, but he pushes deeper into the definition to find the strand he needs. The court entered not guilty pleas on their behalf and some will be back in court on Friday. In the work of El-Amin and other such contempo . public statutes at large, volume 8, pages 100 through 104 and pages 484 through 487. the trust indentured, the constitution for the united states of america republic states in article vi, clause 2 and 3 states, this constitution, and the laws of the united states which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the united states, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. Mungin Bey takes scriptural texts and offers a glossary, amounting often to a word-by-word gloss (see page 15, on Drew Ali's pamphlet The Great Meeting is On!, where Mungin Bey begins by defining Great and Meeting, then moves on to key words in the text). Police said the group claimed to be traveling from Rhode Island to Maine for "training" on their privately owned land. Contrary to Defendant's assertions, his purported status as a Moorish-American citizen does not enable him to violate state laws without consequence. [39], Kirkman Bey went on to serve as Grand Advisor of one of the most important factions until 1959, when the reins were given to F.
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