Racial equity audit votes At least 19 proposals calling for a racial equity audit at S&P 500 companies garnered an average of 44% support among shareholders last year, an increase from. We anticipate greater interest in Racial Equity Audits and similar initiatives in the upcoming proxy season and accordingly believe companies will be pushed to critically and objectively examine their current internal practices and policies relating to equity and inclusion to identify areas in need of improvement. Whether it be modern day redlining techniques related to mortgage loans, to excessive checking account fees, to most recently, Payday [sic] Protection Program distribution, communities of color have faced decades of discrimination as a result of the financial industrys policies and practices. (go back), 131BlackRock pledges to conduct a racial audit of its business, Fortune, Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez, April 6, 2021, available at https://fortune.com/2021/04/06/blackrock-racial-audit-corporate-diversity-inclusion-race-at-work/. (go back), 69Citigroup Inc., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 17, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/831001/000120677421000735/citi3828191-def14a.htm [hereinafter Citigroup Proxy Statement]; see also CoreCivic Inc. Proposal, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), available at https://exchange.iccr.org/node/88686/text. [126] The resolution included in SEIUs proposal also noted that: A 2020 report on proxy voting found that BlackRock did not use its clout as a significant owner to advance racial justice. [105] Comptroller DiNapoli was joined by other Amazon shareholders [106] in requesting Amazons board of directors to commission a Racial Equity Audit that would analyze two main issues: (1) Amazons impacts on civil rights, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and (2) the impacts of those issues on Amazons business. [107] In response, Amazon sent a letter to the SEC seeking to exclude the proposal from its 2021 proxy materials. Racial Equity Audits could emerge as a critical tool for companies to evaluate their current social impact and provide an objective method for investors to monitor their investments and potentially identify new companies that could benefit from increased social and economic engagement. Professional development and peer engagement are crucial building blocks to a careers strong foundation. A racial equity audit is an evaluationusually conducted by an external law firmof an employer's policies, procedures and practices to identify and address systemic bias and discrimination. The racial equity audit would include a review of existing documents regarding program information and evaluation, member surveys, human resource policies and procedures, marketing materials, GIA website, and other pertinent documents in order to develop a more comprehensive picture of the organizational climate in relation to its goal of . (go back), 97Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69. Morgan Stanley initially urged its shareholders to reject the audit . David Ake) It followed his 2021 executive order . Rather, as argued by Trillium Asset Management (Trillium), a strong proponent of such audits, the point of an audit is to embrace the notion that if management is truly committed to make racial justice a critical element of its operations then in practice it can and should treat it like any other operations issue and audit it as such. [29] These proponents further argue that Racial Equity Audits should not be viewed as the end of a process for companies and/or shareholders looking to make a change; instead, they can be a stepping stone to assist companies in developing and identifying a strategic plan to advance their goals. [30], The impact a Racial Equity Audit may have on a company may be felt in many ways. Corp. Code 301.3, 301.4. (go back), 70Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69; JPMorgan Chase & Co., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on April 7, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000019617/000001961721000275/a2021proxystatement.htm [hereinafter JPMorgan Proxy Statement]. According to Bloomberg, Glass Lewis has broadly said conducting the audits would help companies reduce risks of high-profile controversies that may result in customer and employee attrition, regulatory inquiries and significant fines, and that [g]iven broad societal changes, it is particularly important for consumer-facing companies, which depend on their customers trust and loyalty, to address issues of racial equity. [102] On the other hand, according to Bloomberg, ISS has stated that racial audits arent warranted because companies are taking sufficient meaningful actions to address racial inequities such as expanding opportunities for people and communities of color, as well as improving the diversity and inclusion of its workforces. [103] The following chart sets forth the recommendations ISS and Glass Lewis made with respect to each Racial Equity Audit proposal in the 2021 proxy season: Source: ISS Corporate Solutions and Proxy Insight, During the 2021 proxy season, Amazon.com, Inc. (Amazon) faced a shareholder proposal requesting the company to conduct a Racial Equity Audit. [112], In a webinar hosted by CtW, Comptroller DiNapoli explained the importance of racial equity at Amazon and why shareholders should vote in favor of the proposal, and argued that racial inequity is harming the United States economy. [113] DiNapoli argued that the pattern and magnitude of issues repeatedly facing the company demonstrate a need for a more in-depth review . 1 grew impatient with Exxon after years of declining financials and long-continued dependency on fossil fuels, with no indication of future change. Bank of America said last week that an audit is unnecessary given its progress on racial equality. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-sec-vote/u-s-sec-blocks-amazon-effort-to-stop-shareholder-votes-on-racial-equity-audit-idUSKBN2BU38U. (go back), 34Starbucks Steps Up Its Racial Justice Outreach With $100 Million Pledge, Forbes, Kori Hale, January 20, 2021, available at https://www.forbes.com/sites/korihale/2021/01/20/starbucks-steps-up-its-racial-justice-outreach-with-100-million-pledge/?sh=53b94b63389c. According to Forbes Magazine, the past proxy season set new records with at least 467 shareholder resolutions on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. [64]. (Adds details about Morgan Stanley in 11th and 12th paragraphs.) Concerns related to workforce diversity, treatment of minority workers, environmental justice in communities of color, surveillance, and civil rights are just some of the controversies that have troubled Amazon. [114] For example, current and former Amazon employees have accused the company of allowing racism to permeate its operations. (go back), 138See H.R.2123Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act, Congress Bill Tracker, available at https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2123/committees?r=61&s=1 (as of July 15, 2021). 2023Morgan Stanley. This 202-unit, scattered-site property comprising 16 buildings is located in the predominantly Black neighborhoods of Wards 7 and 8 of . In this case, failure to have a Racial Equity Audit policy or refusal to implement such a policy after shareholders have approved a proposal to implement one may become a criteria an advisory firm would consider in making a recommendation for or against the re-election of a companys chairperson of the governance committee and/or the re-election of other directors at the companys annual meeting. Yesterday, the audit proposal also went to the vote at Wells Fargo, the result has not yet been disclosed. (go back), 23Racial Equity Audits: A Critical Tool for Shareholders, CtW Investment Group, available at https://www.socinvestmentgroup.com/critical-tool-for-shareholders [hereinafter Webinar]. (go back), 10ESG Activism Becomes the Norm, ESG Activism, Insightia, 2021, available at https://www.activistinsight.com/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2021/06/InsightiaESGActivism-1.pdf?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=greenfin&utm_content=2021-06-30. These three employees, alums of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, are helping the firm support the next generation of Black students through our Morgan Stanley HBCU Scholars Program. (go back), 75Goldman, Citi Stave Off Investor Calls for Racial Audits (1), Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan and Jeff Green, April 29, 2021, available at https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/goldman-citi-stave-off-investor-calls-for-racial-audits-1. The Facebook audit began at the behest and encouragement of the civil rights community and some members of Congress, proceeded with Facebooks cooperation, and [was] intended to help the company identify, prioritize, and implement sustained and comprehensive improvements to the way it impacts civil rights. [56] The audit process included interviewing over 100 civil rights organizations, several hundred more advocates as well as members of Congress. [116] Comptroller DiNapoli expressed concern with Amazons alleged lack of transparency, stating that while the company has put policies in place to address this issue, it has not reported to investors the effectiveness or the process for completing its ongoing policy review. [117] In 2020, Amazon conducted its first human rights assessment, which it referenced to support its position that there was no need to conduct a Racial Equity Audit. Just like its environmental and corporate governance counterparts, addressing social concerns can be equally important to companies and investors alike as this can translate into, among other things, value additive results. At Morgan Stanley, advancing racial equity is about intentional, holistic change at the intersection of what we do, who we are and how we engage our communities. (go back), 81See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78. In SEC filings,. (go back), 5ESG Matters (Part II), ISS EVA, Dr. G. Kevin Spellman and David O. Nicholas, May 18, 2021, available at https://www.issgovernance.com/library/esg-matters-part-ii/. I am very proud to announce that I have been named in Morgan Stanley's prestigious 2023 Pacesetter's Club, a group of the Firm's successful Financial Advisors. We value our commitment to diverse perspectives and a culture of inclusion across the firm. [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. That movement, together with the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have focused the attention of the media, the public and policy makers on systemic racism, racialized violence and inequities in employment, health care, and the criminal justice system. For example, such guidelines may provide for a minimum frequency of Racial Equity Audits and indicate parameters on what attributes an audit must possess to be considered sufficient. (go back), 36Johnson & Johnson, 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting & Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 10, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/200406/000020040621000011/jnjproxy2021.htm [hereinafter J&J Proxy Statement]. Shareholder activist Engine No. [43] Accordingly, it has been argued that working to ensure that systemic risk in the marketplace is proactively addressed via, for example, a Racial Equity Audit, is consistent with a fiduciarys duties. (go back), 72Climate, ESG, and the Board of Directors: You Cannot Direct the Wind, But You Can Adjust Your Sails, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Commissioner Allison H. Lee, June 28, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/lee-climate-esg-board-of-directors. The big Wall Street banks have all talked a good line about supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. Prior, he . I am very proud to announce that I have been named in Morgan Stanley's prestigious 2023 Pacesetter's Club, a group of the Firm's successful Financial Advisors. [26] For example, following a racially-tinged incident at a Philadelphia Starbucks in 2018 where two African-American men who were waiting for a business meeting to begin were arrested, the company performed a Racial Equity Audit, which found that, among other things, racial sensitivity and the elimination of implicit biases are correlated to Starbucks core business plan of creating an inclusive and equitable working environment, as well as a welcoming third place between home and work for customers. [27] In addition, the W.K. The Staff has stated that substantial implementation under the rule does not require the company to have implemented the proposal in full or exactly as proposed by the shareholder. Global institutions, leading hedge funds and industry innovators turn to Morgan Stanley for sales, trading and market-making services. The survey was conducted online among 76 venture capitalists who are almost exclusively leads or co-investors, with an average equity check size of $2.65 million. 14B, September 15, 2004, available at https://www.sec.gov/interps/legal/cfslb14b.htm. [123], While the financial institutions that have received Racial Equity Audit proposals have recently made philanthropic and strategic investments, along with other commitments to racial equity, CtW has stated that the only way to effectively address racial injustice and economic inequality is careful study of how the industrys products and services have contributed to this imbalance, [124] which includes analyzing mortgage issuances, the number of bank branches in minority neighborhoods or banking deserts and whether charitable contributions are fully aligned with . (go back), 27Racial Equity Audit Proposal Q&A CtW Investment Group and the Service Employees International Union, available at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d374de8aae9940001c8ed59/t/605cdec4e6861277202f0b46/1616699076603/Racial+Equity+Audit+QA_CtW_SEIU+%28002%29.pdf. 1 launched a proxy campaign in December 2020 to effect change on Exxons board of directors. (go back), 77Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter re: JPMorgan Chase & Co.2021 Annual Meeting, Supplemental Letter dated January 11, 2021, Relating to Shareholder Proposal Submitted by CtW Investment Group, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, February 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwjpmorgan032621-14a8.pdf [hereinafter JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary]. Racial Equity Audits can focus on various aspects of a companys business, including the treatment of customers at a companys physical locations, the diversity of senior management, the targeting of products, and even political contributions. In a recent letter to employees, Blackrock announced that they would conduct an. [141]. Discover who we are and the right opportunity for you. Bank of America said last week that an audit is unnecessary given its progress on racial equality. [51], Practitioners also believe that the audit process can be important for companies as a way to build trust with their stakeholders. The Sustainable Investments Institute reports that 28 shareholder proposals dealing with racial justice had been included in proxy statements filed with the SEC as of April 27, 2021. (go back), 32Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working IDEAL, supra note 23. (go back), 128SEIU and Change to Wins investment funds pushing for racial diversity in financial institutions, available at https://www.seiu.org/blog/2021/4/seiu-and-change-to-wins-investment-funds-pushing-for-racial-diversity-in-financial-institutions. (go back), 118Id. These funds have explicit mandates to make ESG-focused investments, from mutual funds whose portfolio companies must score a high grade on ESG metrics to investment firms dedicated to ESG impact investing. In November, SEIU's Capital Stewardship Program and. (go back), 83See Rule 14a-8 No-Action Letter re: Amazon.com, Inc. urge the Board of Directors to oversee a racial equity audit analyzing JPMorgan's adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Companies Sought No-Action Relief. Learn from our industry leaders about how to manage your wealth and help meet your personal financial goals. https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/nyscrfamazon012521-14a8-incoming.pdf, https://www.sec.gov/interps/legal/cfslb14b.htm, https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1070985/000119312521165313/d184269d8k.htm, https://thehill.com/policy/finance/561026-lawmakers-debate-bill-mandating-racial-equity-audits-at-firms, https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/bank-leaders-buck-shareholder-call-third-party-racial-equity-audit-2021-4, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/72971/000119312521082907/d71313ddef14a.htm, https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/shareholder-advisory-firms-take-opposing-views-on-racial-audits?context=article-related, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1018724/000110465921050333/tm2035374-1_def14a.htm, https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Comptroller-DiNapoli-wants-audit-of-Amazon-s-15815322.php, https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/shareholder-proposal-no-action-responses.htm. (go back), 107Amazon Proxy Statement, supra note 104. (go back), 80See J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. Promoted to one of five voting members on the S&P Municipal Bond Index Committee, overseeing and ruling on policy and governance. The investigation will be conducted by attorneys at Covington & Burling, according to an external blog post on Citi's website. (go back), 24Heres What Companies Are Promising to Do to Fight Racism, The New York Times, Gillian Friedman, August 23, 2020, available at https://www.nytimes.com/article/companies-racism-george-floyd-protests.html. Morgan Stanley team with $715 million joins . Citi announced the move in a blog post last Friday afternoon. [95], Companies Recommended Voting Against Racial Equity Audit Proposals. We lead with exceptional ideas, prioritize diversity and inclusion and find meaningful ways to give backall to contribute to a future that benefits our clients and communities. Every company has a different mix of products, operations and services; therefore, according to practitioners in the area, it is important for participants in a Racial Equity Audit to identify the scope of the audit and benchmarks prior to conducting the audit. At Morgan Stanley, giving back is a core valuea central part of our culture globally. Internal Audits Role in Driving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Amy Fread, CISA Senior Manager Deloitte & Touche LLP Korynne Bernard . (go back), 30Webinar, Cyrus Mehri, Founding Partner of Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, supra note 23. [16] Enhanced performance in these areas can lead to less scrutiny from environmental regulators, increased customer loyalty, more productive employees, reduced employee turnover, more lucrative business partnerships and increased profitability. Morgan Stanley did not respond to a request for comment. Our work on racial equity focuses on our commitments as a business, as a responsible member of global and local communities, and as an inclusive workplace that values diversity. [1] Secondsocial criteria, which considers how a company engages with all of its stakeholders (including employees, customers and suppliers) rather than just shareholders, including the treatment and diversity of its employees on the frontline, management and boardroom levels, the effects of a company on the surrounding community, and whether a company is working with suppliers who share similar socially desirable values. (AP Photo/J. (go back), 120Amazon investors reject New York retirement funds call for a racial-equity audit, 10 other shareholder proposals, MarketWatch, Levi Sumagaysay, May 28, 2021, available at https://www.marketwatch.com/story/amazon-investors-reject-new-york-retirement-funds-call-for-a-racial-equity-audit-10-other-shareholder-proposals-11622242863. [98] Wells Fargo also said it is making efforts toward expanding [its] diversity and inclusion commitments with a focus on hiring, promotions, and turnover, with increased accountability across all of those areas and [is] taking specific actions in support of these commitments. [99] The board of directors of Goldman recommended that shareholders vote against the shareholder proposal on a Racial Equity Audit, saying it has taken additional steps toward racial equity in the past year, including assessing its shortcomings and committing to hiring more analysts from historically Black colleges and universities, while maintaining [its] existing programs focused on other diverse populations. [100] Goldman also pointed out that it is [b]uilding upon more than $200 million of grants in minority communities and to minority-owned businesses over the past two decades and in 2020 [Goldman] created the Fund for Racial Equity to support the vital work of leading nonprofits that are addressing racial injustice, structural inequity and economic disparity, which has committed $10 million from GS Gives in addition to matching employee contributions to recipient organizations. [101]. The goals provide a yardstick for school leaders to measure their progress and as a "lightning rod to galvanize change" (IDRA, 2006). Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments. The move comes in a year when several US financial institutions have faced requests for racial equity audits amid growing investor scrutiny of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) issues at US companies. 5 Sustainable Investing Trends for Companies and Investors, 7 Investment Ideas That Could Drive Markets in 2023, Yes, You Can Be a Tech Innovator at Morgan Stanley, Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion at Morgan Stanley. https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/lee-climate-change-disclosures, https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/coates-esg-disclosure-keeping-pace-031121, https://www.activistinsight.com/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2021/06/InsightiaESGActivism-1.pdf?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=greenfin&utm_content=2021-06-30, https://www.trilincglobal.com/what-is-esg/, https://www.businessinsider.com/patagonia-mission-environmentalism-good-for-business-2018-12, https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/fact-sheet/blk-responsible-investment-guidelines-us.pdf, https://www.issgovernance.com/file/policy/active/americas/US-Voting-Guidelines.pdf, https://www.reuters.com/article/exxon-shareholders-engine-no-1/exxon-faces-proxy-fight-launched-by-new-activist-firm-engine-no-1-idUSKBN28H2IO, https://www.socinvestmentgroup.com/critical-tool-for-shareholders, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-20/racism-and-inequity-have-cost-the-u-s-16-trillion-wall-street-economist-says, https://stories.starbucks.com/uploads/2020/02/Starbucks-Civil-Rights-Assessment-2020-Update.pdf, https://www.forbes.com/sites/korihale/2021/01/20/starbucks-steps-up-its-racial-justice-outreach-with-100-million-pledge/?sh=53b94b63389c, https://www.npr.org/2020/07/07/887628306/opinion-companies-have-a-duty-to-defend-democracy, https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/business%20functions/organization/our%20insights/delivering%20through%20diversity/delivering-through-diversity_full-report.ashx, https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/best-esg-funds, https://about.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Civil-Rights-Audit-Final-Report.pdf, https://www.forbes.com/sites/bhaktimirchandani/2021/06/28/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-2021-proxy-season/?sh=2e475fae7f5e, https://content.irmagazine.com/story/ir-magazine-summer-2021.pdf, https://about.bankofamerica.com/annualmeeting/static/media/BAC_2021_ProxyStatement_ADA.612694a6.pdf, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/831001/000120677421000735/citi3828191-def14a.htm, https://exchange.iccr.org/node/88686/text, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000019617/000001961721000275/a2021proxystatement.htm, https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/lee-climate-esg-board-of-directors, https://www.asyousow.org/our-work/social-justice/racial-justice, https://news.yahoo.com/big-us-companies-pushed-tally-014418300.html, https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/goldman-citi-stave-off-investor-calls-for-racial-audits-1, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-1998-05-28/html/98-14121.htm, https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwcitigroup022621-14a8.pdf.
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