I attended Pensacola Christian College in the early 1980s. Academically, it was quite decent, and some professors were very open-minded. America as a whole is definitely not a good indicator of Gods standards as displayed in the nature of his Son and set forth in his commands. You should consider Faulkner Univsersity for one of these top 10. Cedarville University is intentional about creating a Christ-centered community, rigorous in our pursuit of scholarship, and balanced in our approach to Christian lifestyle. In fact, they DID say, students should not drink too much alcohol, thereby maintaining self-control over their bodies. The point of this article was not to condone drunkenness, but to challenge Cedarvilles policy against responsible alcohol consumption for adults. Minor infractions include borrowing and not attending chapel and group devotions on a regular basis. The men and women have their own elevators, must not be together in isolated areas, cannot swim together, even at the beach. I often hang out in large groups without a chaperon at like 2am. If the truth is found in the Bible, abide in it, and depart not from it. Honesty, refraining from causing harm to others, community, and staying within the laws of the home country all remain relatively reasonable and universal codes that give students structure while still preserving their individuality and bolstering their character. And in your rush to condemn schools that ban stuff that the book theyre led by tells them is wrong and sinful, you left out the worse stuff. And was to that if I wear modest clothing my tattoos should not be a problem. How about youth? But most, if not all, of these schools require their faculty to live up to the same or stricter standards standards that the faculty and the school believe are right. If a student is of legal drinking age and wishes to imbibe in the summer, it is none of Cedarvilles business and does not impact them in any way. Any student requiring a personal care attendant because of a physical disability is responsible for making such arrangements. The most important thing to remember is that each person attending these schools is a responsible adult. A lot of the comments here seem to be objecting to what the author said by defending these schools. 251 N. Main St. Cedarville, OH 45314 USA 1-800-CEDARVILLE (233-2784) 1-937-766-7700. for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Yes, the limitations on personal freedoms were sometimes onerous, but the tradeoffs, IMO, make the typical American college experience pale in comparison. I graduated from ORU, great school! You can view it here. [Emphases in original.] If you want to have a Christian school, make it conform to Biblical principles as much as possible. Cashiers Office. The former may not wear makeup, because breaking archaic gender tropes will rip the very foundations of society asunder. No college is perfect, The Yellow Jackets compete for championships in 16 NCAA. Were MADE in Gods image, and so the things we feel and do were felt by God first! 31:30). Cedarvilles prohibition of alcohol simply diversifies students tactics to engage in the habits they will inevitably choose to form. Facebook. I think that the questions that we really need to ask are (a) whether students are better off if they attend these schools, and (b) whether we ought to encourage students to attend these schools. Students are notified of significant health risks associated with the improper use of certain substances, including those mentioned above. Probably a shock, but I not only know how to cook and clean, I also do the home repairs, budget,renovations, I sew and Im active with several charities, many Christian. Alcohol is held up as equally detrimental as illegal substances regardless of whether or not a student partakes responsibly and remains at or above the drinking age and the University does not discriminate on whether or not consumption or possession takes place on- or off-campus, either. I bet theyre a lively and entertaining bunch). Ill leave you with a quote to ponder. The first is that prohibition does not equip students for the reality of the world after they leave the campus of Cedarville University. If merely one look at offensive material is more powerful than the exalted Holy canons, your God sounds as defenseless against the Devil as you are. HONESTY One of the marks of integrity is honesty. We just simply believe the policy is archaic, not biblically based, and should be changed. 23:3135; Prov. I was a student of your college from 1990 to 1997. casino siteleri,canl casino,bahis siteleri,tipobet365,tipobet,tipobet giri,youwin,hepsibahis,truvabet,canl bahis,1xbet giri,canl skor,1xstavka,kralbet,sahabet,matadorbet,1xbet,onwin,betmatik,film izle,hd film izle,yabanc dizi izle. I accumulated more than 100 demerits during my first year and because of this, they did not allow to me to return the following year. The difference is, God cares about the first and does not care about the second. Students struggling with drug or alcohol use may obtain confidential support at Counseling Services and University Medical Services. Articles are submitted and written anonymously in order to protect the identities of students and non-students alike who could face backlash or punishment for expressing their viewpoints that differ in any way from Cedarville University. All men and women are expected to dress modestly, stay well-groomed, and avoid tattoos and body piercings. I agree that drinking alcohol responsibly is not a sin and there should be no shame in that. Please, be wise! If you study at a high quality MBA program in the United States, you can use that degree to improve your reputation and career ANYWHERE in the world, unlike law or medical degrees (or worthless degrees from diploma mills). Because some might say that the strict rules only serve to lead people away. 16 17. (We had not had sex for those who was wondering) I was on the phone with him in my dorm room and my RA overheard our conversation. The last one about Liberty isnt even true. However, writing an article does not constitute its topic being a massive social issue. Even if you are a staunch conservative fundamentalist christian, I would not recommend attending Pensacola Christian College. Look it up. I have a mission that I am just now working on, and Ive been at the glance out for such information.|. Quite honestly, speaking as a Christian myself, attending a private Christian college is not always the best choice depending on your career path. 2 min read. I wouldnt go to any of these colleges, but youre giving them more crap than you should. I have met people that go to PCC and they have all said only good things about it. "Each program at Cedarville University comes from a biblical world view. Any freshmen taking less than 24 hours of coursework must be in their dorm rooms by midnight on Monday through Wednesday and 12:30 AM on Friday through Sunday. -Using Profanity, really, it isnt allowed in any K-12 school, and they dont want people cussing their heads off here. The main thing I learned from my year there was how to be sneaky. This article oversimplifies the issue, as well as interprets the motives behind the rule, both of which are misleading. Center for Teaching and Learning. Of course, Jesus advocated The Commandments, not hip, redesigned for 2012, laws. I went to Asbury and had no issues. I have visited Pensacola Christian College many times and am planning to go there this fall. The best approach is to research the college yourself and make your decsision. And Another note. Then in a moment of disturbingyet not uncommonhypocrisy and contradiction, the next sentence reads, All students are expected to live independently and are responsible for their own personal care. Unless, apparently, you violate a non-Biblically based rule and are expelled from the University. LU is now one of the largest christian colleges in teh US, if not the largest. Those of you who are saying Oh SOMEBODY has to set standards for the youth. Guess what? Reading the article, Im finding myself agreeing. They reserve the right to discipline any student who does so, most especially in cases when the politics and ideals expressed in the protests go against the schools extremely conservative beliefs. I know several students who attended these schools and went nuts due to teh strictness of the rules.alot of them transferred to Liberty. Id go ahead and start packing. Students are also prohibited from recreational drug use, misusing legally prescribed medications, or using synthetic street drugs or medical marijuana. All women are required to keep their skirts at knee-length or longer and receive no piercings beyond one in the earlobe. Not sure why you find prohibition of Occult practices to be a bad thing for those attending a Christian university. I had to quit dressing slovenly and learned to dress well. It should be Students hoping to visit any friends of the opposite sex IN THEIR DORM ROOMS can visit on Fridays. You dont have to get permission from families, no files kept. Carson outlines ten items that can be used to determine what constitutes a theologically disputable matterwhich Cedarville claims includes use of alcohol. If they have agreed to attend the college, then they have agreed to live by the rules laid out by the college for the duration of their time there. In addition, all freshmen with jobs must consent to being chaperoned by a prayer captain or one of their assistants or an upperclassman while working. Amos prophecy describes the restoration of Gods people as involving drinking wine. When I transferred from Asbury to the University of Kentucky, I found professors at UK to be nicer, more involved in my learning, more supportive, more Christian, and more ethical than my Asbury experience. Students are not allowed to use, purchase, share, or possess alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or any illegal drug on or off campus. My marriage has lasted almost 11 years so far, I have no illegitimate children and I have never been an embarrassment to my husband. Only God can do that. Ballroom dancing? Some rules are ridiculous. Thank you for your comment! Be offended but remember that nobody cares youre offended. For one year, I attended a college that was, easily, as strict as any of the above. http://www.pcci.edu/ -Pornography duh. Anallisa you are extremely vulgar! Cedarville University should be on this list its more strict than Liberty. That rule ONLY applies to publicly shown movies. Im bruised by the experience yet my wife was forever changed. Cedarville goes far beyond regulations mandated in the DFSC Act by attempting to regulate the daily lives of their students whether on or off campus. Furthermore, students may be dismissed if they attend a party where alcohol is present, whether or not the student makes what the University would deem wise choices by avoiding drinking. Whoever wrote this had the facts waaaay off about Liberty U. The bible is the guideline to these rules. People who attend strict colleges probably do so because they prefer a stricter environment. The problems arise when we disregard our fellow believers who are of weaker conscience. How could she possibly have had the time to worry about not being able to see a R rated movie or go clubbing. Arrests, convictions, and firearms understandably lead to suspension or termination, but so can purchasing and consuming alcohol (even when of age), attending a bar or a club, involvement with a cult, Satanism, or witchcraft, or engaging in sexual activity. Asbury College/University. They also will not do anything to you for supporting it as they follow Christs example in loving everyone and not judging others for their beliefs. For these students, drinking is not only unwise, it is also illegal." Some of the dating offenses include displays of affection beyond hand-holding both on- and off-campus, seeing one another in swimming or sunbathing attire, not exiting a car at the same time immediately upon turning off the engine, being caught alone together while at school, and going on single dates while a freshman. 2A) A proper reading of the Sodom story shows that the sin that was committed was inhospitality to strangers Jesus also sites Sodom in this context, 2B) Lots daughters are offered up to the strangers is this an example of morality? The dress can best be described as business casual. I respect your opinion and where its coming from. The campus feels more like a prison than a college. . I got to Oral and they dont follow you around but they are strict, I have piercings and Ive been told to put clear retainers in during class and school events. However, these organizations listed in this article are forcing students to live by ridiculously strict rules and I dont see how anyone can think this is the right way to live. Abuse of alcohol is not consistent with a spiritually mature lifestyle. So quit whining about some article some guy wrote on the internet 3 years ago about the strict standards set forth by some colleges and start asking yourself- do these standards actually bring people closer to God or are they pushing us further away? 20:1; Prov. let me spell it out for you PROSELYTISM. -Having or Supporting Abortions, similar to the last one. Now of course in the Bible he warns against sins, things that werent made by his own creation, but by the fall of mankind and free will. DRESS AND APPEARANCE Our approach to standards for dress and appearance seeks to honor biblical principles of modesty as humility expressed in dress and to provide general guidelines appropriate for a Christ-centered educational institution. Its obviously not an awesome college to go to if you dont want rules, but its not NEARLY as strict as 90 percent of the christian colleges out there. It really sucks that you went to such an awful college. I would love to have continued healthy dialogue about issues such as these, but in person. Perhaps they are harmless. Would you consider keeping Cedarville dry but not trying to control students during breaks a reasonable middle ground, or is it more of a all-or-nothing for you? God bless. I forget to mention the school name Christian 1 Corinthians 8:8 argues, Food will not commend us to God. Secondly, it promulgates the idea that women's bodies are shameful and ought to be covered up. Shoes should be worn in academic buildings, chapel, and the dining hall at all times. According to the student handbook, "Nearly 70% of our undergraduates are under the legal drinking age. You should research before you post something. Clearly, the answer to (b) will depend on the answer to (a). and everyone is a sinner, but it is much better to have standards (standing for something morally Probably just pray around the clock and go to church (:::sarcasm face::: so fun!!! Cedarville police were called to the Stevens Student Center Tuesday morning after a 911 caller reported that a male student had been stabbed. Oddly left out are West Point Academy, Air Force Academy and other military schools. 5:18; 1 Tim. Because I want to go to Asbury. Do you think Id have argued about a college? Davenport. These are CHRISTIAN colleges: did you expect them to accept homosexuality, occultism, and premarital sex? Graduating 74% of students, Cedarville alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $35,200. Its not as strict as its portrayed here. go Michigan State! Cedarville does their best to preserve their image among students, and that is a precaution that I dont think is unreasonable. leftover elk tags wyoming; when did rumspringa originate; cedarville university crazy rules God tried to strike me with lightning for being there but he missed.lol jk The rigor is tough and the women are drop dead gorgeousbut bottom line, they are human and live life very similar to everyone else, they just do it in a bit of a different way. If you make it conform to Biblical principles, it will be considered politically incorrect, and will be shut down as soon as possible. Anyone caught in such a position faces discipline or dismissal. Sex that is forbidden and secretive just makes it all the more exciting. In addition, attendance at parties, clubs, casinos, restaurants, and bars is expressly prohibited except when no alcohol is present. And finally He made us to love each other and him. Like that other poster, we werent able to read the handbook until the day we arrived. I would strongly caution you to know he whom you so boldly challenge, and if you charge a holy God with unrighteousness, take note that it shall be accounted of in the day of your calamity. Wow. everybody who reads this will be without excuse when they get o the Great White Throne judgment before God. Certainly they are more strict and arbitrary in their rules than some of the schools here. INVOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWAL This is a special, non-disciplinary process used when a student appears to pose a significant risk to self or to others, or when that students behavior infringes on the rights or educational process of others. I know that not all Christian colleges and universities are this strict and can be good. Or would he rather you come to him of your own free will and respect him because you want to not because you have to. Im not talking about breaking these rules, Im talking about snobishly being on the look for anyone that might be breaking these rules and falesly accusing them. If you tell your kids what smoking does to their lungs, they wont even *want* to smoke. In conclusion, I dont think that students are better off if they go to these schools, and I would not encourage anyone to do so. So sorry for everyone you had contact with. Some are grounds for immediate expulsion, while others build up over time before a student can be dismissed. I assure you, not all Christian are like that. Often parents make that choice, not the students. Official MBA partner of The Economist. L, 8-10. Bob Jones University requires all students to attend regular church, Sunday school, society, Bible conferences, artist series programs, and vespers services on campus, though not necessarily in a single week. Extremely vulgar!!! OR a girl from State college,, who has photos of herself posted , throwign up drunk in a men`s bathroom, has slept with numerous other men, a couple of abortions behind her, and had sex with strangers on spring break because she was drunk and had to take penecilin afterward, then had to lie to her future husband about it all mmmm i`lll take the girl from the christian college,, thanks. NOTE: This is not a comprehensive argument for changing the alcohol policy at Cedarville and more articles will likely be posted in relation to this subject to review Biblical principles in depth. You might want to take a closer look at everything that was going on at the time. (If you do not understand that quote.) However, this article doesnt actually say that these schools are bad just that they are very strict, which they are. They rally behind the 10 Commandments, but when asked about their own practices, they quickly throw up the New Testament. People can have jobs with alcohol or tobacco. The rule is to err on the side of caution in wisdom. I totally agree. you know, just as there are Christians who behave badly, there are secular women who have higher standards. The second problem is that Cedarville seems oblivious to the fact that the same thing has happened at Cedarville. Located in Cedarville, Ohio, Cedarville University is a mid-size four year private college offering both undergrad and graduate programs. The admission office refused to release the student handbook until one signed on the dotted line, feet on campus for semester orientation and parents away from campus. It is based on a set of core values and the Cedarville Covenant which shape each students experience at Cedarville University. Again, some book says so doesnt provide a justification of anything. Cedarville University is intentional about creating a Christ-centered community, rigorous in our pursuit of scholarship, and balanced in our approach to Christian lifestyle. 1 Corinthians 9:4 says, Do we not have the right to eat and drink? Paul goes on to argue that we should not do so if it would cause a stumbling block to other believers. Here are just four, from least to most problematic: Information Technology. Students are allowed in each others hall lobbies at any time during the week until midnight, and students of the opposite sex are allowed in each others rooms on Fridays, again until midnight. I cant believe you missed out on Bob Jones U finally lifting their ban on interracial dating JUST ten years ago. As we know from history, prohibition massively failed. Her brothers asked her how she could live with all the rules. degree, but never got it. If you are a student at Cedarville, you know that the university resides in the historically dry town of Cedarville, OH. For this, I say thank you. Getting drunk is still a sin. Everyone should look at the evidence presented and formulate their own personal opinion of the matter. i really hope if youre not saved that this eats away at your consciene soo much that you cant live like that anymore and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus ChristJohn 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should NOT perish, but have everlasting lifeso it doesnt matter who you are, what youve done or whatever you case is, God wants to and will save you if you only call on His name. Most of the punishment is reserved for any involving impropriety, however. She told me that I was uncapable of loving because i had not experienced Gods Love. How rude of her to think she knows my life and that I had not experienced Gods love! Court documents are revealing new details about a stabbing that sent a Cedarville University student to the hospital this week. The reality is this: laws cannot change hearts and minds. God didnt make us to reject each other. Obviously, dishonest or disruptive remains heavily discouraged as it does even in public schools. Women have to wear a dress or skirt and hose most of the time. While most schools understandably discourage nationally illegal activities involving drugs or underage drinking, Pensacola Christian College outlaws perfectly legal ones such as gambling, possession of pornography, dancing, swearing, smoking tobacco, and even patronizing movie theatres. I agree strongly with Tara. The school works to develop what God has put into someone, unlike schools like the Ohio State University, which declared to my entering class their goal to fail you in your first year. Thursday nights require a 10:00 PM return time because of devotionals. Possessing legal pornography, light to moderate drinking (even non-alcoholic versions of beer or cocktails), gambling, premarital or extramarital sex (regardless of whether or not the latter take place within an open relationship), dressing immodestly, supporting or practicing religious beliefs in line with the occult (with the lines of what constitutes such practices never explicitly stated), using profanity, tobacco, engaging in or supporting homosexuality, and having or supporting abortions are also very much in violation of the schools strict moral guidelines.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.