(1:30 on timer) Time Copyright Edgenuity Inc. populations face? 1 Virtual Lab Report Name of the Simulation This lab report is for you to reflect on what you completed and. Drag the beaker to the tank to fill the tank with cool water. will go faster than the actual time. b) Press the Continue button to proceed. Do you agree with this alignment? 9. If you had a cold, what actions would you take to prevent spreading the illness to other people? For upper grades, have students work individually and/or have them classify each plate boundary as transform, divergent or convergent, asking them: Which types of plate boundaries are the most concerning to people. . Roy tried different kinds of attacks to penetrate into the companys Oracle DB Valut and succeeded. They make a model of a seismographa measuring device that records an earthquake on a seismogram. Explore how plates move on the surface of the earth. Follow the directions below. It provides each student with his or her own physical model of the Earth's plates and helps teach how hard it is to accurately portray a sphere (three-dimensional) on a flat map (two dimensional). To set up, tear off a square of wax paper for each group. One day, one of the employees approached the authorized person of the organization claiming that he/she forgot their ID badge and requested the person to allow through a secure door. Step 7: Using online resources and simulations available through the Earthquakes Living Lab, students explore the consequences of subsurface ground type and building height on seismic d (It is helpful to have a world map handy to show students the continents of the Earth.) Later on that authorized person realized that the person is a non-employee of the organization and he/she is an intruder who intentionally entered into the company From the above scenario, which of the following comes under the Human-based Social EngineerinQuestion 3 options:TailgatingPiggybackingReverse Social EngineeringNone of the aboveQuestion 4 (1 point) Run the following nbtstat command, in order to get the content of NetBIOS name cache, the tables of NetBIOS names and their resolved IP addresseQuestion 4 options:. Virtual Lab: Plate Boundaries and Movement Student Guide Pre-Lab Information Purpose To observe how convection moves Earth's plates and how plate boundaries are formed Time Approximately two 45-minute periods Question What effect does plate movement have on geologic events and structures on Earth's Plate Tectonics Wheel Flip Book. a project of D2L (www.achievementstandards.org). Real-world examples of the different types of plate boundaries are also provided. Students gather evidence to explain the theory of plate tectonics. d) Read the text about transform boundaries. Exploring the Theory of Plate Tectonics: Have students use the living lab resources to complete the worksheet research, filling in the graphic organizer chart and sketching future continental movement. Observe the movement of the food coloring and paper. ii) Every 30 seconds, record any changes in the behavior of the pieces of paper in Table B Student Guide The interaction of plate movements results in earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building and separation of continents. Also, at any time during the simulation, you can click on the "Theory" tab on the LabPad. (4:00 on timer) Virtual Lab: Plate Boundaries and Movement (2 hours) Lab: Plotting the Ring of Fire (2 hours) Lab: Engineering, designing a building to withstand an earthquake (6 hours) Lab: Minerals (2 hours) Lab: Rock identification and rock cycle/Virtual Component (4 hours) Lab/Virtual Lab: Fossil identification (1.5 hours) formation of a trench technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. There are Seton Hall University General Physics I Forces and Motion Investigation Quiz. b) If anything is not clear to you, be sure to ask your teacher. (Grades Table F: Drawing of Transform Boundary Model boundary is where two or more plates collide. 6 different styles of puzzles4. Pacific Lampreys. In this lab, you will observe a model that shows how convection currents work. Interactions at the plate boundaries cause earthquakes and volcanoes around the world. Become Premium to read the whole document. *Price with a welcome 15% discount applied. Use discovery and inquiry techniques to investigate a lava lamp and relate it to Earth's internal processes that cause geological phenomena such as earthquakes, mountain building and sea-floor trenches. In this lab, you will observe a model that shows how convection currents work. In another activity, students create models demonstrating the di Students investigate how mountains are formed. With this authentication token, the attacker replays the request to the server with the captured authentication token and gains unauthorized access to the serverQuestion 45 options:Session Replay attackSession Fixation attacksSession hijacking using proxy serversClient side attacksQuestion 46 (1 point) Which of the following Hping command used to intercept all traffic containing HTTP signature?Question 46 options:hping3 -Q -p 139 -shping3 -9 HTTP I eth0hping3 -S -a -p 22 --floodhping3 F P U p 80Question 47 (1 point) In webserver password cracking techniques, The attacker tries every combination of character until the password is broken, such type of attack is known as. d) Read the text about this type of convergent boundary. Model how a convergent boundary occurs between an oceanic plate and a continental Also, you will be able to reset the timer by pressing the The Pacific Plate is moving to the northwest at a speed of between 7 and 11 centimeters (cm) or ~3-4 inches a year. The concept of Patterns is basic in understanding the relationship between volcanoes, earthquakes and plate boundaries. (b) what challenges do Pacific lamprey (1) Name and Title: Include your name, instructor's name, date, and name of lab. The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2.3 cm (~1 inch) per year driven by the spreading center that created the . Select oneQuestion 41 options:Denial of service attackSQL InjectionSession HijackingSniffingQuestion 42 (1 point) In a computer based social engineering, a person receives emails that issues warnings to the user on the new viruses, worms or Trojan that may harm the users system. arrows to show the direction of each plates movement. Virtual Lab: Plate Boundaries and Movement Observe how convection moves pieces of paper. Its also possible to use Labster without an LMS. Student Guide (continued) Domain HijackingQuestion 38 (1 point) Identify the rootkit, which helps in hiding the directories, remote connections and logins.Question 38 options:Azazel ZeroAccessNecursAvatarQuestion 39 (1 point) SavedWhich of the following executing application allows an attacker to modify the registry and to change local admin passwords?Question 39 options:RemoteExecPDQ DeployDameWare Remote SupportKeyloggersQuestion 40 (1 point) Which of the following tool can capture RPL related information and live packets from networks in a non-intrusive manner?Question 40 options:Foren6RFCrackHackRF OneTelnetQuestion 41 (1 point) SavedRoy is a senior penetration tester working in a Gensolutions Inc, a US based company. 2:00 The crust on the other side of the boundary must run deep enough under a volcano's plate to melt.] e) When you have completed the lab, move to the next activity in the Virtual Classroom. Check all that apply. What is the evidence? If the plates continue to move in this pattern, draw a sketch of what the world might look like 250 million years in the future. c) Drag the pieces of paper to the surface of the water. e) Proceed to the next part of this experiment. Enzyme Activity Wet Lab. Save time with Google Form's self-checking reports for tectonics p That's why our prices are one of the most affordable on the market, and there are no hidden fees. These kind of computer based social engineering is known asQuestion 42 options:Spam EmailChain LettersHoax LettersInstant Chat MessengerQuestion 43 (1 point) ICMP scanning involves in checking for the live systems, which can be done by sending the following ping scan request to a host. In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g., by state; within source by type; e.g., science or mathematics; Our college essay writers work with ScienceDirect and other databases. Summary the Data section of this guide. Cracks in the crust occur, and rift valleys and mountain ridges may form topics with a "primary post" of at least 125 words. , Make an order in advance and get the best price. Time Looking at the information you compiled in your chart above, explain one way the theory of plate tectonics can relate to engineering. Note that the, in-program timer will go faster than the actual time. 7), computer or other device with Internet access, journal or writing paper for each student. The brain. (review sheet 4), Tina jones comprehensive questions to ask, CH 02 HW - Chapter 2 physics homework for Mastering, Mark Klimek Nclexgold - Lecture notes 1-12, Oraciones para pedir prosperidad y derramamiento econmico, 1-2 short answer- Cultural Object and Their Culture, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, (ENGL 2322) Survey of English Literature I (ENGL 231), (ENGL 2322) Survey of English Literature I. (b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the Question (1:00 on timer) For construction projects, especially those near active faults and coastlines, engineers consider the effects of plate tectonics. Select oneQuestion 14 options:HTML EmbeddingShell InjectionWebsite EmbeddingHTML injectionQuestion 15 (1 point) Which type of rootkit is used to hide the information about the attacker by replacing original system calls with fake ones?Question 15 options:Application Level RootkitLibrary Level Rootkit Boot Loader Level RootkitHardware/Firmware RootkitQuestion 16 (1 point) Switch Port Stealing sniffing technique uses the following attack to sniff the packetsQuestion 16 options:MAC floodingARP SpoofingDHCP attacksDNS poisoningQuestion 17 (1 point) Identify the following technique, in which the attacker use drones to detect open wireless networksQuestion 17 options:WarChalkingWarFlyingWarWalkingWarDrivingQuestion 18 (1 point) In which of the following mobile platform vulnerabilities, unsolicited text/email messages sent to mobile devices from known/ unknown phone numbers/email IDs.Question 18 options:Mobile PhishingSMS SpamSMS PhishingMobile SpamQuestion 19 (1 point) Identify the ports that are allowed by the firewall in an organizationQuestion 19 options:Port 443 and Port 69Port 80 and Port 69Port 80 and Port 110Port 80 and Port 443Question 20 (1 point) Identify which of the following detection is used to detect the intrusion based on the fixed behavioral characteristics of the user and components in a computer systemQuestion 20 options:Anomaly Detection Protocol Anomaly DetectionIntrusion Detection SystemSignature RecognitionQuestion 21 (1 point) Sam receives an email with an attachment, he downloads the file and finds that it is infected with virus which overwrites a part of the host file with a constant content without increasing the length of the file and preserving its functionality. Observe the movement of the food coloring and paper. At the end, Moby splashes Tim with water. Student Document. GEOLOGY/EARTH SCIENCE: ASSESSMENT: 4 PARTS, QUIZ, FILL-IN, ESSAYS & BONUS. in the Data section of this guide. plate movement or interaction is responsible for such events. Enter the email address associated with your account, and we will email you a link to reset your password. (2:30 on timer) in the Data section of this guide. 4.5 Many active geologic processes occur at plate boundaries. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Just tick the "Copy of sources" field on the order form. in the taxonomy of vertebrates? Pacific lamprey (described in the video) with the Sea Lamprey, which is a The Tectonic Plate Movement Escape Room Includes1. When plates move apart from each other at divergent boundaries, magma from the mantle reaches Earth's surface and new crust forms. Subject Earth Science: Level Pre-Lab: Draw each type of plate boundary. A transform boundary is where two plates slide past each other, Earthquakes Living Lab: The Theory of Plate Tectonics ActivityWorksheet 3 volcanoes 8. i) Every 30 seconds, record any changes in the behavior of the food coloring in Table B in Have students compare the real-time earthquake map with the map of the tectonic plates (see Figure 1). Chapter 1 - Summary International Business, The cell Anatomy and division. Alignment agreement: Labster is compatible with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Google Classroom, Schoology, Sakai, and Brightspace / D2L. Simulate experiments, train lab techniques, and teach theory through visual experiences that enhance long-term learning outcomes. Which statement best summarizes the information in the paragraph? How do plate boundaries influence the Earth's surface? From the bottom side of the folder, push the non-folded end of the new lithosphere through the appropriate slit . Change temperature, composition, and thickness of plates. Select oneQuestion 36 options:///..//../Question 37 (1 point) SavedWhich of the following attack involves in stealing a cloud service providers domain nameQuestion 37 options:CybersquattingDomain SnippingDNS Poisoningd. Studypool is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. ; Convergent Boundary - occurs where plates push together. The warmer water is less dense, so it rises to the surface. Story plot adding interest3. (c) why are Native American tribes of the Northwest Every 30 seconds, record any changes in the behavior of the food coloring in Table, A in the Data section of this guide. What is its hardness? Divergent Boundary - where plates move apart (most are found in the ocean) They can form mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys. Subject Areas: out of 8 c) Observe what happens to the food coloring and pieces of paper for 3 minutes. Provide two other examples of. As soon as your work is ready, well notify you via email. Step 3: Evidence: To complete the worksheet,students consider tectonic plate movements along with their compiled examples and explanations in order to draw their own conclusions from the evidence presented for the theory of plate tectonics. b) If anything is not clear to you, be sure to ask your teacher. Note that the in-program timer earthviewer: https://media.hhmi.org/biointeractive/earthviewer_web/earthviewer.html slide 3: vvv . I feel like it gives students a more concrete understanding of boundary interactions, the lithosphere, and asthenosphere. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. Observe what happens to the food coloring and pieces of paper for 3 minutes. 3. 0:30 seconds) A transform boundary is located between a part of the Paci!c plate and a part of the North American plate, along the western Earth Science Unit 4 TestStudy Earth Science Chapter 4 using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. that enough energy is available to support brain function. It attacks the servers with a high rate of connections from a valid source C. It initiates a request for a single connectionQuestion 10 options:ONLY An attacker or group of zombies attempts to exhaust server resources by setting up and tearing down TCP is true connectionsBoth It attacks the servers with a high rate of connections from a valid source and It initiates a request for a single connection are trueBoth An attacker or group of zombies attempts to exhaust server resources by setting up and tearing down TCP connections and It attacks the servers with a high rate of connections from a valid source are trueOnly It initiates a request for a single connection is trueQuestion 11 (1 point) Using which port the attacker can compromise the entire network, and receive a copy of every packet that passes through a switchQuestion 11 options:SPAN PortTAP PortUDP portTCP portQuestion 12 (1 point) In which type of Social engineering technique does an attacker secretly observers the target to gain critical information such as passwords, credit card information, etc.Question 12 options:EavesdroppingShoulder surfing Dumpster divingImpersonation on social networking sitesQuestion 13 (1 point) In Code Breaking Methodologies, which of the following method involves the use of social engineering techniques to extract cryptographic keysQuestion 13 options:Brute-ForceTrickery and DeceitFrequency AnalysisOne-Time PadQuestion 14 (1 point) In the Command Injection attacks, the following type of attack is used to deface a website virtually.
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